Remake Headlong

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Jambo, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    New Version HERE: : Halo Reach : File Details
    Changes are below.

    "Although during the day Section 14 monitors almost all harbour traffic, at night it's one of the city's most notorious hangouts."

    Sea view


    My remake of Headlong from Halo 2 in Halo Reach.
    Works with all gametypes except Invasion.

    YouTube - Halo Reach: My Headlong Remake

    Some changes from the Halo 2 version:
    -Teleporter is now a Man Cannon (because in my opinion it's more fun for both teams)
    -One Ghost replaced with a Revenant (new toys in Reach, why not use 'em?)
    -Brute Shot replaced with Grenade Launcher Concussion Rifle (thanks FuRrY321)
    -Beam Rifle changed to Focus Rifle
    -BR's are DMR's and Carbines are Needle Rifles (obviously)

    New Version HERE: : Halo Reach : File Details
    OLD Version is still linked above. I just noticed it's on nearly 8000 Downloads :O

    -Added a building to the Focus Rifle Area (like it should have always had)
    -Cover added on the Rockets walkway around Red Tower
    -The Height Kill Boundary has been removed, replaced with a Safe Zone

    You can now fly the Banshee twice as high and you will NOT hit an Instant Kill Boundary. You will only get the Return to Battlefield Timer. Same goes for heading out to sea.
    If however you try to leave the walled sides of the map you will be killed instantly.
    The map is much better IMO :D

    Sooo High Now!

    #1 Jambo, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  2. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    Cool, I never really got to play many of the DLC maps in H2, thanks in part to getting back a refurbished 360 from Microsoft that kept corrupting them. Seems like a great remake. Though I'm not sure if replacing the Brute Shot with the Grenade Launcher was the right choice, maybe replace it with the Concussion Rifle instead? After all, a well-placed GL shot can kill instantly, unlike the CR or BS.
  3. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now I think about it you are absolutely right about the Grenade Launcher.
    I've changed it to the Concussion Rifle and updated the links. Thanks for that!
  4. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Hey man, you did a damn fine job with this. One glance and I was immediately taken back to the Halo 2 classic. Are the objectives set up the same as they were in the classic? It's hard to believe that such a great remake could be made so quickly. You may want to spend more time on it, playtesting and getting feedback, and then fix it up to create the ultimate Headlong remake. But from what I've seen it's super sexy. I'll need to play it more, and with a full party to really see how well this is set up though.
  5. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    The objectives are set as close as possible (had Halo 2 PC running for reference).
    Only did it so quick because I was planning it since I saw that Forge World Vidoc, haven't even started Campaign yet lol.
    Feel free to suggest any changes.
  6. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    Favorite map to get out of in H2. You did a fantastic job on recreating Headlong. Did you make the crane?
  7. Reeve

    Reeve Ancient
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    Dude, this looks masterfully done. I can't wait to get Reach!

    You should set this up for invasion. It wouldn't be that hard, it's the right size. Elites could come in from the beach, have to capture parts of the buildings, and then finish by stealing a core or planting a bomb at the uphill end!
  8. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    I was actually just testing Invasion on this map and I've found a big flaw.
    I didn't test the map as an Elite, I didn't even think to.
    They are so much bigger than Spartans that they have trouble getting through certain doors :(
    If they crouch they are fine but that sucks, so I'll investigate altering the map now.
    There is no crane unfortunately, I hit the global object limit and it had to go, sorry.
    #8 Jambo, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  9. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Forerunner
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    This looks incredibly accurate and well-forged, thank you for making this. I loved this map in halo 2!

    I'll be sure to download it, looks like a lot of fun.
  10. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    Once you fix the bugs about the elites and stuff I'll be sure as heck to download this. Looks great

    EDIT: Just downloaded the latest version, Can't wait to play it
    #10 LordVurtax, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  11. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    I DL'd this and looked around it for a while, and it's ****ing excellently built, though the blue base leaves a little to be desired. I may be able to run a decent sized game or two on it tonight though, so I'll let you know how it plays.
  12. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    Blue base was a nightmare as I hit the global object limit and was really limited in what I could build it from. The sloped terrain didn't help matters. (I wish Bungie would just let us edit terrain like Farcry).
    #12 Jambo, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  13. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    I've fixed the door height issues with Elites, they can now pass through doors without having to crouch! :D
  14. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Looks great, but aren't you missing a gravity lift (air vent) near the broken bridge. What about the other one too? Fantastic job man, LOVE it!

    EDIT: Nevermind, they are both their. This map is great! :)

    Few complaints: I was able to jump from the teleporter towards the flag base, which could cause gameplay problems. I miss the cover by the focus rifle, but I understand if you have budget problems. And while minor, I used to love hding under the staircase in the flag base, but it is a little too low on this map! :( Other than those minor gripes, I think you did a wonderful job.
    #14 CheeseJam, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  15. Robborboy

    Robborboy Ancient
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    I played around with this for a few and it is an awesome map.
    The hight for the upper death boundary is TOO low. It needs to be raised and makes the boundaries around the side taller to compensate. There is just room for practical flight of the banshee. You can park the bashee at the top of of base that is a completes structure on the left (top on overview picture) and you are bouncing between playable area and death boundary. On the original Headlong the banshee was something to fear and that part of what made it so fun. With this, it is just too limited to be of use.
  16. FSC Nightmare

    FSC Nightmare Ancient
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    I was looking for a Headlong for Reach (I am actually looking for all map remakes), so im sure it should be fun to play. It sounds like a nice map, and I can't wait to see it.
  17. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    Yeah, you're right. I'm planning to tweak this.
    I've also discovered a way I can squeeze 18 more objects into this map, which I will use to build more of the building near the Focus Rifle.
    To do this I will have to remove support for the Race Gametype, but I doubt anyone will miss Race / Rally.
    Will update it as soon as I get the time.
  18. TexasTuckers

    TexasTuckers Ancient
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    This map is an amazing remake, however i noticed that you replaced the teleporter with a man cannon and i was just wondering why?
  19. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Looks great. Will play a few customs on it and I'll post back with feedback. Still, it just doesn't give off the same vibe the original one did :'[
  20. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    One thing I found a problem is that the death barrier is so low, it's hard to even fly around. My suggestion is to get rid of the "too-high" death barriers, then just put barriers outside the map and on rooftops.

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