
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II MAKY II, Sep 20, 2010.


    II MAKY II Ancient
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    this is a hybrid of lockout and blackout. merging the two so you get the best of what both maps did right. in my opinion it is closer to lockout because all the jumps from the original i put in. and it gives me a feeling of lockout when i play on it. i spent years playing lockout and all maps feel different to different people. i played the map different than you and everything important to me is here. if you see anthing that needs to be added that i missed please tell me so i can make this the best it can be

    this took me 36 hours to create.

    in my opinion this is as close to lockout as u can get.

    spawns are the same as halo 3. i dont have access to the halo 2 spawns except the ones in my memory. i dont want to go die 100 times to see all the spawns

    weapons are the same or close to halo 2

    the jumps are a hybrid from lockout and blackout. it contains jumps from both maps.

    all jumps can be made with normal jump height and look normal.

    enjoy this one it is vary well made and i am vary proud to be the creator of such a fine remake.

    claerly a view from elbow. u can jump on top of the door frames from elbow like halo 2
    another top view this time from on top lift. note the scale is correct
    back of sniper tower. with hidden ledge that wraps around the back from s3.
    this is bottom mid. my favorite part of the whole remake. those angles were almost impossible to create and i spent the most time here. i think it was worth the effort
    this is bottom lift. the lift works every time without hitting your head on the roof or using 2 lifts.
    this is my shotgun. its no longer green but i dont think anyone will mind

    and last is from b3 to top lift. just showing the correct angles here.
    #1 II MAKY II, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2010
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    That look's pretty spot on.
    Are the jumps, spawns, and other technical stuff still the same?
    That's all I got, I can't really give advice on how to make a remake better..
  3. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Did you follow the halo 2 map as you designed this? The spawning is a big part of what keeps the feel of the original. My Blockout map copied the spawn system exactly (even the poor spawns) if you want to look at it.

    I see some problems with the "lockout" aspects, though if you're attempting a mix of the two then I can understand.

    II MAKY II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes it is a hybrid. but i fixed the things they destroyed when making blackout. the scale of the actual lockout in my opinion is to small for this game. so i took the scale from halo 3. but i aligned the s1 doors so u can see into b1 from the ramp. also i cant fix it if you are not specific. dont tell me i have problems with my map and not tell me what problems. not trying to be a **** but saying its not lockouty enough isnt a critic. get with me on the spawns though im sure the need added to because i took the ones from blackout.
    #4 II MAKY II, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  5. jeprout

    jeprout Ancient
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    Hehe, I were counting days before this map would be post. I have to say that the map is cleanly made and the choice of the object is well done. It looks funniest than in halo 3 because of the object color.
    Great map
    #5 jeprout, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    It seems like a good reinvention of lockout/blackout, but I wouldn't call it Lockout because that's not really what it is.

    Lockout has a lot of subtle nuances that blackout just didn't have. These little things are what set it apart in peoples minds and if you don't include ALL of them, someone will get upset. Trust me I've been through it.

    Not to be rude, but if I went through and pointed out all the small aspects then I'd be designing the map for you, and then what would I do with my design :p

    And contrary to popular belief, Lockout was actually larger time scale than Blackout.
    #6 Vincent Torre, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    did u even play on lockout. i have 3 tvs aand 3 xbox 360s. i ran reach on my main tv and halo 3 and 2 on my other 2. blackout is bigger. trust me i have played thousands of games on both and just spent the last three days looking at both of them side by side. is my map perfect no but even in forgeworld u are limited to the pieces. my budget on this map is less than 100 left
  8. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Listen; I'm not trying to be rude and it seems like you've made a good effort, but you need to understand that I've spent more time analyzing Lockout than anyone, short of bungie.

    If you want to call this "Lockout" then fine, there's nothing I can do to stop you, but it's not Lockout because you mixed the two together. I know people do stuff like that for the download count, and rest assured your map will make a lot of fans very happy. Though I've been through it and even as good as you can do still isn't "good enough".

    I've been there and if nothing else take this as a word of warning. Just be proud of the map you made and accept the fact that you won't always be able to please everyone no matter how hard you try.
  9. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Certain areas of Blackout are larger(B3, S2, Bottom Blue) but overall Lockout is larger.

    Movement speed and FoV play a huge role in this, but that is why the large maps of CE seem so much smaller when placed in H2 and H3.

