So, I was a bit curious on my intelligence and I found this test: INTELLIGENCE TEST Basically, you have 33 (acronyms?) and you have to say what they are. There is a rating system, and it seems legit, plus it's free! This is what I got: Spoiler Take the test; and post your results, or just discuss general intelligence stuff. Trolling and flaming and spam will all be reported; so keep it clean.
Here are a few that you missed, but I have no idea for some of those... 66 B of the B: 66 Books of the Bible 13 S in the U S F: 13 Stripes in the United States Flag 18 H on a G C: 18 Holes on a Golf Course 27 B in the N T: 27 Books in the New Testament
I am neither religious, nor American; so it's no wonder I missed those, but I'm not sure how I didn't get 18 holes on a golf course. I could've been a genius
This isn't intelligence, this is memory and exposure. There are plenty of people who have no idea how many books are in the Bible or what a tricycle is. These misnomers always get to me.
not intelligence test, because its based on culture too, three blind mice? i think thats rooted in western culture. /this
Funny how I only got 4, yet in 2nd grade I took an IQ test at school and scored 137. Therefore, this is an innacurate representation of one's intellect.
iq doesnt devolop as much as you would think it would as you age. have you taken an iq test? (an actual one not some facebook balls)