I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but the yaw/pitch/roll system has a major bug that makes some pieces impossible to place the way you want them. I discovered this while trying to simply place a block turned 45 degrees on both yaw(vertical axis) and pitch(horizontal axis). You would think that this would give me a block rotated on the vertical 45 degrees and on the horizontal 45 degrees, by definition. But instead, my block was rotated 45 degrees on the vertical and 45 degrees on a (45 degree) diagonal and naturally didn't line up with my floor at all. This is because the yaw is not a permanent vertical axis like it should be. Instead, it is an axis that goes through the center of the object(vertical when first spawned) that changes with the pitch and roll of the object. So, when I rotated 45 degrees about the pitch/horizontal axis I also rotated the yaw/vertical axis, making it a diagonal axis instead. (It doesn't matter which order you rotate in) As far as I can tell, pitch and roll are both fixed horizontal axes. This isn't a huge problem, unless, you know, you want to use angles in your map....
Yes I was talking about the coordinate editor, but the same problem happens with regular snaps as well.
You need to look at the object at a different angle. Skip out of the menu, circle round the item (either horizontally or veritcally) 90 degrees so that you're looking at a new face. Head into the edit coordinates values and both pitch and yaw alter what they change. It can be a little annoying, but it's something to get used to.
I've noticed the coordinates are for the center of an object. I have had a hell of a time getting 2 or more peices to mach up if they are different items with it(and I use if ALOT) even if the items are at the same level there will be that noticeable bump, and trying to slide them up manually is just as oversensitive as it was in Halo 3. All in all it makes things a million and a half times easier, but it is sad when I want a smooth walking surface from say a Wall, collousium to a 4x4 brick and there is a size difference in the items just minute enough the items don't fit.
A simple solution would be to set the angle rotation to 5 and do it manually, it will rotate the Pitch Yaw and Roll by 5 when your rotating them. This may not solve the co-ordinates issue but it helps with accuracy if your having trouble. Edit: I remember I had the same problem in alot of other map editors (even sketchup), Objects couldn't be accurately put in a tilted diamond shape.
The angle you look at shouldn't matter. The editing system is independent of your view, that's the whole point of it--to accurately line things up without having to eyeball anything. Accuracy is not the issue. The issue is that you cannot alter yaw properly if you have also altered pitch or roll in any way. If you are still having trouble picturing what I'm saying, reread the OP and try to recreate my example in forge. Instead of being level with the ground like it should be, the block ends up crooked.
I did read the OP, but from that it seems your just complaining that you can't get it right. Theres absolutely nothing you could do about this problem, making this thread another useless "I have problem with _____." To change this make the post informative not negative. In summation, complaining about the coordinate system is like complaining about the rain (even though in this case the rain helps dramatically but does not 'rain' like you want it to.)
Yea i'v noticed this, i think everything is fine as long as you never alter atleast 1 axis. It's kind of a shame because it limits true accuracy to 2 dimensions and not 3. I've tried the old fashioned way of using braces, changing the object to fixed and moving it into the orientation i want before setting it to phased and joining them. The coordinates don't work, they axis should rotate with the object, or atleast be visible. ^ above guy, your an idiot. This is kind of a big deal when one of the most basic systems is integrated into a game, is expected to be vital to future map creation and is found to be flawed in 48 hours. This axis system should work, and it doesn't.
Setting the angle just uses a rotation matrix, and from basic knowledge about matricies, order matters. I have not done much forging but this was apparent to me within a few moments of using the angle snap.
It's my fault for not explaining what I mean well enough. I wasn't trying to make a personal attack, I just wanted anyone who didn't understand to try my example in forge to better understand what I'm talking about. This thread is meant to warn people of this problem, because I could easily see somebody making half a map and running into this and having to start over. If anyone has a map that features objects that require both yaw and roll/pitch to be altered, then this applies to you. It also means that you should always line your map up along the pitch/roll axes, so that you don't need to alter yaw as much. Luckily objects are automatically on those axes, so most people haven't noticed this issue yet. Anyway, if you run into the problem, you can still get the object right by using old forge methods. I'll try to post screenshots later, because I still don't think I've explained it well enough. EDIT: Looks like Matty beat me to the punch on explaining the implications. I'm glad to see we came to the same conclusions, I was starting to think I might be wrong.
Oh, I'm sorry if it seems like I was trying to make my earlier post sound defensive, I was simply trying to point out that your OP seemed like you were trying to figure out the accuracy, and after you said it wasn't then it seemed like a complaining thread. My point is that axis system does help a lot and have a major flaw, but we've forged with out it before we can certainly do it again right?
we're all still getting used to the new controls, as well. could have something to do with that..... I do wish coordinates editor went to hundredths though. I'm making an aesthetic grifball map with lots of red and blue lines/pieces merged with the floor.... its really diffcult to line them up PERFECTLY with the floor. As usual, its all about technique... its easier now than it was the first time though. Patience.
Well i think it's established here, the best way to keep things at maximum accuracy is to always maintain one axis at 0 and don't mix pitch and yaw(?), it's okay for the first object that doesnt, but the next one does not connect correctly and so on.
couldn't have said it any better. bungie rushed forge to much, and they didnt check to make sure everything was fine tuned, and for that reason i give you the virtual middle finger bungie! all of our blood sweet and tears as a forge community, waiting for the game to come out and what you give us is a flawed forge system....., thank you bungie thank you very much.
I have had this problem alot when trying to edit objects using a 45 degree snap, my solution is to back out of the coordinate system, and to take off the snap, then rotate your object to the approximate location you want it the old fashioned way. Then you can turn the snap back on, and it should snap right to what you want. If the larger angle doesnt work, just go and fine tune it with a 5 degree snap on.
Nope, it does depend on your view. If you're in the edit coordinates menu, you can't change view. You're fixed to the position you were in when you accessed the menu. If you're free spinning with locked rotation, it's still dependent on your view because if you're looking at a piece on a 45 degree angle, pressing left on the left thumbstick will have two possible outcomes, it can either rotate vertically, or horizontally. As you're in the centre, the game chooses one over the other. Rotate yourself to face the object front on, you're thumbstick now only has one possibly outcome, to rotate the object horizontally. The right thumbstick then controls the vertical
I had 4 identical pieces with each at the same height, yet none of them were dead on level. Each made enough difference to keep everything unleveled. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know. I also have noticed when someone joins my forge session it messes with the object location. Not much, but enough that if I manage to get things just perfect, they are no longer perfect. This often leads to things not lining up right and overall me just pissed that something bungie claimed to be so good seems to be so hard to get anything just right. Again if you got a fix, other then just not letting anyone join, please let me know.