I hate reach.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LOL zombie, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Not sure what your frustrations are with FFA, it's like that in any Shooter. Someone will always come around and steal your kill and get the point for it every now and then, that's one part of playing FFA. Just adjust to it, most everyone in Reach MM right now is god awful so I'm having no trouble at all topping the scoreboard every game.
  2. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Would you like a cookie?
    What I'm saying is it seems to be worse in this game. Beats me why, but if you're saying it is the same in every FPS, why do I do so well in Call of duty and H3?
  3. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Logic flaw is flawed. The grenade doesn't divide up the damage it deals. Its not like if it takes down half the health of one person it takes down a quarter of 2 people. It will take half of both. Your friend was simply lucky that all the enemies were bunched together. That's not the grenades being insanely powerful.
    Note, the grenades are powerful, but they ARE grenades...
  4. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Where did I say that grenades split damage?
    Grenades should NOT be that powerful is what I'm trying to say.
  5. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    You didn't, but the only way you could logically back up the fact that your friend got 5 kills with 2 grenades means they are over powered is if they did split damage.
    Because in reality, a kill with grenades is not different from 2,3,4, or 5 kills with the same amount of grenades. It just means more enemies were in the area.
  6. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It does means more enemies were in the area...
    I'm sorry, but you're just not making sense to me...
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Do I really need to answer that? Because the health system in CoD for crying out loud. Obviously you don't need to 'weaken someone up' before you kill them, but that doesn't make it a good thing. That just means CoD takes less skill to be able to drain someone's shield and then kill them.
  8. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Your logic is flawed my friend. You fail to realize what he is saying. It is understood that his friend got a killtacular with two grenades but given it was in the same area, they would usually have to be within melee distance of them all in order to kill them. Never did he say anything about the damage splitting proportionally throughout a group, nor did he ever suggest. He said that they were overpowering which is still a valid argument. For me personally, I can't throw the damned things -- they don't drop like the ones in the previous games but it just takes some time to get used to them I guess.

    Although, it may have not been the smartest to come here to complain about Reach, on a Halo fan-boy forum but since he was loyal, in more respects than just a title, I can see why he came back.

    To all of you who say that Forge is a reason alone to buy Reach are wrong, if you have an awesome map to compliment shitty gameplay, the gameplay will probably still be shitty. I like Reach in terms of a lot of the concepts, but it lacks in other palces. I am waiting patiently for a possible Title Update. I got a spawn killtacular for Christ sakes in SWAT. On the same exact spawn. It's ridiculous.

    I'm not trying to agree or disagree with anybody but I can definitely relate to both sides of the argument and I absolutely hate the DMR now. Not because of the reticule bloom, nor it's single-fire but rather how it relies more on connection. Even more so then the BR it seems. I understand that the bloom was supposed to fix that but ideally, if I am not zoomed in, it sprays. If I get hit, it goes out zoom. If I fire too fast, it sprays. Inevitably, it relies on where the host says where you are, rather than where you actually are. By then, it has sprayed so much that I get him no-shields and somebody steals my kill or I lose the battle itself. Keep in mind: I'm not saying I'm "MULJ PRO" or anything of the latter, and I do miss on my account a lot, but it gets kind of terrible when it relies so heavily on so many differing factors. All of which, in effect, at the same time.
    #28 Furry x Furry, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Umm I get a lot less frustrated playing Reach MM than I did Halo 3.
    Even if you flat out lose in Reach you still get rewarded for it which makes losing not such a big deal.

    In Halo 3 I was always worried about losing rank and skill and blah blah blah.
    Reach simple wanted to focus more on the fun factor in my opinion.
    Standard MM is not built for people worried about skill.
    That's what the arena is for.

    I'm enjoying Reach fully.
    It's is the best Halo to date.
    It's little flaws are greatly overshadowed by it's enjoyability.
    Something that every COD game lacks.
  10. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    You failed to logically prove that his friend getting a killtacular backs up his point that grenades are overpowered. That is his logical error, that his friend getting a killtacular means grenades are overpowered. Grenades may seem overpowered, but not because you can get a killtacular with 2 grenades. The only way this *would* make logical sense, was *if* grenades split damage proportionally throughout the group. They don't, which means any level of a multikill is a pointless support. It could've been a killionaire and it would only mean there were 10 enemies really close. It would not mean the grenades are overpowered. There is no connection between the multikills and grenade power. You could get a killtacular with really weak grenades as well- it would simply mean that there were a bunch of weaken enemies together.

