Man Cannon Issues

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KingGladiator88, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. KingGladiator88

    KingGladiator88 Forerunner

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    We all love Man Cannons, we all love Halo Reach, so it was natural to put them together in the game. We don't all love fall damage. Is there any way to fix the fact that i lose roughly half my health and in some cases completely die because the heavy man cannons im using are slinging me too far too fast across the map? I did try to put gravity lifts to try to cushion the landings to create a effect similar to jumping off the tower in Spire like when your playing invasion and jump off and jump into the red grav lifts but they dont work and i end up smeared on the ground. Any method to fix this besides walking? and before you say it i am thinking of just linking two or three light man cannons to make several smaller jumps but thats not the main point. Right now my heavy cannons are obsolete and a liability for killing me.
  2. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    I think it might be possible to turn off fall damage, but if not, the only things I can think of are either position your mancannons better, crouch when you land, or use a slope landing to transfer the downwards momentum into forward momentum.
  3. KingGladiator88

    KingGladiator88 Forerunner

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    I havent found out how to turn off fall damage. If so im doing that especially for forge keep forgetting and turn into a spartan at 100 feet to land on my new building and die. Or if im 10 ft in the air and press LT and down on thumbstick and become human again forget that momentum is still transferred and die from high speed impact.

    Anyway what i did to fix it was change the angle of the man cannon so that your elevation during flight is drastically reduced while your distance is either increased slightly, decreaced slightly or not at all, which lessened the height factor for increasing speed and so i take no damage.
  4. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    One way shield doors that are completely flat with red side up should do the trick! if it doesn't hurt you at all, it will barely do damage
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You're gonna have to just have an angled landing. Don't try and do a Narrows, you'll just deliver fall damage and sadness to everyone involved.
  6. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    Sorry for the tread hyjack but this could be what I need, I'm looking for a way to stop people from dieing from my man cannon. I've tried other man cannons pointing the other way, and teleporters but you dont always hit them, not to mention you come out with some force! ;) Will sheild doors really work?
  7. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
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    One way shield doors.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    How about you angle your magical man-cannons much less, if you are going at an angle to the ground you take much less damage, and if the angle is great enough none at all.
  9. Jerrod H

    Jerrod H Forerunner

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    Just messing with the heights really made all the difference for a map I've been working on. It's got a lot of man cannons to help speed up the pot action in this vehicle and size heavy map. Sometimes the smallest alterations make all the difference.

    Haven't tried the shield door yet that's interesting. But that would chew up a lot of budget if you need to use a lot of them.

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