Not sure if people have thought too much in this, as its easy to earn a few thousand credits just playing with your friends in big team and invasion. I ask you though: whats your fastest method so far in earning credits? Mine so far has to be soing score attack firefight, gruntapocalypse. The high headshots, multikills, killsprees and lack of death at the end of the round seems to earn me about 1500 cr per game. (i've earned a commendation each game though, need to do one where I don't earn one really). Any others you've seen that make saving easier?
I've just been playing campaign on Legendary and have accumulated about 14k cR ( not including the 7k you start with ). Figured I'd take advantage of the Weekly Challenge and earn a quick 5k. Only have the final mission to go...
I've still yet to do the campaign on legendary, been making the most of lots of people online to play. My total savings so far is 81k, only 219k to go till I get my heart attack
I'd probably have gotten a lot more cR if I lowered the difficulty, but I had to let the AI kill off a lot of the enemies. It's suicidal to rush in against elites and brutes... and in some missions your ally AI characters give away your position because they're constantly on your ass. All I can do most of the time is stand back and try to kill them off with a long ranged weapon.
campaign on heroic within the next few days gets you 5000 cR. Pay attention to the daily/weekly challenges. Also, Firefight is usually a guaranteed 500-700 + if you have any skill whatsoever, and games aren't too long.
Did some testing, if I don't complete an commendation I get 1200 points in 6 minutes on gruntpocalypse.
Do the daily challenges and weekly challenges. Each day so far, I've been able to get all of the daily challenges in the first hour I wake up. They are pretty easy and you get some credits for them. Try that. I'm sure soon we will find a quick way to earn credits.
I play firefight matchmaking with 3 of my other friends (4 total) and we choose the "SniperFight" gametype and just go for headshots. You get like 200-1700 credits every 5-12 minutes.
Corvette firefight. Infinite jet pack, bottomless rockets and ARs, invulnerability. All skulls activated. Legendary difficulty. Fun fun fun.
I thought user made firefights only earn you up to 50 credits? Ah well, after playing with my friends lots last night I'm up to 115k credits. Warrent officer grade 2
Score Attack is one of the best playlists for getting credits, reliably, every game. Gruntpocolypse is my personal fave.... so many headshots.
I don't get what people mean by "50 credits" care to explain? Also making a decent forge map nets around 5k and isn't that why were here in the first place ?
Do you play online? I heard that people who only play single player get a lot more points from offline play.
If your talking to me, no I wasn't playing online at that time, I just spent like 30-45 minutes having fun in forge
the best way to get credits is go to multiplayer than to firefight than score attack (Or whatever its called) skip until you see the generator defence gametype (Its called something grounds i think) and also sniper attack those two gametypes get you about 1000 to 5000 Cr but dont play it too much cuz it will go down in points so you have to play other things too then the Cr will go back up and also each one takes about 12 but if u get high multi kills u can get about 2k in 4 minutes
Ahhh just play the game?, I've been playing the game how I've wanted to not aiming for credits just for fun and the achievements and got 123395cR But I guess daily challenges help and variying your games you play helps you rank up different types of commendations for more cR.
The last level of warrent officer is a horrid amount of credits (66k). Captain is going to take a few days to get up to, it seems. The reason I want to get as much credits as quickly as I can Is I start uni on the 27th, and won't have nearly as much time to play on the xbox anymore. Just wanna get that little headstart for the long run
not sure if this is on topic or not, but that lightning armor effect is 2 million (which most here probably already knew) but the max rank is at about 500,000. thats a ridiculous amount over the max