Battle of Minas Tirith

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Seidule, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Seidule

    Seidule Forerunner

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    Pic: Minas Tirith

    Assault. Minas Tirith. Map comes complete with siege for the assaulting team. The siege unleashed a rain of fusion coils onto the city without regard. The banshees are provided to attacking team to emulate the ringwraiths, and a wraith provides the attacking team with controlled siege. There are multiple ways to enter Minas Tirith, including the tunnels, the walls, or if you're bold, the front door.

    Although this map is aesthetic, it is completely playable. I recommend ONE BOMB assault.

    Pic: Another angle, from the sky.
    #1 Seidule, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  2. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Seems like you have aesthetic confused with casual. Read the descriptions for each thread. Also Minas Tirith's center rock formation does not slope up. Props for remaking it, but don't be surprized to see another Minas Tirith in the future =]
  3. Seidule

    Seidule Forerunner

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    The angle makes it look like it slopes up. It's actually flat, with a surface on top so one can go to the end of it.


    Also, I don't believe I am confused about casual/aesthetic:

    "Submissions usually recreate scenes or objects from everyday life or works of fiction."

    If you have a reason why you'd say that, I'd love to know. Otherwise, thank you for the feedback!
    #3 Seidule, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
  4. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Your criticism makes no sense. Of course there will be another "Minas Tirith" in the future, but as of now, this is the only one, yet you're already comparing it. Umm.
  5. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Tycho, you were PM'd with my response.
    As for this map post. Now since you have posted more than one picture, people will get a better idea of the quality of the map. Because of this, your map will get more downloads. In the future consider posting multiple angles of your map.
    Looks good.
  6. Seidule

    Seidule Forerunner

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    I'm not posting for numbers, just to share. D/L if it's your thing, move along if not.

    Still don't see why you consider this not to be an aesthetic map though.
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    The map is great and it does look pretty good. I have no idea what Minas Tirith is so I cannot validate the authenticates of this map but it looks amazing. And to solve the Aesthetic/casual problemo, was this made for a specific game or was this map just made for the looks and familiarity and the gametype being optional?
  8. Seidule

    Seidule Forerunner

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    Minas Tirith is featured in the book "Return of the King", and also in the movie of the same name - part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. When I approached this project, assault was on my mind, so that allowed me to create the aesthetics with more than one way in. If I hadn't, there probably just would have been the front door and nothing else. Since I made it while having assault on the mind, I added tunnels, etc.

    Overall, aesthetics were #1, to pay proper homage to LOTR. Assault #2, to give my LAN group a reason to play it other than team slayer.

    Thank you all for the feedback thus far, I appreciate it.
  9. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aesthetics look great. The map is really well designed, though it need to be a little bigger, I think, so that people can play it right.

    I had been thinking about making a map with Helm's Deep, but Minas Tirith didn't occur to me. Do you mind me using your map as a basic layout for an Invasion map? I want to make an Invasion map that fully stretches the limits of the Forge and Invasion. You can help me if you want to.
  10. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is seriously nice. The stone arch looks amazing and the fusion coil launcher works really well. The filter gives it a really badass look too. Best of all though, it seems as though you've really thought about how it's laid out.

  11. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Forerunner

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    Its a great map and i dl it we will c more in future yes PERIOD
  12. seanfunke

    seanfunke Forerunner

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    great map. really love the authenticty downloaded it couple days ago but didnt have time to post. thanks for keeping LOTR alive!!!
  13. Polaris 18

    Polaris 18 Forerunner

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    can you maybe make it a little bit bigger as this looks like a small map and minas tirith was HUGE, and maybe make some ork seige stuff
  14. Seidule

    Seidule Forerunner

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    The moment bungie increases the size of Forge World and creates an unlimited budget, I absolutely will! No budget leftover in this map, to create functionality as a playable map. It's like edible art. Not just to look at! :)
  15. VitricTyro

    VitricTyro Forerunner

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    Just wanted to say, I played this with five friends, and we had a lot of fun. It seems like it'd be awesome as a 5v5.

    One thing I noticed though, and it may be that I have an older version of the map, but there was a hole in the flooring on one of the upper levels, and going in led me to be trapped, requiring suicide. As I said, it may be that I have an earlier version, and the problem may have been fixed. Other than that, great aesthetic map, and fun to play!

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