Required Forge Objects Guide

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WaxyPumpkin72, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Setting Up Gametypes for Reach

    Official Required Forge Objects Guide
    Originally written by JonnyOThan

    If you're getting a gametype incompatibility message when you try to launch a game, this is thread should help. This was a topic I found on, and I've been seeing multiple questions on incompatible gametypes, so l decided to just copy/past the guide here, and hopefully this will help some people.

    Here's a quick-and dirty guide to the labels you can use in forge to set up gametypes. For items marked REQUIRED, you need to have at least one placed on the map to avoid the "map and gametype incompatible" message; but note that you might actually need more than one or need to set them for specific teams in order for the gametype to actually work.

    Each gametype supplies a label that can be used in conjunction with the "gametype-specific" setting that you can use to make any object only appear in a specific gametype. This label is typically the same as the name of the gametype (e.g. "ctf" or "headhunter").

    Generally things you label should also have the "gametype-specific" flag set on them, otherwise they will spawn in other gametypes too!

    "team_only" - these objects will not spawn in a FFA game
    "ffa_only" - these objects will not spawn in a team game

    The Rules of Invasion

    Invasion is a three phased objective game type with two teams, Spartans and Elites. A phase ends when the objective is complete or when the phase timer runs out. The attacking team wins once they successfully complete all three objectives. The defenders win if they can run the phase timer out on any phase.

    Important Info

    First things first! There are a multitude of things that you need to know about how the internal structure of an Invasion gametype.

    There are 3 different objective types available for each phase (27 different permutations)
    Each objective type has different requirements that the forged map must support.
    Invasion supports fire team player spawning and spawn locations.
    Forge objects can be setup to appear or disappear in a specified phase.

    Invasion Game Variant Setup

    Custom games should only use the "Invasion" variant and never “Invasion: Boneyard” or “Invasion: Spire.” The invasion options can be configured to change who is attacking, Spartans or Elites, and what the objective is for each phase.

    Invasion Checklist

    This is a list of everything your Invasion map should have:

    3 total objectives, 1 for each phase
    Initial, phased and backfield spawn locations
    A Safe Zone to define the boundaries of the map

    Important Forge Object Properties for Invasion

    Game Type Specific:

    An object set as game type specific will only show up in game types that include the Forge object label in its list of predefined labels. Any invasion specific objects that do not already have an invasion specific label should be labeled "Invasion.”


    Labels are a name that can be given to any object and can define game behavior. Each object can have a single label selected from a list of labels supported by the game type being Forged. Note: You must be Forging in Invasion to see the Invasion labels.

    Boundary Volumes:

    Boundary volumes must be given to all hill locations and flag capture locations, otherwise it will never detect a collision, and the objective will not function.


    The two team colors in invasion are assigned to the species as opposed to attackers and defenders. Spartans are assigned to red and Elites are assigned to Blue. This makes it important to correctly set the game option, “Invasion Options – Attacking Team,” to the correct race before starting a game of forged invasion.

    Getting Started

    To begin creating an invasion map, select the Forge lobby.


    Select Invasion from the Game Type field
    Select the Map you wish to modify
    Start the Game


    Once you are in Forge, Enter Edit mode by press up on the D-pad or select it from the Start Menu. For the most reliable results, it is recommended that you delete all objects from the map so you only have objects that you have placed.

    Creating Objectives

    There are 3 types of invasion objective and they function much like their stand alone equivalent.

    Capture the Flag (Capture the Core in the case of Invasion)


    While an Invasion map only needs to support one objective in each phase, it can be setup to handle all cases. There needs to be at least one objective for each phase to complete a round of invasion.

    Setting up a Territories Objective

    The Territories objective type requires a single object to function. There can be any number of territories per phase.

    To setup a territory we need to place an object on the map and give it the INV_OBJECTIVE Label:


    Enter the place object menu
    Select an Object (Objectives\Hill Marker is a good choice)
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Select the Advanced option and the Game Type Label property
    Change the value to “INV_OBJECTIVE”

    Now that you have a territory object, it is time to define the boundary volume:


    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Set the shape property to anything but none
    Increase the size of the width, top, bottom and length to the desired size

    Lastly assign a phase for this territory objective to be active.


    Grab the territory object
    Enter the Object Options
    Enter the advanced sub-menu
    Set the Spawn Sequence field to the phase in which this objective will be used (1,2,3)

    Setting up an Assault or CTF Objective

    An assault or CTF objective requires taking an object (bomb or core) from one location to one or more destinations. An assault objective requires the carrier to plant the bomb, a countdown within the zone, while a CTF objective only requires the carrier to enter the objective zone.

    First off we need to create the location where our Bomb/Core object will be spawned.


    Enter the Place Object menu
    Select an object to spawn the Bomb\Core on (Objective\Capture Plate is a good option)
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Select the Advanced option and the Label property
    Change the value to “INV_OBJ_FLAG”

    Next we need to place the object which will be used for the Bomb\Core Destination.


