Halo Reach Storyline Opinions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jrcane4455, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    The following thread is your supposed to be your opinion on the Campaign mode i will state mine as a basis for what is hopefully to become a popular thread.


    Halo general story line before reading book: This superbly fits into the Halo GAMES story line because it Halo Reach tends to stray away from the points that may conflict with the rest of the games.

    Halo general story line after reading the book Halo Fall of Reach: This may be where Bungie messed up in the biggest way in all of the Halo story. Starting with the ending, in the Halo Reach ending the Pillar of Autumn is in drydock on Reach and Cortana is not on board yet, and in the book 25 of the 28 remaining Spartan IIs are on the Pillar along with Cortana. And when they are about to embarkk on their journey to Halo the covenant show up on Reach and the Pillar of Autumn takes part in the ensuing battle. This has many problems:

    1 Jorge: He is never mentioned in any Halo books and also if he was a Spartan II like I interpreted he was then he never would've been a part of a team of all Spartan IIIs

    2 Cortana: In the game she is in Halseys lab when she picks the cheif (same in the book), but in the book she is delivered to the Autumn prior to its takeoff into orbit with the Spartans so she can monitor the new Reactor (before the Covenant invade). In the Game the covenant have been on Reach for a while before she is taken to the Autumn.

    3 Covenants ground operations motives: In the books the Covenant would only go planet side when they seeked artifacts of interest, and also they only went to ground on Reach to take the generators for the Super MAC guns offline, and in the games for some reason they decided to just besiege random places like New Alexandria when they could've just glassed it off the bat.
    #1 Jrcane4455, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Sigh, first. Post in the right forum.
    Second, Bungie has stated that Reach IS NOT Halo: Fall of Reach. It is entirely a different story.
    Third, Jorge IS a SPARTAN-II. Only evidence you really need is that he is larger than the others and that he calls Dr. Halsey "Mom".
    Cortana was originally Halsey's Personal AI, if I remember correctly. So wouldn't it make more sense for her to be with Halsey, and not some ship that has no use to Halsey what-so-ever?
    This last statement you made, read it again. "In the books... But in the books..." I'll answer what I understand. How the **** should we know if we (as humans) build ontop of Forerunner artifacts. New Alexandria MAY have had a forerunner artifact under or near it. They don't JUST want that, though. They want the Human Intelligence, since they know reach is one of the largest bastion's of Humanity in the Universe.

    And I'll just throw it out again "HALO: REACH =/= HALO: THE FALL OF REACH"
  3. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    I realize it is a completely different story but sadly IT IS THE SAME EVENT, Bungie definatly did a good job of confusing Halo fans that read the book. Yes I know Jorge was Spartan II but why would he be on a team with all Spartan IIIs, I mean for starters most Spartan IIs had never even seen or heard of a Spartan III before, and there is no reason for Spartan IIIs to be on Reach BEFORE the Covenant attacked it because of the 100+ ships guarding Reach they certainly wouldn't be stationed on one of those ships because Spartans were never widely used on Defensive Deployments. Also according to the book: Fall of Reach, The only Spartans known to be sent down to the Planet were Spartan IIs defending the Super MAC gun generators and enacting Cole protocol. So how in the hell would Jorge be in team of Spartan IIIs if all Spartan IIs close to Reach were based on the Autumn just before the covenant showed up, and after watching the Deliver hope tailer you see Jorge in that, and according to Bungie that trailer is not supposed to of taken place on Reach.
  4. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Sorry that this is incredibly offtopic, but he says ma'am, not mom. Turn on subs if you don't believe me. I honestly wish Bungie should have followed the book. But it does make fans want to read it, without being spoiled! I think Bungie wanted the book to be recognized.
  5. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    What you just said would make sense but it seems they would wanna keep the book on the down low because the more people that read it, the more people will question which story of Reach is true. I personally would've loved for the true story to follow the book and not the game too.
  6. mrgregsux

    mrgregsux Ancient
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    He calls her Ma'am not Mum, his accent just obscures it.

    Ma'am is a shortening of Madam which is generally used in regards to high ranking woman in authority particularly the police and military.

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