Ice Cream Man

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by elmoxxtank, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. elmoxxtank

    elmoxxtank Forerunner

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    0 : Halo Reach : File Details
    that is the link to get the updated ice cream man with for the infected can not get custom powerups i accidently put the old link
    Hello this is my first map. Here are some pictures of the icecream map. I do have to warn you if you put damage for infected on 0 it makes it so you cant splatter.=( so the infected can kill the non infected so a honor system there. To Play there is a starting infected he cant get out of spawn unless he gets in the warthog the humans are the red spawns in the picture they have the invisibility armor ability but switch that to hologram if it gets unfair for large parties. The infected has to try to splatter the fat kids and the fat kids have to walk to the end go through the teleporter grab the custom powerup which allows them to kill the fatkid. the fatkids have grenades to throw at the ice cream man and has to get to the end there is bunkers with health packs in them or just to hide.
    there is two honor rules
    1.the infected can not get out of the warthog to kill someone with his energy sword because in halo reach if you but on 0% damage you can not splatter someone non infected can not camp in spawn if people have problems with that i can add kill balls that spawn after 60 or so seconds.


    I added a good zombie spawn there is a teleporter in the length of the spawn set for land vehicles and not humans and a one shield door blocking to get out so the only way for the ice cream man to get out is to get in the warthog i put it so the zombie can only drive.



    the zombie jump height is set to 0 so he can not get into the teleporter so no honors system for that hope you enjoy!!!
    #1 elmoxxtank, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2011
  2. Luminssence

    Luminssence Forerunner

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    How do you play?..
  3. elmoxxtank

    elmoxxtank Forerunner

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    i just wrote the rules ty for reminding
    #3 elmoxxtank, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  4. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    Couple of things dude,..
    The forging on this could use some work. Don't get me wrong it's a map, and it's pretty seamless, but aesthetically it is falling short. Also, for the honor rule about the ice cream man getting out and stabbing all the kiddies with his big bad energy **** - I mean sword, just change the settings so his melee damage is 0.
  5. elmoxxtank

    elmoxxtank Forerunner

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    toastman obviously you are retarded i did do that it still does not work go troll on someone elses and the forging can use some work how its simple and fun
  6. Luminssence

    Luminssence Forerunner

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    Thumbs up for being able to take constructive criticism dude. I'm no pro myself, but the forging could be a little smoother and nicer looking.
  7. elmoxxtank

    elmoxxtank Forerunner

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    ya sorry about spazzing i was just in a bad mood and spazzed out =P
  8. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am pretty sure I saw a better version of this map and played it, too. It's possible this might be an imitation.

    EDIT: Checked. Both Ice Cream Man and the Original Fat Kid Lane were made by Katsukage on the 17th of September.
    #8 Jwguy, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  9. elmoxxtank

    elmoxxtank Forerunner

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    this isn't an imitation this was the first thing i built in forgeworld but it was really really sloppy and one of my friends a few days ago told me about forgehub and i should posted so thats what i did

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