    In fact, your post has no logic. You say I have a logical error, but simply go on to state that his general point is valid. His general point is valid. His support is illogical. That is what I'm saying. I also said (as emphasized in a perhaps clearer way above), that the only way that support would work would be *if* grenade damage was split. I agree that grenades definitely seem a bit overpowered- especially in Halo where they are so readily available. But a multikill does not support the point.

    Let me explain it this way: LOL zombie stated grenades are over powered, and then stated his friend got a killtac with only 2 grenades. This highly suggests he thinks the killtac supports that grenades are over powered. It in fact has nothing to do with them being overpowered, but only with the proximity of the enemies.

    Hopefully that's clearer.
  11. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I don't enjoy it as much as the other Halos to be honest but I am not going to ditch all my friends for a previous game with a broken system. Arena is also broken though, you have to realize that. It is just as full of campers as Call of Duty unfortunately. However, I love playing non-ranked competitive matches though, because of the fact that they're more competitive than arena. Which is just saaaaaaaaaad.

    EDIT: GoodOldChurch, it's an opinion statement, there is no logic behind it. Therefore, he has a valid argument. It's more of a debate, rather than one side being right or wrong.
    #31 Furry x Furry, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  12. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Opinions must be backed up. And this one indeed has no logic behind it. A very logical arguement could be made: grenades kill much easier then in Halo 3, and they are just as plentiful. But a multikill is not a valid support as by the nature of grenades they mean nothing. That's all I was really saying.

    But anyway, I personally find the multiplayer much more enjoyable than any other Halo so I'm good with it.
  13. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    A personal view, attitude, or appraisal. Learn this meaning.


    I haven't really played enough multiplayer to give a full accurate description of my experience with it. But as of now it's kind of... meh.

    The long range shooting is annoying, but this could be because of the lack of... close-midrange weapons?

    The CQC (Melee) is a bit bullshit at times, but for the most part is ok.

    I kinda give the multiplayer a 3.5/5 right now... This is of course, subject to change right now.
  14. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Should I have said if they are to taken seriously?
    An opinion has no value if you can't explain why you have that opinion, even if you blame it on pure intuition that's better then just stating it (as well as being honest about why you have it).

    Honestly I haven't had much problems with melee so far. The reach seems shorter then it was in Halo 3, but I haven't had people "who couldn't even see me" (to paraphrase another poster) hit me yet, I'm sure if that happens I'll be rather annoyed.
    BTW: Swat on hemorrage= stupid. Swat doesn't do well with extremely long lines of sights, Bungie.
  15. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    An opinion does not have to have fact to support it, it is an opinion. Just like your closing opinion... You say SWAT on Hemorrhage is stupid and your underlying support is that SWAT does not do well with extremely long lines of sight. Although, I personally agree, one could disagree and it would be an opinion still. Are there any facts behind your opinion?
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Oh my gosh, another bitching thread that is turning into a flame war! I wanna join!

    Like seriously guys, don't even bother posting if you are going to pull one of these. Take it private or gtfo!

    Yoyo out! :)
    #36 Jex Yoyo, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  17. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    What did you expect to happen when someone posted a thread named 'I hate reach.' on a Halo fansite?
  18. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    I enjoy reach and i feel theres only a few minor things wrong with it.

    The FileShare: quite a few people are having problems with it including me

    The Melee System: double hitting seems a bit to fast, One thing i hate is been able to block the sword which is a one hit kill.

    Connection Issues: The game keeps disconnecting constantly.

    The banning does not affect me in any way yet, but i have herd its not very popular.

    Other then these minor issues i have no problem with the game what so ever its a great game and i just don't see how lots of you hate it. The DMR and Bloom affect works perfectly in the game and is a great addition to the game. The gorge needs to be fixed with the tank issue but other then that, this is a great game.
  19. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I wouldn't blame that on the game. It could be your connection.
  20. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think I'd agree. Since I've ventured out of FFA, the problems get somewhat better, but still persist.

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