This is Just a video of an Assassination that has happen to me a few times in multiplayer. This game was very laggy, but this has happened to me in perfect connection matches. YouTube - Halo Reach Assassination Fail Has anyone had the same problem?
****ing lol'd. Never happened to me, but I've seen many videos of perfect connections games where someone doesn't get killed.
Lmfao. Thats the definition of FAIL. I've never seen that before, but i have seen where you assassinate a guy and your teammate dies too, so i guess it has to do with directional damage (set to like 1 foot or something?) and that lag caused you to appear more forward in the game than the person you were assassinating.
it was pretty funny and it has happend to me a few times but its nothing big to worry about, just somme random glitch that can happen every now and again. when i died it doesen't show it in the video but my sniper rifle gets thrown to the point where alaska is in forgeworld. I can't get a video of it though when the sniper launches off its real laggy and i only just spotted it in one frame heading towards alaska.
Another thing that pisses me off is when they're in front of you and somehow they somehow get an assassination
I have another video of a teammate and me playing oddball and i deploy a drop shield and it kills us both. I don't have it captured but i will post another video when i get to it. Trust me il find a heap of glitchs like these, atm i have a connection worse then dial up.
This game is very glitchy. I've also fallen, survived, walked around for a bit, and then dropped dead from laggin of the fall damage.
These both happen to me regularly, sometimes it just pisses you off and other times it can be a WTF moment