I don't get some of the spawning objects, and I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. It would be a major help if someone could explain what these objects do.
I would also like a real indepth explanation of spawning.... Like how if a Team takes over a base for CTF.... How do you get the other team to spawn somewhere outside?
I don't have Reach... but for H3, you just put a bunch of neutral spawn points at one base, then put one giant spawn marker over the base and set that giant spawn marker to team 1. Then, the giant spawn marker influences the neutral spawn points to spawn only people of team 1. If team 2 were to walk over into team 1's spawn marker zone, then team 1 is more likely to spawn outside of that marker. Get it? But it's a bit tweaked in Reach... and I'm not entirely sure how that works, but it should be along the lines of H3.
Respawn zone weak acts just like a normal respawn zone, except that it has half the boost effect on the weighting of the selected spawns. Respawn zone anti is the opposite of a nomarl respawn zone; instead of adding the full amount to the weighting it subtracts the whole amount.
Are you sure that the respawn zones only affect weighting? They may do more than that, so I'd like to see some evidence to that claim.
Respawn zones are spawn influencers which only affect "weighting," as you call it, of spawn points. However, a respawn zone can be assigned to a particular team, which makes all neutral spawn points within its radius more or less belong to the assigned team (only during team games; in FFA these points can be used by all players). A more detailed description is below, taken directly from Spawning: How to get it right in Halo Reach | Reach Forger:
I thought anti zones prevent spawning completely in it's contained respawn points originally, but the spawn guide suggests that they are equivalent in influence to a weak zone which suggests they don't completely prevent spawning, I haven't used anti zones yet so if anyone has tested them would interested to here too
I think that respawn zone anti is for games were at a certain point in the game people dont spawn at those points. And respawn zone weak is like theres half the chance you will spawn there when the games deciding where to spawn you.
They involve a lot of thought to put in to how you want your map to play out during a game. I guess the closest thing we've had before were the spawn zones in CTF in Halo 3 where you wanted players to spawn near to the flag when its at home and nearer the middle when its away to make getting it back a bit easier. You could have the same for Slayer. A normal respawn zone at the base and weak respawn zones else where in case the base suddenly gets filled with enemies. I'm sticking to normal respawn zones for now. I'll start using weak and anti when I need them.
See my blog post on this point... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/blogs/mrgreenwithagun/2789-about-reach-respawn-zones.html
Spawning info Spawn zones These influence the odds of people spawning at any of the spawn zones inside of these. A spawn zone is given a value that designates how likely someone is to spawn in there. The value is at default, zero. These are the things that can change the value Recent Death in spawn Zone: -100 Enemy in spawn zone: -50 Ally in spawn zone: +50 Recent Ally spawn in zone: +100 You must place a team marker for the spawn zone. If you set it to neutral all spawn points will be neutral. Set it to Green and all Spawns points in the zone will be for Green Team A weak Spawn zone makes it so that everything is either +50 or -50 An Anti-spawn zone makes it so that everything is reverse. So an Ally in the spawn zone will be -50 and an enemy would be +50. I don't see much use in an anti... Spawn Zones, When overlapped, will make it so that spawn points in the area where they are overlapped will have their value as the total of both spawn zones values together. When making a team gametype map make sure there are atleast 3 neutral spawns in the map. This makes spawn camping near impossible. Hope this helps.
To get players to spawn else where in CTF, say in a side building where you have a few neutral spawns, you have to cover that area with a weak spawn zone and then use the gametype label in CTF which says "CTF_respawn_away" or something along those lines. Weak respawn zone and anti respawn zone affects are stackable, but only inside a normal spawn zone. if an enemy player enters a weak respawn zone that covers some neutral spawn zone, the likelihood of a player spawning there decreases, even if the enemy is nowhere near the actual spawn point. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually, anti and weak spawn zones don't cause any other affect, except - and + respectively. If you set it to a specific team, that only means the effect applies only to that team. So if you had a red and blue spawn next to each other and a weak respawn set to red, it would be +50 for the red spawn and +0 for the blue spawn. An enemy or friendly in an anti has no effect.
Actually CTF_respawn_away means that that team will only respawn there if their flag is away from the flag stand's vicinity (decided by object shape thing) The Halo 3 spawn guide. The Weak and Anti stuff is well known to most good forgers.
Actually TCD, those numbers were only ever used as an example. The actual algorithms and values are known only by Bungie.
Hmm... Does that mean that people who do not know about it are not good forgers? Any H3 information applied to Reach is suspect at best. Regardless, as I thought more about your comment, I realized that your numbers are meaningless without knowing (a) all the possible influencing factors that the spawn engine takes into account, and (b) what weights are applied by every possible factor. So you add 50 to a spawn point. How can you determine the total value of any point to compare against other points? For example, can you tell me what weight an enemy proximity provides at 2m, or 5m, or 10m? Can you tell me what the weight applied is for looking at the spawn point or away and at different distances? Without all the possible weights, any weight value, even if accurate, is meaningless. I am going to setup a test specifically to see if the claim that an enemy in a zone will weigh against a spawn point, or if it more likely that the proximity is what is being observed. Unless Bungie officially says it, I don't believe it. I have heard many ridiculous claims and proven nearly every one wrong. I heard something like this before and ran a test to prove it wrong. I just don't know off hand if it was this particular claim or something closely similar. I heard one claim that the zones "communicate" with each other as to what is happening "in and around" them. Yet, I see no evidence in testing or any documentation to back it up. Have you heard this? If so, can you tell me how accurate it is or what Bungie data we have to back it up from? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ya, but all good forgers know this is true... [br][/br]Edited by merge: It depends upon what you mean by likelihood. I can show you that it appears random in some cases, and in some cases it doesn't matter at all if the enemy is in the zone. It depends upon if the enemy has killed while in the zone, if the person suicided (rather than got killed), etc. There are so many variables, that one cannot just make claims like this. This is why I say if Bungie doesn't say it officially, it is suspect at best.
By default the spawn system gets a player to spawn where they last died. That takes priority over all other factors. This is why you can spawn next to an enemy. To prevent that, the other factors come into play to decide where you spawn. Even so, this is not fool proof. EDIT: LOLFAIL IN THIS POST!
I can see the errors in that sentence, and I apologise for the confusion in that sentence. What I meant to say was the opposite of the first statement. Players spawn as far away as possible from their last death and then that takes priority of all else. Then, the game takes into account team-mates locations and places you near them, or away from enemies. When I re-read my statement, I rofled at the mistake.