Base attack is an invasion map in which the invading elites have to invade a spartan base. not as simple as it seems! Base attack has three phases: 1. the elites have to take over a wall fortified with spartans. 2.The elites have to take over a spartan base. 3.the elites have to plant a bomb in a the spartans reinforcements:a giant mech. On the beach there are 2 drop shield armour abilities, a needler rifle, a beam rifle, 2 ghosts which spawn in the second phase and a banshee which spawns in the third phase. Next to the wall are 4 jetpacks. on the wall there are 2 DMR's,a grenade launcher and a revenant which spawns in the second phase. There are 3 ways to get onto the wall: 1.jetpack up. 2.go through a secret side tunnel. or 3.go through the guard tower. In the base there are 2 DMR's, a rocket launcher and a gausshog which spawns in the third phase. In the mech there are spartan lasers and focus rifles in the eyes, Machine gun turrets and plasma turrets in the arms and backpack, and gravity hammers and concussion rifles in the legs. there are 2 ways to get in: 1.there is a man cannon going to the mouth 2. go up through the legs. please download the map and tell me what you guys think about it thanks
Looks fun. I'll download. One suggestion: give the map a climax. What I mean is an open, large scale battle for the end phase, rather than another assault the base type thing. Remember: the elites already did that twice. But It looks fun. I'll edit this post with a review later. EDIT- The map is very fun, especially for defenders. The mech is a good ending, the only problem is that it IS just another invasion map. Don't get me wrong. It's fun for what it is... but there's so many of these kinds of maps, Its hard to really praise it.
Great Great map guys! I got addicted to it for a while but i woul love to gather some more players and play it with you agian. Improvement: I still think you could neaten it up a bit, well the wall at least because its all over the place. 8/10! Really fun to play with just 4 people and i know how much troulbe you guys went through to get it working so good on you. Looking forward to your next map, Your loving friend Mike!!!!!!!...............