Remake Chiron TL-35 (Chiron TL-34)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Calhanol, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Nova SFX version: Download now

    Chiron TL-35
    "A facility used by Spartans to train for fights, on Covenant ships. Not the janitor`s closet." If you get that joke I applaud you.
    Update @ 24-18-09 22:30pm GMT
    * Added back Juicy SFX version of map as main version.
    * Keeping both versions Available for the time being.
    Update @ 24-18-09 2:30pm GMT
    * Changed SFX to Nova.

    Hello. I'm Calhanol. a newbie to the site but I've had some forging experience in Halo 3 and attempted to remake this map, though it didn't come out as I wanted, this time though it's a different story.

    This is a attempted remake of the classic Chiron TL-34 with all 9 rooms, all linked together, via either teleporters, shield walls. or grav lifts, due to the lack of teleporters available on forge. I've made so it's a close to possible remake with all weapon placement and spawn times are as close as the same as the original. And the hill placements (Like in King of the Hill) Are the same, as well as re spawn positions. Some areas of the map aren't perfect or are a little to big in places, but I've tried to Fix that as best as I can and I believe I did a good job on it.

    I made it support all game types apart from invasion and racing. Though could support some custom gametypes, possibly. And infection is played when the facility is shut down/dark and it's dark in there so be warned! And it can support 16 players. (If you want all kinds of Chaos in the tight corners)

    Okay you've reach a small wall of text. Here's the a few screenshots to show you the map in question.

    Note: This is shown using the original Juicy SFX, Nova version is much brighter.
    This is where blue team spawn and their main room. it's the highest place in the map and the only way I could link the back way was with a man cannon lift and a drop beside it with a soft landing (as best as possible) and I split with a wall so you don't go back up by accident.

    Red Team's base and flag area with the shotgun up above.

    The centre area where the Overshield spawn and contains plasma pistols in every entrance, though have some hiding places the gaps in the walls means that grenades can be thrown though, if in the right angle, and people can shoot through.

    This corridor's upper floor is a great place to surprise the unwary and unfortunate though is known for another thing.
    That good old slope.

    There's a grav lift at the bottom to help you reach the top that replaces the ladder that was there. And the bridge that leads to the top of red base.

    Is that a rocket launcher I spy?

    I know that corner all to well.

    up up we go!

    The last room and connected to blue base via the man cannon.

    Okay I hope you like how it looks. I know it's not perfect scale but we could need some Chiron back. And we have it now. Hope you enjoy the map and tell me what you think of it.
    #1 Calhanol, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  2. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is pure awesomeness.

    Only problem is the colors.

    They make it impossible to see. I went in and made a version with no filters for gameplay.

    Also made a disco colored one... just for fun.

    Nova also works well on this map for effects. But the standard? Nuh-uh.


    Forgot to mention, the map itself is really well made. Pretty perfect. Little changes, but good enough to pass as a remake. I'm going to be playing this a bit.
    #2 redearth, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  3. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Thanks for the advice, I'll change it about and fix that see what you guys think of it. Thanks for the response. And some of the changes can't be helped. (Like the doorways) Due to the recourse available. And the fact I had redone the map like 10 times. (Made the rocket platform in blue base at one point.) And the sizes aren't prefect I used a map supplied by halo wiki and screen shots to try and get it the best look it could.

    Edit: Made a brighter version of the map now. Using nova. (and purple too on infection games). Also if anyone can tell me how to update maps without deleting them from file share, it'd be much appreciated.
    #3 Calhanol, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  4. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm pretty sure you can't update.
  5. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Heh okay. It's just it's a pain to delete and replace the older file with a newer version. Just saying it. Though I don't mind. There's no harm in asking just to be sure I'm not doing anything wrong. Anyway I'll update the screenshots soon to match the current appearance/lightning.
  6. Memento

    Memento Forerunner

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    I actually had no problem with the lighting. We played some really solid 5v5 on this last night, very enjoyable. If I'm playing Chiron in Halo 1, I'm playing it to play Chiron in Halo 1. If I'm playing it in Reach, I'm playing a version that should be made for Reach. As such, I'm a huge fan of all the little differences and changes, including the darker lighting. It's a similar decision in mapping that I could see Bungie making, changing the ambient feel of the map while keeping the actual layout very similar. With the lighting darker, you seem to instinctively play the map more carefully and methodically.

