How about a forgable pit? Place one down to make a hole in the map geometry, with the ability to widen it and deepen it. That may be pushing it, but it's placeable, which makes it different from editing map geometry. I'll also say why I don't want to have a Transport Warthog. If it were to be included, then there would be a vehicle with 5 ppl in it rolling around the map, making an easy Killtacular for a person wielding a Spartan Laser. Your supposed to earn something above a triple kill! So that's why a Transport Hog would be a terrible idea.
Well then it would be useless if it couldn't carry 5 spartans. If one wanted a Transport Hog in forge, at least give it the ability to do that. If one didn't give the Transport Hog that ability, it's essentially a larger Mongoose that costs more. Just simply my opinion, although it may have a Machinma (I think that's how you spell it) use, if that's the reason why.
well there is always the civillian vehicles. but those are glitches and not forged objects. btw those would be cool
This isn't really an object, but forge is sorely missing a system that would allow placing of an object at a certain degree measure in relation to a fixed plane on the map. For example, if you put an object at 45 degrees to the plane and another at 135 degrees to the plane, then they would make a right angle. This would be a much better system for precision IMO...
Corner pieces for tunnels. Like the opened boxes, only curved so we could make tunnels without interlocking.
What some of us (me!) really need is a dome object with variable size settings. Just something that isn't boxy or flat. Also, a forgable skyline that could alternate between times of day. Of course, we'll have to wait until someone makes a 360 emulator chip before we see any of this.
I will have to go with boxes and other basic geometric shapes. "But we alrdy have boxez u nub!" I don't consider the Foundry boxes as true geometric shapes. They have rounded edges and their hit detection is not accurate for all sides (trust me, I tested this. One side of the box has more invisible real estate than the other). When we get true boxes, cones, triangles, curved surfaces, etc. I will be happy. Gosh, I am soooo low-maintenance its not even funny... --dc
We should be able to make an "out of bounds" area, like Sandtrap or Snowbound, some environmental Guardians, like Automated turrets, mines, and something I suggest, is meteors falling from the sky. Of course you can see them coming long before your hit, so yea, a Forgeable killer Guardians kind of thing.
Or, not just switch objects like doors, but switches that control conveyor bels, claws, object release, things like that. And.... real elevators!
what about the relic Tele from H2? The one that works on a switch. that would help so much for Asymmetrical map and even Symmetrical maps if you think about it.
Folding chairs, Thumbtacks, Flourescent LightBulbs, flaming tables, barbed wire 2x4's, Trash cans, baseball bats, lead pipes, broken glass....Oh wait, wrong list. I want Rocks y Trees, And an outdoor version of foundry