Tour de Forge

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by uralllame, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    This is my first Halo Reach Forge map, yay! Now that Race mode has finally returned, I decided to forge a race map. First of all, I had to decide where I wanted it. The canyon? The island? The coliseum? How about all of them.

    This race track goes all over Forge World, every playable area is covered, and the only teleporters in there are just used to link the finish back to the start, and it is a pretty nice looking finish. Each lap takes just under five minutes, as long as you don't fall off the edge and/or explode. It plays well with most sequence race game types. Mongeese are recommended, but it can be done with Hogs.

    Anyway, here are some pictures, in roughly the right order in which you encounter them. Not everything is there, because some shots won't upload. They just show some of the structures I made. There is a video of a lap at the end if you want to see what a full lap looks like.

    This is the first "obstacle". Rocks, rocks everywhere.

    This is what I've done with the Pillar.

    Watch out for the grav lifts. The point up the ramp.

    After you go down the massive ramp, follow the beach.

    Jump! Ctach him, pull him up.

    This ramp is quite steep, and takes you to the top of the Gulch.

    This bridge takes you across the canyon, it's a bit narrow.

    If you fall off the main bridge, you can get to the checkpoint via an alternate route seen above.

    This is where you race through the Gulch. The walkways sort of point to where the next checkpoint is going to be.

    Start wearing purple for me now!

    This is near the end. I just love that window.

    I also love this part.

    This is the end teleporter. I really love it.

    Unfortunately the shot of the telporter exit at the start won't upload, but it's awesome, check the video

    The video should give you more of an idea of the course, the screenshots just show you some of the structures I made. Watch the video to see a whole lap.

    If that vid doesn't work, here are some links to it:
    Bungie Video - And Youtube

    Thanks for reading the post, I hope you have fun playing this map.
    Here's the download link.

    - There is a way of getting back on the course if you fall off one of the bridges. However, this was quite hard to find, so I added 2 checkpoints, one near the end of the bridge, and one on the alternate route. Hitting either one of them counts, and then you are directed to the next checkpoint.
    #1 uralllame, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Those are such long laps! lol
    I love you. No seriously, you're one of the first to ACTUALLY include a youtube video instead of silverlight, which doesn't work on my mac.

    Anyways, looks pretty creative. I just wish you could have included an actual race... like with other people.

    I think it's pretty good. Looks like you added some pretty nifty aesthetics. Nice job!
    #2 Monolith, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  3. Boots

    Boots Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet map. How do you make the bridge @ 1:50?
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You didn't even edit the post straight from 7sins, sad faic :(

    I don't think much effort has been put into the map, it's very simple and will be generic of 99.9% of halo race maps, I mean Bungie even made something very similar to this in one of their vidocs -.- Although this looks a lot better than most of these type of maps. The aesthetics look good and the forging is cleaner than others I have seen. I especially love the teleporter. I may have to use it as a center piece at one point.
  5. Eighties Monkey

    Eighties Monkey Forerunner

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    This Track Is Good And Better Than Anything I Can Do At The Moment, Not Been on Forge Really Yet, But Your Track Has Given Me Some Ideas, Thanks
  6. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    Yeah, but I posted here before S7 :D

    I would like to see what can be done with the teleporter structure. Maybe you could have 2 opposite each other, and some giant explodey thing in the middle. It's very satisfying when the last bit clicks in to place.
    #6 uralllame, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  7. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Wow. Those laps are really long. But the track is very flat and really good. Not very exciting but a good tour, not very race track needs 100 MPH drops, and 80 MPH turns.
    Also I love the teleporter.

    They're called "One way shield". If you touch it on one side you go through. But if you try and go through the other it bounces you,
  8. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Forerunner

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    Cool map. The last jump kind of reminds me of the end of halo 3! I've already uploaded it, but I still can't play it yet, until I get my own copy
  9. Vertigo

    Vertigo Forerunner

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    Looks awesome overall. I think you should get rid of some of the obstacles, especially those darned mines :mad:, and use the money to define where you are supposed to go more clearly. There was a part there where if somebody didnt know the map they wouldnt even be sure if they were going on the right path to the next checkpoint. The jumps are epic and some of the obstacles are cool, but some just seem unnecessarily annoying.
  10. Seidule

    Seidule Forerunner

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    I like this race for a smooth easy ride. The only confusing part is right at the beginning, everyone in my race drove forward off the edge! After that though, this is a great racetrack if you're looking for a 6+ minute lap. Be sure to adjust your game timer so you can finish the course!

    Edit: You can see where we all drove off in the first picture, top left.
    #10 Seidule, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  11. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    This is an awesome map with beautiful architecture built in to it!

    I is very smooth and easy to race on with friends but it doesnt lead for a ver exciting race...

    I agree with some of the comments posted above about there being some unnecessary obsticles on some of the areas of the track, mainly the main bridge over the gulch and the ramp down and up from the spire.
    You may want to add some barriers to the first turn to stop people driving straight off the edge and maybe extend the ramp that gets you into the canyon from the coastline (Picture 5 from top) as if you are not driving fast enough you can sometimes miss.

    Finally, with the final teleporter that takes you back to the start, you may want to merge it into the gateway structure so it cannot be seen and extend the area that it teleports with, unless this affects the way the recieve node works.

    Well done for doing what we all wanted to do first!!!

    PS: The version I played came straight off the file browser so you may have changed it.

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