I hate reach.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LOL zombie, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Honestly, I dislike it more than any game I've played in the past three years.

    Red Dead is better than this.
    I go into a game of FFA, I get probably 10+ assists, it's ridiculous. I take someones shields down all the way only to get it stolen by one pistol shot/DMR shot to the head? **** that.

    And grenades? Yes, they were super OP in beta, but they're still OP.
    My friend got a killtrocity with two grenade throws. Sure, it's some luck, but still, 5 kills in TWO grenades!? That's insane. They should not be that powerful.

    And the last thing that is really making about to drop this game completely, is the melee system. It seems that anyone can beat me down from 5 feet away, yet I press the RB when I can smell their breath, and it doesn't count. It's awesome, right?

    /end rant.
    #1 LOL zombie, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  2. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Sounds like someone needs to learn how to play FPSs better. The game is fine...yeah if you suck at FPSs your going to think the game sucks because you can't finish your kills.

    The only thing I agree with you on is the melee...I've found a few times where I seem to miss my melees yet the person who is not even looking at me gets me. Shrug...you'll get used to it though.
  3. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Its funny, you sound like a Halo to CoD convert. You can't take going back to Halo. Not to say that you are, but you sound that way.

    Its ALWAYS been 2 grenades to kill someone. The only game possible to get that much of a multikill with two nades is if they were AFC in Custom Games or Spawn Killed in Invasion. But it has ALWAYS been possible.

    Assist problem? You shouldn't base a game's quality on your poor skill. If it was in Team, then 10 assists is average, it means you're the reason the top guy on your team is top and why your team won the game.

    Possible reasons for the beatdown issues:
    The other player has host.
    Your controller has slow response.

    Please consider ways to solve your problems before blaming the game. Enjoy playing CoD and RDR with other fanboys while half the net is on Reach. ^_^
  4. areoseek

    areoseek Forerunner

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    agree 100%
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Don't hate. If you're too bad for MM, chill in some custom games with friends.
  6. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Like call of duty is any better. Halo takes place in the future. Its all science ficton. Meaning it doesn't matter if this isn't realistic or not. Its all science fiction. Now call of duty is a simulation of the war in afganistan. But yet sucked on all 4's. Nukes, Like the army is going to nuke their own men. Oh and don't get me started with the RPG. A Guy get blown up and he covers his face in pain. If you complaining about grenades, why didn't you send your complaint to Bungie during the Beta. By far Halo:Reach has its ups and downs but still is a remarkable game in all.

    Custom Games
    Armor Unlocks
    Unlimited Replay Value

    Halo:Reach may not suit you. If you don't like it go back to MW2. Besides if matchmaking is all you play, Why did you even buy the game?
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You're totally right, your inability to be good means that the game is fundamentally flawed. Quick, someone send a message to Bungie so they fix it right away.
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Bro, give it 2, weeks. You've got to have an adjustment period. There were flaws with H3 matchmaking, too.
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Someone needs to give Nemi a medal.
  10. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    What control scheme are you using... Because if you are using default i can see that hitting LB would be a problem seeing as melee is on RB.

    Sarcastic jokes aside, yeah i hate the melee system on reach too, but overall i think its a much better game than any other on the market currently.
  11. iFurness

    iFurness Forerunner

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    Nice rant /sarcasm. If it was realistic, it would probably make the grenades more powerful. I agree with the problems on meleé because the lunge is insane, but the flaws are few and far apart. Even with the flaws I still believe it to be the best big game of the year, and I doubt it'll change when CoD Black Ops shows up.

    I see where your coming from though, it can be annoying but it's an FPS, and they just generally have a habit of making some things OP. Bungie makes less of an ass of things compared to the likes of Infinity Ward or the likes.

    Your rant is flawed bro, sorry.
  12. FSC Nightmare

    FSC Nightmare Ancient
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    I do have to say that there are a few flaws with the game play a tiny bit, but every game has these problems at the beginning. It doesn't matter how many beta tests you run, you cant fully accommodate the full online experience. Please do not judge the game based upon ignorant facts and your own personal lack of skill - no offense.
  13. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    I hated Reach the first few games, but after that it was fine. It's just a matter of adjusting to the mechanics...
  14. CrossBoneDelta

    CrossBoneDelta Forerunner

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    I have to agree, but still, you can't forget about Halo 3. It's still a great game. It's probably still in the market. (Don't quote me for sure! I'm not 100%!) Halo 3's forging though is A LOT more simple and easier to configure than Reach's. It took me AT LEAST 45mins. to find out why the *bleep* I couldn't play my infection map and why something weren't spawning right. That's just my opinion.
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Ahem... Forge itself is a hella lot easier than halo3's was. Setting up gametypes on the other hand can be a bit complicated til you get the hang of it.
    And once you get the hang of it there are so so so many options to play with it makes halo3's forge stand no chance. I really dunno how you can say Reach's forge is harder.
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Reach doesn't spoon with you afterwards... that's your real reason for hating it.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Is a double negative sort of deal; You should still be ranting.
  18. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    you cant really say it sucks. You just have a few complains that bugie may fix.

    But the FFA is not ur fault but it is unfixable so you must deal with it. And it is still the same as in halo 3 for FFA.
  19. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Actually, by that logic, he never opened his rant to begin with.
  20. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    To those saying I'm bad,
    I would disagree. I'm not saying im MLG pro, but in Halo3 I could easily win (Top three spots) FFA game I played. And I usually won in first place. But there are people better than me.
    I fair fine in CoD, but I was really excited when Halo came around. I had always played the Halo's since they came out, so I'm not some new CoD -> Halo player, I just find this game to be so frustrating that it's to the point where I never want to play it anymore. I've never gotten this mad at a game. Forealz.

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