    On a related note, the Man Cannon loop is probably my favorite section of the map. Where you had to place shield doors instead of teleporters, I actually thought they made the map much more understandable to the few people in the game that hadn't played the map in Halo 1, and we had a lot of interesting encounters at the doors in general.

    Overall, I really like what you've done. You remade a map but still gave it a lot of your own creativity.
  7. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    I'm thinking about making a alternate version Called "Chiron TL-35 (Darker)" then people can decide if they want a brighter or darker map. Then people can choose what they prefer. And yeah I liked the Man Cannon loop was a fun part of the map to make and try out since I had so little room, no extra teleporters to make it so I built up and it can to be like that spent about 20 minutes just "testing" it.
    #7 Calhanol, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  8. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map is very well constructed, but it's the bright colors that really caught my attention. I wouldn't change it. If you make it darker it will dull the aesthetics of the map.
  9. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Do you mean the newer version? Also I was planning to keep both versions and have them both available so people can decide.
  10. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What did you use in the pictures, Juicy?
  11. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Yes it's Juicy, I changed it to be too bright compared to that. So I'm saving a newer Original and having the bright version link below.

    Edit: Got both versions up now
    #11 Calhanol, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  12. Alanim

    Alanim Forerunner

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    Just a tip, so you can make a PERFECT succesor of the map, place a sender and a reciever together and you can easily make a two way node, meaning you won't have to modify the map, at all!
  13. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map man love it was looking for a good version of this map forever none really up to my standard till this 1 thanks man
  14. Phoenix117 UK

    Phoenix117 UK Forerunner

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    Great remake, I especially like the lifts you made by using one way shield doors and a grav lift, very smooth. I like the FX too, namely the version without Nova.

    Probably my favourite remake map so far alongside Salvation.
  15. Highlaw

    Highlaw Forerunner

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    Never liked this map, but it's an awesome remake, really creative and smooth too :)
  16. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    When I was on forge and it the Sender and receiver node limit was linked to the two-way ones. So you can, unlike in Halo 3, use more than 8 on a map. So it's impossible for the time being hence why I connected it all like it currently is.

    And I'm glad you all like it, since it was my second true attempt at making a map, the first is Archmage(Wizard/Warlock Remake) which I plan to put up after I do I few more additions to it.

    Also plan to do a Boarding Action remake from Halo:CE too once I figure out it's layout.
  17. CMYKnight

    CMYKnight Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wait, the entire map is connected? No teleporters at all?
  18. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Incorrect, I use 8 teleporters, (The forge's limit) so it's not all connected truly (meaning not it's all doorways), it's virtually impossible with the design or the rooms and layout of the map. But all the maps ARE physically connected because of the lack of teleporters. And have shield walls/doors instead to separate each room, plus the lift. hope that clarifies it.

    You read the post wrong, because I used 8 Two-Way teleports. The maximum I could use. but the receive and send ones are linked into that same limit pool, so I can have only 8 of either of them in total and nothing more. And I used the maximum I could to achieve what I wanted through forge.
    #18 Calhanol, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  19. CMYKnight

    CMYKnight Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, I forgot about the teleporters in the pictures and panicked for a second. I have to say it looks beautiful in the pictures and I have it queued for DL, but could you make an overhead shot?
  20. Calhanol

    Calhanol Forerunner

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    Can't really do a overhead shot of the rooms, they have roofs and are indoors and look a complete mess on the outside to be honest. I may give it a shot sometimes though not 100% sure.
    #20 Calhanol, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010

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