i rented it from blockbuster and have to take it back tomorrow morning. im glad they had a whole wall dedicated to just gta though so everyone can get a chance to play it. i LOVE THE ONLINE
I didn't get it and I don't know if I will. I loved Crackdown, but I loved the power you had in that game. I might rent it and if I like it buy it. If there was a demo out, it would really help, but there is not.
Cons - Driving is more realistic, also a pro. Hard to turn, if not impossible, at high speeds. Game starts off slow (First 30-60 minutes you're a taxi driver) Camera angles can get awkward. Esp. when driving with default view. Others don't really help Cops where supposed to be a lot smarter. That didn't happen... Pros - Driving is more realistic, also a con. It feels better to be driving a "real" car then an arcade car Aiming system is a lot better then previous GTA games. Much easier to perform headshots Cover system. Similar to Gears of War. Works well and isn't too hard to master Graphics are nice. May not be Halo3 quality but for such a huge world it is impresive. Looks great at night when raining. Much better car simulation. Story line is deeper and works well. Multiplayer, need I say more? Well there's my short lil' review =P I baught it and it's great. The further into the storyline you get the better it is. That big buff guy, I can't remember his name [Starts with B] is freakin' hilarious! I love that guy xD
Its harder to get stars it seems in this game, but if u get six, you can see them spawn 2 blocks away on your map.
the control system is really clunky, IMO ... i know they wanted to add more realism to the movements of Niko, but i think its came off cumbersome.
i bought it, I put a little dent in it and so far I'm liking it a whollllee lot. There is so much in this one little game and i'm not going to complain about the little things. Amazing.
I liked it. I have only owned San Andreas, but have played all the GTA games. This one is the most realistic, and everything you can do interlocks into the story. I think it's great. EDIT: : How to do GTAIV Multiplayer like we do Halo 3 customs: (1)In single player mode, choose [Multiplayer] from your cell phone. (2)Select the game mode you want, then hit [Custom Match]. (3)Private slots are people you invite. So if you created 13 private slots, only 3 random people would show up (13 private, 3 public = 16 total).. If you chose 16 private slots, nobody would join - just someone you have invited. Later!
I havent got it yet, Im gonna get it at the end of the month but what this I keep hearing about the camera control. What is the difference? Could someone tell me.
The Camera sorta feels less restricted at first but it's also quite low to the ground. Not horribly low but lower than the previous GTA games. The camera is also sorta always to the left of the car. The car seems to never be centered inm the view. Kinda weird i know but it works. Except for the not being able to see what's infront of you sometimes. Especially well driving over a hill.
The problem with the camera is that the car is not in the centre of the screen when youre driving like every other GTA game. Instead the car is slightly to the right so that the camera is centred on his driving position. Once you've played for a while you get used to it, but it still annoys me.
Yeah that was my guess. To allow you to see ahead better. Not that it works with it being so low but anyway... Also 'cause I thought this would be a decent place to put it, if you don't know already there is a Google Map of Liberty City found in this link. It alows you to turn on and off things liek where to find the pigeons. Where to find armour, weapons, vehicles, missions etc.. etc.. It's pretty cool =]
then why did you post here? i don't think this thread is asking if you don't have it... I'm really getting into the story in this game, it's like a 40 hour movie. This gta is totally a mobster game, unlike the others. San Andreas got all gangster and ghetto which i didn't like.
you guys know if you press the back button when you are in a car it changes the camera view right? o: