Official Reach Forge Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. Peppino

    Peppino Forerunner

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    ok so the new forge has a lot of features like rotation snaps etc but i still cant manage to get things perfectly aligned. I like my stuff neat so it'll take me longer then it should to get one wall up. I know you can edit the coordinates but its still doesn't seem to work or look right.

    any perfect ways to set things? and do you guys have any tips or tricks for anything else?
  2. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I just wish there could be an update where they add another digit to the coordinate system
  3. Magz

    Magz Ancient
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    Quick question: If I made a map and would like to post it does it matter that I have never posted in the forums?
  4. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Just read the rules and post correctly
  5. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Agreed, there are several objects that don't line up correctly, Such as the Wall, Coliseum and Y Platform large.
  6. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Such as everything. And not just lining up correctly for smoothness, but lining up aesthetically correctly so that the side of a building looks symmetrical
  7. jcarey72

    jcarey72 Forerunner

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    I wish we could start out with a blank slate on the other maps other than just Forge World...
  8. Secnateb

    Secnateb Ancient
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    Setting coordinates seems to move the objects way too much. Whenever something is a bit off (vertically-wise) I just tap the bumpers and deselect the object as quick as I can to get it as smooth as possible. Horizontally I move it (and let it slide) and stop it when it's perfectly aligned.

    If there's an easier way, please someone tell me. The way I do it isn't hard, but it can be annoying at times.
  9. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    Are you holding the left stick in as you do this? It is a lot easier to use the coordinate system, then correct anything you need to by holding the left stick in while gently tapping the right or left bumpers or moving the left stick.
  10. Secnateb

    Secnateb Ancient
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    If I have to freely move the item to fix it anyway, I rather just skip setting the coordinates all together. That takes too long. I've been getting better just freely moving them.

    Honestly the only problem that has been really bothering me so far is that the left stick on my controller is a bit screwy and gets stuck to the left a bit, causing things to keep moving.

    As good as implementing a coordinate system was, I think it's not specific enough.
  11. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    I agree that it's not specific enough, how big do you think the measurements would be in real life? Inches? Meters? It would be ultra-neat if they could apply a title update that would create an "Advanced Coordinate System" that is down to the centimeter, at least. And maybe they could make it so you can zoom out even further while holding an object, I find it extremely hard to set up a soft kill zone like in Hemorrhage (behind the Coliseum Wall).
  12. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Eh, I think for now, the coordinate system is perfect. Yes, there are a few objects that deviate from where you put them, however, as a whole, it is a great system. Also, now, we have less bump in between objects, so it really fixes itself.
  13. Reklats

    Reklats Ancient
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    I cant seem to understand how CTF works or how to get it to work. -_-
  14. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    All I'm asking for is another significant digit, would that be hard to implement?
  15. Alexgamer03

    Alexgamer03 Forerunner

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    I Hate the Fact there are category limits. three limits that really makes me think twice about forge are the wall limit, building limit.

    a 50 wall limit. halo 3 had over 100 walls you could use. and the fact that decorations are 100 is really stupid. i mean walls are supposed to be a main backbone in forge. i am forced to imrpovise with building blocks and dec's for walls. i mean come on who would want to waste decs and blocks?

    2nd is the buildings, i mean 12 i guess is acceptable. but i mean the buildings are very lackluster. they are good but you can't use much. i personally love buildings but having to limit the buildings kinda ruins my plans.

    3rd are the gadgets. toys are insanely low can't use much. Man cannons should be a bit bigger. and explosives (i like big boom) are only 24 compared to halo 3's 32

    gadgets can't be manipulated as much, and so is pretty stupid.

    Overall forge too me is disappointing. i mean the tools and all are extremely great, but the objects are limited. forge world was a over hyped and not as big as anticipated. The Objects are good but don't have the halo 3 feel according to me and my forge friends. and the fact that you can't control who forges or not ( so far i have never seen a party leader only feature.) is A huge disappointment.

    Custom games aren't that good as well seeing the fact that Good custom games from halo 3 can't all be recreated and therefore are completely different in reach.

    I hope there will be a forge update that overhauls the object or category limits. allow who can forge or not. Give more customization (alpha zombie, halo 3 customization etc.) VIP Game-type back.and some new objects if possible.

    Although such a update will take time and probably won't happen. i hope bungie does look into what the community wants once more.

    as for now I will have to wait and see what the community makes.
  16. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
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    Hello All,

    I'm new here and got next to no time to right this. So please bare with me, for there are bound to be spelling errors, etc. Thanks.

    Unlike most gamers, when I first popped in the game I went straight to Forge (then campaign). I finished the build and added flags and hills to it. But when I tried to play a custom game with it (both alone and with a friend), it would only allow me to play Free For All Slayer! It kept saying that the map was not set up for CTF, KOTH, etc. How do I fix this?

    I'm not asking for anyone to fix it for me. I need to learn to do it myself. I didn't have this issue with Halo3 at all.

    For those that want to check it out in it's current state, feel free.
    It's called: Platipus ( : Reach : Player File Share).

    Thanks in advance for any and all help. And please take note that weapon placements, etc are not final. I still need to get the setup working correctly before I can place it.

    PS: See if you can find the sword. Here's a hint. It's in plain site. ^_^
  17. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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  18. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I dunno if its already know but just wanna get it out there so it can be fixed by October.

    I'm not 100% sure how it works (but on a local game of invasion on attacking team spartans) the weapons where phased/fixed on the map when picked up then dropped again they would float as a unmovable object and unable to be picked up till they despawned.
  19. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
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    Yeah, I noticed that as well. Oddly enough, this glitch doesn't happen with grenades.
    And some times it does allow the players that drop the weapons on death to pick them back up but not other players. Most of the time, tough, no one can pick them up. I've had to resort to setting weapons back to "Normal" setting. But placing them afterwards becomes a pain. Even when "Fixed/Phased" is enabled, I've seen weapons fly off maps when switched to "Normal" later. Weird stuff indeed.

    Has anyone else had issue triveling through the portals as the Guilty Spark? Some times it forces me in a direction, or throws me off the map. It's even worse when I try to pass through one while holding an object. >_<

    PS: Thanks, InferiorPigeon. ;)
  20. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    No, and it's driving me insane.

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