Top Flight 2

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Deckx, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Deckx

    Deckx Ancient
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  2. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    Hey man it looks cool.
    Nice scenery and stuff, and it looks like a really smooth race.

    You know what i find funny.
    I haven't seen many maps that start their race in a other are than where the start when you start up forge in ''basic editing'' Because you always spawn in that chamber and people start forging their Race track form there right away.

    I only think this map needed a little bit more: ''nature''.
    I'm just not a big fan, that forge a map that only contains forge items, and doesn't use the scenery around them, that, what is the Forge World (The cliff, wall, Blood gulch area, The island etc.....)
  3. DracoStraybyrn

    DracoStraybyrn Ancient
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    It's a skytrack bro. He used seastacks, what more do you want? The track looks pretty well forged and it seems like there's a lot of attention to detail.

    I especially like that teleporter and its little area that you showed at the end, that was pretty cool.

    I'm a little wary about the kill ball though... they were an issue in Halo 3 and I'm worried about how they will play out in Reach.

    Got my download for sure, though.
  4. Deckx

    Deckx Ancient
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    Thanks for your reviews!

    I really agree with you about the abundance of tracks and maps that take place or start in the chamber. Though I'm hopeful that others will or are already working on tracks that don't take place at that spawn.
    I realized that after the track was essentially complete so there wasn't really anything I could do.

    For some reason I couldn't figure out how to get those covenant turrets to spawn in the race gametype :mad: . I had placed two at the very top so you could shoot down at racers ^_^
  5. jbarron402

    jbarron402 Ancient
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    The map looks really good. Some of the areas of the map from the video looked a little rough, but not a big deal. The only downside I see from holding a race on here is that you used the entrance ramp as the exit ramp as well. People are going to intentionally knock off racer there, making this not a competitive race track. But I really like the forging and creativeness.
  6. theetechkid

    theetechkid Forerunner
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    May i ask how you embedded that youtube video i cant figure it out for the life of me. And by the way an awesome map definitely like the rock tunnel, keep up the good work.

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