I made an account to share my map, but then I realized I could just use the bungie forums. Can anyone kindly tell me how to delete my account?
This should be under Customer Service (I think), and I believe you need to contact an Admin, such as Insane54, Shad0w Viper, or anyone that's yellow.
Both of them are right, however to make it easier just don't log back in. The Admins don't like being bother to much about deleting accounts, when you can just not log back in.
And don't forget that having inactive accounts make Forgehub looks bigger than it really is, and bigger is better? lol. And why leave before you even check this place out?
This. Dude, try it out, it's much better than bungie's system.. plus (here at FH) you can get feedback from many of the most recognized forgers out there ;D
I have that SAME avatar for my steam account. XD. And I'll stay here if you guys answer this. Why do the rules say you need to link to a bungie thread about the map?
That's so that when the map is inevitably inaccessible, eg: deleted of your file share, file share banned, etc. the map will still be download-able.