Since so many people on the Bungie forums are complaining about quit bans, how about we deal with the real issue and create the playlists that you want to see. No need to include maps, just categories and playlists within that category. The purpose of this thread is to create playlists that you'd like to see. Not debate whether or not it will happen... My playlists... SOLO SLAYER - Slayer - Classic Slayer - Elite Slayer SOLO OBJECTIVE - Headhunter - Oddball - Infection SOLO PRO - Slayer Pro - Slayer DMRs - Headhunter Pro RACE - Race - Rally DOUBLES ARENA - Team Slayer Pro - Team Slayer DMRs - Snipers - SWAT TEAM SLAYER - Team Slayer - Classic Team Slayer - Elite Team Slayer - Invasion Slayer TEAM ARENA - Team Slayer Pro - Team Slayer DMRs - Snipers - SWAT TEAM OBJECTIVE - 1 Flag CTF - 1 Flag Classic - Mutiflag CTF - 2 Flag Classic - Neutral Bomb - 1 Bomb Assault - Team Headhunter - Oddball - Team Hot Potato - Stockpile - 3 Plots - Territories TEAM OBJECTIVE PRO - 1 Flag Pro - 2 Flag Pro - Headhunter Pro - Stockpile Pro MULTI-TEAM SLAYER - Slayer - Classic Slayer - Elite Slayer - SWAT MULTI-TEAM OBJECTIVE - Oddball - Team Headhunter BIG TEAM BATTLE SLAYER - Big Team Slayer - BTB Classic - Elite Slayer BIG TEAM BATTLE OBJECTIVE - Team Headhunter - 1 Flag CTF - Multiflag CTF - Stockpile - Territories INVASION - Invasion FIREFIGHT - Firefight - Generator Defense SCORE ATTACK - Score Attack - Gruntpocalypse - Crashsite I know 16 playlists is quite extensive and will most likely never happen, but they did say that this one was for the fans. I also feel that I probably should break down Team Objective a bit further. That's way too many game types within one category.
The reason they don't do this is because it will fragment the player base. How many people do you think will play a 1 Flag Classic or 3 Plot playlist? After the "new-game high" is done, the player count will level off a bit and those playlists will quickly be deserted.
Totally agree with that. Many of those playlists would be deserted. The way they have the playlists are fine (except for team objective which nobody plays). We will just wait and see what they have in store for us.
Is that really an issue then? Slapping in game types to a playlist just to fill it out is what causes people to quit... and shorthands the rest of us that just keep playing. If you break down the playlists further and nobody plays in those playlists... then you can immediately tell which game types are least liked and can easily be removed from MatchMaking... thus resulting in less quitting and those of us getting screwed less frequently. Current Online Stats... RUMBLE PIT - 31,192 Players TEAM SLAYER -109,746 Players TEAM OBJECTIVE - 8,270 Players MULTI TEAM - 10,120 Players BIG TEAM BATTLE - 34,677 Players INVASION - 28,990 Players FIREFIGHT - 11,990 Players SCORE ATTACK - 10,854 Players TEAM ARENA - 17,323 Players DOUBLES ARENA - 12,077 Players I think most of my playlists could survive with roughly 10k Players. My SOLO PRO and TEAM OBJECTIVE playlists could be removed. Most of those SOLO PRO players would most likely play in my TEAM ARENA or DOUBLES ARENA playlists. The TEAM OBJECTIVE players could just move to my BTB OBJECTIVES playlist. GUYS... this isn't a thread to criticize my selection for playlists, but a thread to create your own set of playlists that you'd like to see...
Conquest: Conquest Race: Race Rocket Hog Race World War: Normandy Beach Invasion Paratrooper Invasion Trench Warfere
Race, yes. I wouldn't mind an invasion slayer playlist. I really liked Invasion Skirmish on Unanchored.
Race: race battletracks battlesnipers (battletracks with snipers and swords) battlenades (battletracks with concussion rifles and grenadelaunchers) battlelasers (duh) rocket race rally rocket hog race Action Sack even though this is going to be added the gametypes are no where near as crazy as they should be considering the halo 3 pedigree DLC condemmed highlands temptest anchor 9 breakpoint
What's the point in anyone posting their ideas for playlists if they're not open to discussion and opinions? A series of 'I think's one after another is much less worthwhile than a dialogue where opinions are considered in light of one another and actual discussion takes place.
Big Team Grifball (for a two week grab bag) 7v7 three gametypes: Big Team Grifball - Vanilla Grifball rules except: everyone has sprint, base player speed 120%, ball carrier cannot use AA, has 150% gravity, 150% speed, 150% jump height. because of the long field, 4 seconds of unlimited sprint every respawn. still best of 5 rounds, 3 minutes, upped to 1 minute sudden death. can play as an elite BTB Grifball Pro-Same as above except:two loadouts- infiltrator (sprint, hammer, no secondary) and guard (evade, sword, no secondary). Multiball - same as big team grifball except: each team has a bomb that spawns in the middle (multibomb assault). ball carrier same speed as base player, but with unlimited sprint. Ball carrier(s) retain team color. maps: Fieldbox which IS finished, and GrifField which is not. A permanent Race playlist would be nice, didn't read the thread yet maybe someone already said that. I only got to play it a handful of times in MM before it vanished. Also in this playlist i'd like to see big team rocket race, 8 2-man teams on gooses. Yes, you can tell I love big team. The chaos..... Also bring back Mythic Brawl. or i guess it'd be Noble Brawl? 12 player FFA for a grab bag would be nice. Last but not least, a permanent FFA playlist thats max party size 1, 6 players a la h3's lone wolves. 8 player FFA where you can run into a party of 4 working together is not FFA at all, and makes me avoid the playlist.
It seems like some of these ideas have since been implemented since the start of the thread back in September, so that's pretty good. Otherwise, I'd love to see the BTB objective. I play the Defiant Map Pack Playlist for the objective games on Highlands; I love it. Almost reminds me of Valhalla in the way it plays. I'm sure invasion could fit in there as well.
fixed If we can find a few maps every two weeks that don't have problems, why can't Bungie find a single map that doesn't have problems.
I'd also like to see versus firefight eventually make it into MM, it would probably require its own playlist though.
Sangheili Slayer -Elite FFA -Elite Objective -Elite Team Slayer Firefight Versus -VS Elites -VS Skirmishers -VS Brutes -VS Grunts -VS Jackals -VS All Forgehub -Forgehub Invasion -Forgehub Objective -Forgehub FFA -Forgehub Team Slayer -Forgehub Multi-Team -Forgehub Big Team Battle -Forgehub Living Dead -Forgehub Swat Probably never going to happen, but one can wish...
Haha, indeed. I ran through the new Community BTB maps and most of them are so oddly built. But can't be all their fault. Not a lot of space to create them on Forge World...