    Enter the Place Object menu
    Select an object to spawn the Bomb\Core on (Objective\Capture Plate is a good option)
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Select the Advanced option and the Game Type Label property
    Change the value to “INV_OBJECTIVE”

    The destination location needs a boundary volume.

    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Set the shape property to anything but none
    Increase the size of the width, top, bottom and length to the desired size

    Lastly assign a phase to assign a phase number to each location.

    Grab the territory object
    Enter the Object Options
    Enter the advanced sub-menu
    Set the Spawn Sequence field to the phase in which this objective will be used (1,2,3)

    Setting up Multiple Objectives per Phase

    There are some considerations when overlapping objectives per phase. Any object labeled as INV_OBJECTIVE will count as an objective. So the objective for Assault Phase will also count as a territory objective which means only one object labeled with INV_OBJECTIVE needs to be present to support all objectives.

    Setting up Spawn Locations

    There are three types of spawn locations that can be setup for Invasion:

    Initial Spawn - The players will spawn at the start of the game at these locations.
    Backfield Spawn - These spawns can be used during any phase by anyone on the associated team.
    Phase Spawn - These spawns are only active in one phase and are associated to a fire team.

    While the attacking team can be changed from the Invasion game options, this will not switch the team positions around. When a player dies they can choose to respawn on a member of their fire team, at a backfield spawn or any phased spawn available to their fire team.

    Setting up an Initial Spawn Location

    Initial spawn locations need to be set for each player on each team. Initial spawns are not affected by fire team.


    Enter the place object menu
    Select a Spawning\Initial Spawn object
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Set the team property to either red or blue

    Setting up a Backfield Spawn Location

    Backfield spawns are optional, but are a good idea to allow players alternative locations to spawn.



    Enter the place object menu
    Select an Objective\Hill Marker object
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Set the Team property to either red or blue
    Select the Advanced option and the Game Type Label property
    Change the value to “INV_RES_ZONE”

    Setting up a Phased Spawn Location.


    Enter the place object menu
    Select an Objective\Hill Marker object
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Set the Team property to either red or blue
    Select the Advanced option and the Game Type Label property
    Change the value to either “INV_RES_P1,” “INV_RES_P2” or “INV_RES_P3.”
    Change the Spawn Sequence property to the fire team value (0, 1, 2, 3+)

    The players on each team are separated into three fire teams (0, 1, 2) which can have separate phased spawn locations. Assigning a spawn location with fire team value of 3+ will make that spawn accessible to all players on the team. Each fire team needs a respawn location for each phase.

    Safe Zones

    The safe zone defines the playable area of your map. Without a safe zone a player can go to any location on the map which is usually undesirable. There are two types of safe zones:

    Hard Safe Zone: When a player leaves the safe zone they are killed.
    Soft Safe Zone: When a player leaves the safe zone they are given 10 seconds to return.



    While a combination of the two can be placed, having a hard safe zone on the map will overwrite the soft behavior. Best practice is to include only soft safe zones and use hard kill zones to enforce boundaries.

    Phased Object Creation and Deletion

    Invasion is a phased game type and has some interesting options for the creating and deleting objects based on the current phase of the round.

    Gated Objects (Phased Deletion)

    A gated object will be deleted after the specified phase has been completed. Warning: this can have strange behavior on vehicles and weapons.


    Create or hover over the object you wish to Gate.
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Select the Advanced Option and the Game Type Label property
    Change the value to INV_GATES
    Change the Spawn Sequence property to the last phase the object should be active (i.e. if the object should disappear after phase one, set the value to 1.

    Phased Objects (Phased Creation)

    A phased object will be start spawning once the specified phase has started.


    Create or hover over the object you wish to Gate.
    Press X to edit the objects properties
    Select the Advanced Option and the Game Type Label property
    Change the value to INV_WEAPON or INV_VEHICLE
    Change the Spawn Sequence property to the first phase the object should be active (i.e. if it should appear at the start of phase two, set the value to 2)

    Something to consider with phased objects is spawn time. Phased objects do not immediately appear on a round change, they must spawn in. The shortest spawn time is 1 second; do not use "Never" as they will never appear. For weapons and vehicles this is a problem as a short spawn time will mean that the vehicle or weapon will constantly respawn.

    The only difference between INV_WEAPON and INV_VEHICLE is that vehicles are given a way point at the start of the phase.


    Do not setup any objects with the invasion_cinematics label, as all this data will be deleted on custom maps by default
    Do not assig the INV_PLATFORM label to anything as it is specific to the Spire elevator lift that is activated in phase 3 of Invasion: Spire
    When working with phased objects do not set an object spawn time to never and place at start to false. If you ever reload the Forge map the object will be lost.
    The Assault/CTF Invasion phases are incompatible with the game option "Disable Weapon Pickup" as it will also prevent players from picking up the bomb or flag.

