This is my latest map, Lagoon. It has currently been set up for the following gametypes: Headhunter, King of the Hill, One Flag, Neutral Flag, Multi-Flag, One Bomb, Neutral Assault, Assault, Team Slayer, Slayer, Oddball and Stockpile. Hope you guys like it. The Lagoon Electro-Fence + Gatehouse
Even though I don't think there's much more to show, I'd still like to see some more pictures, because from what I can see, it looks really interesting. I think I see either a cave or an alcove in the back wall of the top picture.
Correct, it's a tunnel leading into the back of the complex you can see in the second picture. There's a teleporter in the lagoon area too that connects to the opposite side of the complex that the tunnel connects to. The complex consists of 4 main areas. 2 Small-ish rooms about 10x5 in dimensions, then theres a medium sized room about 20x10 in dimensions and a large room 30x20ish. 3 of the 4 rooms have connecting walkways above. Other than that, you'll have to help me test. The map is a lot larger than it appears.
If you want more people for testing, I would love to help out. This map looks like it could be really fun based on the pictures and your short additional description.
I'd love to help test; I'm good for the rest of the week/weekend if you want to send me an invite My GT is XxSpyyx
This looks really cool. May I suggest however, if you already haven't, add some aesthetic pieces behind the shield doors. In the end it really builds the atmosphere. From what I can see so far this looks really good. I'd love to test.
It looks like you're a pro at forging with rocks, whenever I forge with rocks they look like: 'A giant peice of crap' - Multiple friends I like how you've forged it in one of the spaces that you'd least expect people to forge in. I'll definately give this map a go (when it's posted).