warning: This thread will have spoilers. You have been warned... So this is the place to discuss the WHOLE campaign. What you thought about the missions, story, difficulty, epic level, etc. Personally i didn't expect Noble team to die off one by one, so i was surprised when Jorge died. The ending is pure epic. Seeing Keys, the Pillar of Autumn, it felt great, like i was reliving the first time i played Halo. It was disappointing that the gameplay of the last missions didn't become more epic. I felt it just wasn't as action packed as i expected.
Spoiler To be honest, I felt the last part of the last mission where Emile was taking down ships was horribly hard on Legendary. I kept camping and trying to take down everyone with headshots and ran out of ammo numerous times. Had to run around and find ammo. Then another wave of dropships would come in and drop off more brutes and I'd be like... WTF!!! I kept hiding in the boathouse with a bubble shield and hoped one guy would come in at a time, so it was easier to handle them with a shotgun. The mission after the credits was epic and the right way to end the game... SURVIVE!
Spoiler I completely agree. I spent more than 2 hours trying to beat that part. To make it worse, I decided to look at emile's body before I got in the MAC Cannon. Because of this I got a checkpoint while the phantoms and banshees are pretty much already shooting you. I finally beat it on legendary by hiding in a drop sheild until the corvette was in position then I barely got a shot off before dying. Also, I liked how Jun was the only member of Noble Team to survive Reach. He was my favorite, even over noble six. And the fact that MC was in the last cutscene was awesome. Why do we have to talk in spoilers? The thread has the word spoilers in it...
The HARDEST part I had the entire game was after the final standoff and you were on the cannon gun thingy. I got my ass served on it so many times.... (SOLO Legendary of Course). I beat with a victory "**** YEAH!"
You guys are worrying me. I'm on the fifth mission on Solo Legendary, and I've already spent 2 hours on two different missions.
I'm worried too. I'm trying to beat legendary solo and it's taken me about a hour a mission, the longest one was at least 100 minutes. I'm almost done though so i will survive!
You poor fool... I thought that too. My advice would be to avoid fighting as much as possible. Health packs are easy to find... Ammo on the other hand... can be a bit scarce. It doesn't really get SUPER DUP3R 1337 HARD till about the 7th level.
Spoiler I definitely had a little bit of difficulty with that, but it's not that difficult if you take out the banshees. I think their shots drained your shields/health faster than the phantoms.
All i have left is new Alexandria, the package, and the pillar of autumn. I know that ammo is scarce so i'm worried about camping because i will probably lose ammo super fast. Exodus was the level that took me 1:47:03
I'm at the part waiting for Keyes as well on legendary solo. Didn't finish it today though, I think I'm far into it though because I killed a few chieftans. This mission is so damn hard, the freaking General with a fuel rod on the way there. I owned the hunters though by just dodging their melees and blasting their backs with shotgun rounds. You can also stand on top of them and punch off the back armor which makes the fight SOOO much easier. And I was suprised that Jun is the only Noble survivor. When I got killed in sword base he said "I told him he picked a hell of a day to join up." I wonder what this means for future ventures.
New Alexandria is VERY easy. Literally the easiest mission of the campaign. The only thing you ever have to worry about is the banshees. Also, activate the "Covenant Club" easter egg to make the Club Errera part awesomely easy. The package is moderate. Not too hard and not too easy. Just try to keep the tank alive and jack a banshee when you're underground. PoA is ****ing hard. Once you somehow make it through the hordes of grunts, jackals, and brutes before keyes comes, you have to fight 3-5 elite zealots before you can use the MAC Cannon which you will be raped in continuously.
****. Me. I'm on New Alexandria atm, so I think I'll blow through it just fine. But ****ing seriously, Halo: Reach legendary is way unnecessarily hard. i remember on the Saber mission, at the very end there are these four elite generals. I died at least 30 times before I killed those generals. Seriously, when an elite's shield is tough enough to withstand a stick, then it's gone too far. IMO at least. Please excuse my rant. The campaign is awesome. Discuss.
With the MAC cannon, don't even bother entering it. Just hide behind the platform it is on and then run upstairs when Keyes yells "Now, Spartan, now!" and get on and shoot the laser. Be sure to have gone on it at the start so you don't have to go through the mini-tutorial.
I spent 10 hours on Campaign solo legendary, and I'm only on the 6th mission :/ I got so frustrated by the hunters on the third level..
Here's some advice for this part: Get a Plasma pistol and a single fire weapon like the DMR or Magnum. Charge the Plasma for an EMP blast then swap out and go for a headshot. I also had trouble on that part. It pissed me off so much. It was even worse that I got a checkpoint in between two of the Elites.
Did everyone see the easter egg in the last cutscene? you have to push one the sticks to the right to see it. I don't want to say, in case you haven't...... solo legendary can be infuriating. I'm doing legendary solo right now, only on the second mission and I've wanted to smash something/someone at a couple moments. Grrrr. It will be worth it.
I thought the level where you flew the Falcon around was too long. It felt like I was just running errands for Kat. Other than that, it was pretty epic. The ending was just awesome.
IMO, the Campaign should have extended into the events of First Strike, where Master Chief is taking out a space station, and Fred and the other spartans are defending shield generators, and the massive space battle is taking place. But it was an epic campaign, nonetheless.