Hotel Charlie v2 UPDATED UPDATED TO VERSION 2.0!! Map Name: Hotel Charlie V 2.0 Map Summary: A fast paced map with a blend of both close and long range combat. It is symetrical and uses a two-base set-up. The map draws influence from both guardian and lockout but comes out with a unique flow and playstyle. The map has: 2 Snipers 1 Overshield 8 Frags 4 Stickys 6 DMRs Changelog V2- Added platform and a lift behind/below the patio area Added a walkway from lower librarys to formention platform in order to make library and patio more accessable to each other. Added countless eye-candy Tweaked sniper spawns and the platform they spawn on, once again. Tweaked spawns for new map layout V.1.5- Added rails to lower mancannon areas. Switched out shotgun in middle with an overshield to encourage pushes. Fixed Capture the Flag objectives. Tweaked DMR placement Snipers Can be blown off map with a well placed grenade. Game Types: Slayer and Flag, possibly ball on another build. Screenshots: I would appreciate if any videos of any test games could be sent to me, to examine gameplay. If your interested in discussing map design or other such intelligent conversation, send me a friend request, telling me your from forge hub in the message GT: BluntdCreature
Your pictures do a good job of showing it off, but you could definitely use more...there are a lot of aspects of this map that only a run-through reveals, and people who don't have time to play it at the moment may download it if they could see it all. Secondly, I'd suggest adding a bit more diversity (while still maintaining symmetry) to create knowledge of which side you're on...the rocks are somewhat useful for that, but consider colored balls, aesthetic touches, or slightly varying geometry to allow players to get their bearings. Remember, this is MLG...these people value map control (and therefore, map knowledge) above many other things. =) Great map, overall!
Thanks for your advice, I added a diagram to the first one and am working on getting more screenshots now. Also, you bring up a good point about distinction. I was planning on using lights as you suggested but the two light limit struck down that plan with a thundering blow. I'll figure out somthing. Edit: Also I would like to ask if anybody runs games on it could you send me the footage? Or post a download link here. It would help alot with fine tuning the map flow, thankyou.
Sucks about the lights, totally forgot about that. You could use aesthetics, though, if you've got some cash leftover...maybe some non-game-changing touches phased into a wall, a huge satellite dish coming out of only one of the bases...anything that doesn't break the flow of the map but becomes instantly recognizable from the moment someone spawns (or gets lost). =)
It is a requirement that your thumbnail picture be an unedited screenshot of your map. This is a relatively small thing, I know, but please try to remember that for the future. I will replace the picture with an unedited one from this thread, but if you wish to change the picture feel free.
i agree with Lance001, the pictures do show off the map to some extent although gameplay pictures are always helpful