I've been playing Reach for a week now, but I've noticed that no matter what name I use, it says 'This name is inappropriate' or whatever and changes it to 'Blam!' whenever I'm online. I've tried a number of names, none of which could be considered 'Inappropriate'. What the heck?!
It's a glitch. It happened to one of my maps. I loaded a saved version, went in, changed some stuff, and tried to save, but it made me save as a new map name, and kept saying 'Invalid' This game sure is buggy.
My guess is that there is a word filter imposed on map and gametype names. I'm pretty sure that "ass" is on that list of words meaning that it cannot appear at all in any saved name. Not sure about why Invasion was blammed.
Ah, that makes sense. But yeah, I have no idea why Invasion would be Blammed. They let me have 'Invasion' in my Gametype's name. Maybe it's 'Island' that's supposedly 'inappropriate' and is getting the name Blammed? I dunno. Maybe it's a glitch, because I don't remember Halo 3 being this strict >.< Before the only time a name got Blammed for me was when it was the last Bungie Day and I took a short little video to remind me of the awesome Halo 3 flames and I named it 'Bungie day flame' (which I just changed to 'Mah flaming helmet')
Happened to me with a joke map me a couple of friends made. I named it "Forts" (because we each made a fort up in the quarry and one in the coliseum, and it's name is now permanently blammed. I've disected the word "forts" as much as possible, and I can't find anything wrong with it.
forts=farts? So many of my map and gametype names have been blam!ed by bungie that I just don't bother using anything but numbers most of the time. I think they just do it randomly, like TSA's random checks on people, and hope that some of the names are actually bad. Sometimes each individual word is ok but whatever combination I used is bad.
Perhaps the Blam! stays with a map if it has ever received a Blam! Try saving as new map, may fix the problem.
The word epic is classed as rude Bungie thinks ¬.¬ They need to fix this. They are blocking words that are in the damn english dictionary :S
pen island? I think bungie is being anal retentive And I need to find new friends who don't make jokes like that.
The word 'Bungie' isn't allowed on xbox live :/. I suggest that you check the description too, it goes funny sometimes.
many things related to the game arent allowed for me either, like covenant or forerunner. or ONI, or UNSC
Bungie's trolling us. "Hahaha, they'll get so butthurt when we block 'basement dweller' and leave 'cream her til it leaks' uncensored! Ha!"