    That being said, your map looks great, certainly one of the better Lockout remakes.
  10. II MAKY II

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    the onlything larger is the tower over lift. i dont know which of u has access thoe the actual dimensions. but im going by game play and how long it takes to get to a certain spot from another spot. also perspective. blackout is a larger map. i know this because it was in a bungie post before it was released. not going to bother finding it. i remember being pissed they said that but they also said it was scaled to size for halo 3. just go back and see for yourself. i just asked 8 people and they said blackout is larger. also i have pleased many people, most said it was perfect and dont need to change a thing. talking about the map not my personal life. that needs major changes.
    #10 II MAKY II, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  11. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    This argument is ridiculous. No, it is not inch-perfect, but @MickRaider why would anybody spend dozens of extra hours trying to perfect a map that is almost perfect already.

    Aesthetically, Maky has managed to keep the looks of the original, making it instantly recognisable. Not only that but he (she?) has improved on them.

    Gameplay wise, I agree that Lockout was a perfect map (give or take a couple of dodgy spawns), but gameplay has changed drastically from halo 2 to halo reach, and Maky has done well to accommodate for it. The game has moved on from the Halo 2 days, therefore so should any remake of a Halo 2 map. This remake, although slightly different in size, has kept almost entirely to the original scale.

    Random Comments:
    - very pleasing to the eye: Everything from the BR Tower to the shotgun tunnel, all looks perfect.
    - all the original jumps have been kept.
    - Good parts from Blackout that were slightly different than in Lockout have been integrated seamlessly into the map. However, all Lockout's stronger points have been kept.
    - All height variations are spot on.

    Maky, I have backed you up here, but you also need to take in any criticism you receive and bare it in mind, not just argue about it. What MickRaider is saying is this could be a perfect remake, and it is close, but it isn't quite yet.

    I recommend you play the hell out of this map, and maybe one day come back to it and make minor adjustments, to make it play just as it should do.

    In my opinion, remakes are pointless unless you improve on any weak points of a map. MickRaider obviously has a different opinion to me and thinks it should be exactly the same as the original. At the end of the day, it comes down to what you want to achieve with this map. If it is perfect gameplay that you want, which I'm sure you do, you've picked the right option. As I said before, as games develops, so do the maps need to that go with the games.
  12. II MAKY II

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    great point. i retract all negative comments to anyone and agree with what u say completly. maby im on edge because i have had no sleep in a week like the rest of you. but also i still hate it when someone says well its not perfect and then cant give a reason why. also to your point that i agree with. i can take criticism when it is given to me. but no one criticised me. just said well u know lockout is bigger and your map isnt perfect. so what can i do about it. this is not halo 2 or 3
    #12 II MAKY II, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  13. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    yo dawg, get some sleep man.. and get off the sniff. And eat some food, food always gets rid of edginess for me. But mainly, just get off the sniff, t'is bad for you, apparently.
  14. Suicufnoc

    Suicufnoc Ancient
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    I can sort of agree with the idea that a map that isn't identical to Lockout shouldn't be called Lockout. I think you should come up with a cool name of your own :)

    That being said, I don't think an identical remake of Lockout is necessary. This is the most aesthetically pleasing remake of Lockout I've seen yet, and I don't think you've sacrificed gameplay quality in doing that. Good work
  15. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Love it! And whoever does not like this forging and accuracy deserves to get a forgeslappin'!
  16. II MAKY II

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    finally someone with some sense. it is lockout so i called it lockout. i didnt want to call it blackout because i dont like that name and i think it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when i say it. and it doesnt play like lockout because you cant jump 10 feet in the air. so i had to scale everything down in height.
  17. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    I completely understand. I've been re-making some Quake 3 maps and you have to scale things to the game your making it for. You just have to, otherwise it'll play rubbish.
    Anyway, from the pics it looks amazing. Can't wait to play some customs on it :D
  18. fencerman333

    fencerman333 Ancient
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    Can't you (technically) change the color of the walls? and from looking at the pic, it looks like theres a blue light (change to green?) and im not sure but are there shield doors on the walls? If the shields were in lockout well i wouldn't know i didnt play halo 2. other wise yea i guess you could make it green.
    #18 fencerman333, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  19. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    You can, but I think he wants it blue instead of green...
  20. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Probably the best lockout remake yet, BUT

    1- I didn't really liked some line of sights from Blackouts, like S1 to BR1.
    2- I don't know why no one makes Lockout nears the waterfalls!


    Am I the only one seen that BIG ROCK on the side?

    That was an important part of the map, was used to bounce grenades.

    So, Lockout remakes still have room for improvement.

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