Favourite Equipment?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by freepie, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. freepie

    freepie Ancient
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    Title says all, Is it the defensive Drop Shield? Or do you prefer the temporary invulnerability of Armour Lock? Or is invisible better than invinsible with the Active Camo. Or you could try the other illusion of the Hologram. Fly high with the jetpack, stay low,move fast with the sprint or Evade??
    OK OK I tried hard with that xD but seriously without the fail descriptions which is your favourite out of them all? I'd have to say Hologram myself, took a while to learn how to use it effectively but now I can trick practically everyone in doubles.

    Anyways, discuss.
  2. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I haven't played any matchmaking yet, or any multiplayer period yet, but my favorite armor ability would still be either the jet pack or evade, depending on the game and map.

    The jet pack lets me ambush people from above them very easily, so I can pick up lots of easy kills that way. As long as you don't fly way up randomly for no reason, people really won't get a chance to kill you while you're an easy target flying helplessly in the air. Just use it more like a mega-jump to ambush people to get easy kills.

    And evade is great because it lets you cover distance quick like sprinting, but also helps tremendously fighting people. If you evade kind of to the side and behind people, you can almost always kill them pretty easily because they just can't follow you.
  3. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Sprint or Evade. Sprint for Spartans, Evade for Elites. I prefer to get places faster than having some defensive ability.
  4. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Sprint or Jetpack. I have always wanted sprint to be in a halo game and now it finally is! When the beta commercial came out and I saw jetpack I was instantly mad, I thought that it would ruin Reach but now I know that it is amazing. I don't really use it to fly, I use it more as a way to increase my horizontal jump. When I jump for a far away ledge, I just simply tap the AA button and my guy makes it. I used this alot when playing on Power House in the beta
  5. Prospect

    Prospect Forerunner

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    drop shield ftw!
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Jetpack. I love the quick movement it allows.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    So far I'm only playing campaign. I like some of the AA's but not all of them.

    Hologram is awesome if you're going into an area and are unsure where the enemies are... just send your hologram to a spot in the middle and you know exactly the type of trouble you're stepping into.

    Jetpacks are great to fly up to a spot to camp and pick off the enemies just out of their range.

    Drop shield has to be my favorite. Not only does it protect you, but it regenerates your health, too. I'll often throw down a drop shield right at the entrance of an area with a lot of enemies and repeatedly do that while I pick off the enemies one at a time.
  8. DRUM PH1L

    DRUM PH1L Forerunner

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    I like sprint best for both campaign and online mutiplayer. It's a great way to stay alive when in danger and it's useful to do quick turns around corners. It's also VERY good for helping with assassinations when the enemy doesn't know you're there. Just sprint to directly behind them (don't shoot) and you'll be on them to assassinate in no time.

    I only wish you could just hold down the AA button for sprint and release it to stop sprinting, but it seems that the only setting is a toggle option for sprint. Although oddly enough it's the opposite for the jetpack AA.
    #8 DRUM PH1L, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  9. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    It was Armor Lock in the BETA until they nerfed it and made it so much much worse.

    Now its Drop Shield there so many uses, To Heal, Block of a path, Put it in between your flag carrier and the enemy, Make battles CQB at your choosing. and that's just a few.
  10. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Ever since I playe Kingdom Hearts, my favorite video game move has been the Dodge Roll. And now I can finally do it in Halo!

    Just with more MM games had loadouts with it.
  11. KaneQuicktail

    KaneQuicktail Forerunner

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    Jet pack or hologram. Depends on the map, hologram is great for indoor and small maps. Jet pack is better for more open maps like the cage.

    I just love sending a decoy while I assassinate the guy shooting it. :D
  12. nobody7x7

    nobody7x7 Forerunner

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    nothing is more satisfying then assassinating someone trying to assassinate your hologram
  13. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    Personally I think the overshields are the most fun to use. When people are coming all around you or threw a grenade at you and it's about to explode, you just shield and you're safe.

    The jetpack is neat, but it leaves me too open to be shot at. The sprint one is nice too, and so is evade. I guess, though, I find the overshields to be my favorite
  14. nobody7x7

    nobody7x7 Forerunner

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    I generally use sprint when there are no radars so I can sprint up behind someone and assassinate them easier, or hologram when there are radars
  15. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    The Hologram. Nothing is more gut-busting than laughing at 3 people shooting a hologram, then obliterating them while they're distracted.

    Although using Armor Lock against a boosting Ghost is comical, too.
  16. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    armor lock. i know how to use it really good. that or active cammo. knife FTW
  17. Chris Haldor

    Chris Haldor Ancient
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    Know exactly what you mean XD

    Hologram useage
  18. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I think the hologram actually blocks enemy fire if released directly towards them. Even if it doesn't they never seem to notice the player behind the hologram until the hologram is down and the enemy is dead.
  19. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Ranked from least favorite to favorite:

    7) Active Camo
    6) Drop Shield
    5) Armor Lock
    4) Hologram
    3) Sprint
    2) Evade
    1) Jet Pack
    #19 jameslieb1, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  20. nobody7x7

    nobody7x7 Forerunner

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    1 time I shot at a hologram and killed the guy that sent it out on accident

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