    "as_bomb" - REQUIRED - bomb spawns here (team-specific, can be neutral)
    "as_goal" - REQUIRED - plant bomb here (team-specific, can't be neutral)
    "as_res_zone" - respawn zone (influencer) which is active when your team's bomb is not planted
    "as_res_zone_away" - respawn zone (influencer) which is active when your team's bomb is planted

    "ctf_flag_return" - REQUIRED - flag spawn point and return point (team specific)
    "ctf_res_zone" - respawn zone which is active when your team's flag is at home
    "ctf_res_zone_away" - respawn zone which is active whne your team's flag is not at home

    NOTE on respawn zone labels in Assault and CTF - these only work as intended when applied to one of the respawn zone objects. But objects with these labels are always turned invincible and can never be picked up (if they are weapons).

    "hh_drop_point" - REQUIRED - a place where you can drop skulls

    "inf_spawn" - nothing special (we used this to distinguish spawn points that are infection-specific)
    "inf_haven" - REQUIRED - a safe haven.

    nothing special

    King of the Hill
    "koth_hill" - REQUIRED - the hill!

    "oddball_ball" - REQUIRED - a ball spawn point

    "race_spawn" - nothing special
    "race_flag" - REQUIRED - a race checkpoint. Use the spawn sequence to set what order you have to hit them in. You can have more than one checkpoint with the same spawn sequence, in which case the driver can hit either one to get the checkpoint.
    "none" - will get deleted

    "stp_flag" - REQUIRED - a flag spawn point
    "stp_goal" - REQUIRED - a flag drop point (team-specific)

    "terr_object" - REQUIRED - a territory

    All right, thats about it. Please tell me if you think something else should be added to this post! Credit goes to JonnyOThan and Joseph Ainsworth for originally posting the guide!

    #1 WaxyPumpkin72, Sep 16, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  2. RobRoyale

    RobRoyale Forerunner

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    man this should be a stickey or whatever ya call it this helps a lot
  3. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sure, I'll ask somebody in charge if it can be done.
    #3 WaxyPumpkin72, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  4. SamuraiChameleon

    Senior Member

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    Sweet, this was just the thing I was looking for.
  5. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Thanks a lot man. Helps a ton and also saves a buttload of time.
  6. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    Thanks....just saw that post on the Bungie forums this morning and was on my way over her to post it. Great information.

    Putting the finishing touches on my first map, already did the design, weapon & vehicle placements and need to go back and add all of these required objects.
    #6 misterxboxnj, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    This is like really good Laffy Taffy...needs to be sticky. =)

    Thanks for reposting this, helps a lot for that hateful message about incompatibility.
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your list is missing the Invasion game type...
  9. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    That's an entire front page post on, though and definitely deserves a huge topic of its own...very complicated stuff.
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Yes, I understand and know about the BWU with Invasion details... if you're gonna create an "official" guide. You should include all game types. Not everyone is like us and knows to check Bungie's website.
  11. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    0 : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT

    Good read.
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Care to explain this further? I do not understand what it is. Also needs invasion :p
  13. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Agreed (though it's just a post, not a BWU), but remember that this topic in itself is simply a copied version of Bungie's post (also a front page on, and is lacking the Invasion details because Bungie knew a full Invasion post was forthcoming.

    Don't hate the messenger. At least say thanks first before you point out the only thing missing from his massive, informative, well put-together post. Sheesh.
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Why would I thank him if I already view regularly? This is all repeat information for me, but if he's gonna try to help others out... I suggested adding something to the list to truly help those people out. In other words, I'm helping him help others out.

    Don't tell me to give thanks when it's not something I needed.
  15. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's called common courtesy, actually. And just because you're too high and mighty with your prior information to be grateful doesn't mean others may not use his post. Every single thing in his post DOES help people out. Just because you're focusing on a single missing aspect does not mean his post is worthless. LOTS of people (myself included) can read his post quickly while at ForgeHub and be informed of what they need in every single area of Forging except for one.

    Regardless of whether you will or not, I will thank him for his contribution to this site, to the readers of his post that may not frequent, and to anyone looking for any information on ANY gametype other than Invasion...which is most likely at least 75% of the Forging population.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yah stop arguing guys, no need, he didn't say thank you to you for copy and pasting information here, so what?


    I didn't realise invasion had spawn in as well, it is gonna make for some epic gametypes.
    I wonder if you can set a bomb to spawn in the first area and then have to plant it in the last area, would be the ****! :D
  17. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Where did I state in my original post that this thread was not helpful to "other" people? My post was to inform him that it was lacking information for a game type, which should have been added for this thread to be the "be all" thread. To me, if you're gonna start an "official" thread, it should be the one stop shop to answer questions in regards to everything. This is not the case for this thread and I tried to help him out by pointing out his omission.

    You should really get your head out of your ass and mind your own business. If a post is helpful, I'll give my thanks and move on. Don't read further into my posts than need be. Perhaps I should start my own Official Lance001 should mind his own friggin business thread?
    #17 MaxSterling, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  18. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stay on Topic guys or I will hand out infractions, this is a great and helpful thread, don't ruin it.

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a good list but can you change the text colour of the titles. I'm on the Light theme and cant read any of the titles
  20. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sure, I'll change the titles.

    Also, I'll edit in some more Invasion info.

    Edit: Okay, I've added the Invasion requirements into the post, and I've also changed the layout a bit.
    #20 WaxyPumpkin72, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010

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