
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Midst, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Midst

    Midst Ancient
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    This map is a symmetrical competitive map made to be used for MLG gametypes. It playable with both CTF and Oddball gametypes as well as Team Slayer. No KOTH until bungie releases a patch.

    Shallows v3 -

    Weapons on Map:
    2 Snipers
    2 Needle rifles
    1 Rockets
    4 DMR
    2 Magnums
    4 Plasma Grenades
    4 Frag Grenades

    There's 2 sets of teleporters. One set from back of the base to L/R Middle. The other set goes from Top L/R middle to the back of either base.

    The spawns need some work, as I don't completely understand reach's spawn system yet. If someone could have a look and tell me what needs to be done, that would be great.



    Blue Flag

    Red Flag

    Blue Fins/Sails

    Red Fins/Sails

    Top Mid/OS/Ball Spawn

    Bottom Mid/Rocket Spawn

    Red 1/Red Needles

    Red 2/Red Snipe

    Blue 1/Blue Needles

    Blue2/Blue Snipe

    You'll see that on the Red/Blue 1 and 2, the towers have the correct number of antennae to distinguish the two towers for each colour. There's a few more call outs to add but IDK what they could be labeled as so far.

    I know there needs to be a bit more cover in some areas, but the biggest problem is placing it tactfully. The best thing about the map is the line of sight. I don't want to ruin it by chucking the wrong pieces in terrible positions. This is where feedback comes into it.

    Video - YouTube - Shallows

    Please download and give feedback. I really think this map is good enough to be on the circuit.
    #1 Midst, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY - no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting.

    Thread title changed.
  3. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
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    Not to sound mean, but I don't think anybody want's to play on a catwalk for the majority of the map.
  4. Midst

    Midst Ancient
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    Nah that's cool. That's you opinion. I'm not going to say it's wrong. Have you tryed it out? I'm actually looking for tips to make the gameplay better. The design itself has nothing wrong with it. It is perfect for MLG competitive gaming.

    Just looking for feedback from people who have actually run a few games on it or are willing to run games on it.
  5. Orange Calx

    Orange Calx Forerunner

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    I think what he means is that it really doesn't have much to it. Sure, MLG is usually about playing in a circuit but it is rather static and monotonous from a purely standard gameplay perspective. There are lots of arena MLG maps, you need to make it more unique.

    Not being a troll, just giving criticism.
  6. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    Will give it a download Midst, and try it out.
  7. Midst

    Midst Ancient
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    Yeah I understand. I couldn't care what a map looks like, as longas the gameplay is good. For what I designed it for (MLG), it works amazingly IMO.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this section is for competitive maps? If there are any MLG players on here, take a look. It plays really well.
  8. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    I'm not a hardcore MLG player, but I will give it a download and play with a few of my friends who are hardcore MLG players. From the pictures, I like the look and layout, but those outside platforms on the North and South (I think) I don't like. I don't know why, I just don't like the look of them.

    If you want some help with spawn placements and settings, I'd be more than happy to help. When I first started doing spawns, I didn't understand it, but I've got some experience adding spawns now. We just have to make sure is the same on each side. (Messed that up on v.2 of my map. >.< )
  9. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    This is basically just catwalks connecting towers.
    There is no real "hopping" (= fun clever jumps) opportunities in here.

    Gameplay is also needlessly slow due to having to go around all the catwalks. And yes I tested it.
  10. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Did you try jetpacking around or sprint jumping between catwalks? I did, and it made moving through the map much quicker. Hell, you can regular jump from the Diagonal Bridges near the North/South platforms into the bases.
  11. Midst

    Midst Ancient
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    Thanks man. Let me know how you go. I fixed my issues with spawns, but there may be an issue in TS (maybe just need more spawn points)

    The parts on are teles to top mid. An alternate route from walking all the way up the ramp, they also add movement across the map as opposed to just following the snake runs between towers.

    I know you're not having a go, I'm just explaining the reason for that part of the map :)
  12. Proulxski

    Proulxski Forerunner

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    Looks pretty cool man, dl'ing it now. B4 playing it I must say one thing though, it looks pretty open. Like anyone on those catwalks could be mowed down. Thats the only flaw, but I'll let you know once I try it out!
  13. Midst

    Midst Ancient
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    This ^^. When used with the MLG ruleset, the things you listed aren't even problems at all. There are plenty of small jumps you can do to move around the map as well. E.G. jumping on the ledges on the magnum side of the tunnels.

    I was thinking maybe add some cover bottom middle when you come out of the teleporter, maybe not make it a striaght face to face battle between players going for rockets?

    It's definitely a detrimental fight to determine early map control. Thoughts?
  14. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    I tried playing a FFA game on it and didn't spawn in the map...
  15. Midst

    Midst Ancient
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    that seems weird, were you in the custom or forge lobby? We've run FFA's and nobody was spawning outside :s
  16. KurttyMilk

    KurttyMilk Forerunner

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    I think there's an MLG section for maps, too! Also, it's a decent map. I played at a lan with about 4 people before Jw referred me. Pretty cool for slayer

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