
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II The Sheev II, Sep 19, 2010.

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  1. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Anything that is in this color has been Added since debut on 9/19/10
    Anything that is in this color has been Reduced since debut on 9/19/10

    Description: "A newly excavated Forerunner structure believe to have been used as a combat training facility."

    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer Variants, MultiFlag, Neutral Bomb, KoTH*, Crazy King*, Oddball*, Stockpile, Juggernaut, Headhunter, Territories.
    *Max team size of 4 recommended.

    Recommended Players: 4-12(16*)
    *Recommended for Multiflag and Slayer Variants only.

    Weapon Specifications: Assault Rifle x4, DMR x6, Needle Rifle x2, Needler x2, Shotgun x2, Sniper Rifle x2, Plasma Pistol x2, Magnum x2, Rocket Launcher x1, Frag Grenade x6, Plasma Grenade x8.

    Vehicle Specifications: Mongoose x2

    Objective Specifications: KoTH Hills x7, Oddball x1, Bomb x1, Bomb Score Pad x2*, Flag Stand x2*, Stockpile Flag Spawn x6, Stockpile Score Pad x2*, Headhunter Score Pad x5, Territories x3.
    *One for each team. (Red/Blue)

    Map Overview: Torsion is a symmetric map utilizing 3 floors, 2 bases and an expansive network of bridges that meet in the center "Arena". Primary Red base is located in the Northwest corner, with a smaller base located in the Northeast corner. Primary Blue base is located opposite Primary Red in the Southeast corner, and the smaller base in the Southwest corner. Both Primary bases feature 3 floors with the 3rd floor giving access to the twisting bridges or to each teams "Sniper Perch" and smaller base, depending on which way the player decides to go upon reaching floor 3. The Central "Arena" houses the all powerful Rocket Launcher, Neutral Bomb Spawn, and Oddball spawn. (each spawn only in their respective gametypes) Gravity lifts offer access to this area if players don't want to navigate the bridges or if jetpacks are disabled. Also found on the ground floor are 4 two-way teleporters. (Inspired by Wizard/Warlock)

    View of Central Arena, and First Floor of Blue Base on the Left hand side.

    View of Red base Floor 1 and 2, with Teleporter to floor 3.

    View from Red Base Sniper Perch showing some of the twisting bridges, the Central Arena, All Blue Base Floors, and Blue Sniper Perch

    View of twisting bridges from Red base Floor 3. Bridges are color coded from which side they originate.

    Previous Versions/Version History
    v.1 - Base Map
    v.2 - Added Slayer Gametypes
    v.3/.4 - Added All Objective Gametypes in Sea Green Color. Found Here.
    v.5 - Current. Changed Amount of cover/types of cover. Changed Shotgun Spawn area. Added Ramps to Northeast and Southwest corner bases.

    Final Words
    Since I've updated the map to have less cover and to feel less "safe", I haven't been able to adequately playtest it to get the feel for how it works. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.

    Map Credits: Design - Slervir91 & II The Sheev II. Weapons, Spawns, and Objectives - II The Sheev II. Created - 9/16/10. Debuted - 9/19/10. Last Edited - 9/20/10
    #1 II The Sheev II, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  2. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks good! The architecture is a bit "safe" perhaps, but it's very clean and has excellent use of colour. It makes me want to run around in it, so I'll check it out. I dunno about the Mongoose, lol, I'll probably just stay off it.
  3. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Well it wasn't my idea to put the Mongoose in, but my friend wanted it so bad, so I said screw it why not. What do you mean by "safe" the excess of cover throughout the level?
  4. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Well, you just want to find a balance. Some people put down four long walls and call it a level (I call it suicide), but it seems in your case the pendulum may have swung too far. You want to create a thrill, a little bit of daring whenever people try to cross from one area to another. Not so much that they never move for fear of dying, but in your case movement will have little purpose, as cover is accessible anywhere, all the time. The map design itself isn't bad, but consider making it a tiny bit more sparse. The cement roadblock-type things, for instance, could be lessened by one and spread out a bit more. As it is, there's only a one or two foot opportunity to get shot while moving from cover to cover. If this were Gears, it would be different. As it's not, consider making it a tad less cluttered to create that anxiety that keeps people on their toes, thinking about what to do, weighing life-and-death decisions on the fly.
  5. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Thank you for your suggestion. I had been thinking about changing the cover (Slervir originally did it) But I wasn't sure how I should change it. I have since then completely changed the amount of cover offered by on the ground/bridges as well has changed a couple few to the other kind of cover offered. I also lowered them into the ground per suggestion on a different forum. Overall I like the change, but I want other peoples opinions too. I changed the main download at the top of the page to the current version, but the previous version is in My "Previous Version/Version History" Found underneath the newly updated pictures.
  6. iFurness

    iFurness Forerunner

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    Hey man, nice map.

    The "safe" architecture is a little bit of a downside. My solution however is just to play swat on the map. It really does take names when the competitive DMR-battles start in centre-map. :D

    4/5 , keep the awesome work coming!
  7. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Thank you! :)

    The bottom level is a lot less safe than it was before, but if someone gets a sniper, people are going to need it. Do you think I should remove some on the bridges above? Lately people have been spending a lot of time up there instead of everywhere else. I haven't tried SWAT on it yet though. How was it?
  8. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but..
  9. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    One day since last bump. Comments and feedback is appreciated. :)
  10. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bro, I know you're proud of your map and want others to see it, but triple-posting isn't really ever a great idea...
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