Thus far I have designed 2 maps and 2 gametypes to go with those maps. One is a Race and the other is 1 Flag CTF. But when I try and load them up to play the game always says, "This game type can't be played on this map variant". Anyone else seen this?
Have you made sure that you have all the required objective items on the map? i.e: a flag spawn/capture point?
I put in one flag return point and one flag stand since it is One Flag CTF. It just won't even let me start the map as a game. It loads and then blinks that they are incompatible. But it seems to do this with me no matter what game type I try.
the little capture plate is not even required you just have to make BOTH flag stands flag return points. Logically it makes no sense to me either but do it and it will work. When you get ready to test make sure you have a spare controller to sign in another player or the flag will not appear.
I'm having the same problem... I'm in advanced options for the flah and I see the following: Spawn Sequnece: 0 Place at Start: True Game Specific: True Symmetry: Both Game Type Label: CTF Min Count:1 Max Count:3 I don't see anything that give you the option to make the flag stand a return point?
under GameTypeLabel keep going and you will see flag_return_point or something to that effect and if you dont see that exit and change from basic editing to a flag style game but it shouldnt matter. sorry to be unclear at first im not at my xbox im at work so i couldnt remember specific menu item but whenever you change BOTH flag stands to that it will work for you cuz i went through heck and highwater trying to get 1 Flag CTF on my map "Marina"