I've made a new and one of my first maps in Halo Reach. I made a box and set it to a 45 degree angle and have built a Symmetric Team based map. It supports (Only team versions of) Slayer, Assault (one sided, neutral, and two sided), CTF (Onesided, two sided, and neutral) Head hunter, Stockpile, Territories, Odball, and King of the Hill. Each Side is practically the same, side from so minor positioning. Each side has a Needler, Shotgun, Sniper (with a 65 sec respawn,) Plasma pistol and repeator, Energy sword (with a 85 second respawn, or something close) a DMR, and a Needlerifle. Could some of you guys play test this map for me? I'd like to hear how you guys like it. Thanks and Constructive criticism. Below will be some pictures of the map once they appear on my recent screenshots. DL Link: Mindbend
I can help test it, but not tonight. Probably tomorrow, or the latest being the weekend. The concept seems like it could be fun.
Since its on a forty-five degree angle, there are two "floors" that you can walk up and down. I said it was "inception" like cuz your like walking on the walls/cieling/floor and its a little confusing
It's pretty fun, but some of the ramps to the upper part of the bases are too steep. Some floating cover that you could jump to would be helpful. I want to see this fixed NOW.
That's what I thought you'd say. Check out a map called Distortion by Buddhacrane. Very much like what you just described.