Remake Halo 4

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by FpSbLacKshaRK, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. FpSbLacKshaRK

    FpSbLacKshaRK Forerunner

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    I have done this version of I PULL in PULL for the halo reach. the map it consists of surrounding the circuit with the motorcycles, and of coming ultimately avoiding the shots of rocket launcher of the zombi raised in the platform.



  2. Lyles

    Lyles Ancient
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    INfected spawn in the tower, its like RING OF FIRE map on sandbox skybox.

    People drive around the outer ring and a douche in the middle trys to knock them off.
  3. mooman219

    mooman219 Forerunner
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    Congrats on the first halo reach custom map on forge hub!
    I bet the majority of the community is envious of you at the moment.

    I like the map but some of the forging is off, like the support column in the second picture (I am OCD over that kinda stuff). Also, i think you could do more... like make it look a little more "Reach". With all the new powerful forging capabilities, a halo map saddens me. but over all i think your map looks clean and simple, and probably fun to play, i queued it for download so ill try to get to it day one... skipping school for reach!

    Ask the testers guild to test it. (Aka. brag u got halo reach :D)
  4. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    All haile the first Reach map on Forgehub!

    Neat Racetrack. It reminds me of "Halo" from Halo 3. So based on the pictures, I would assume that it was for that gametype. Your gametype says I Pull In Pull. So please explain how to play.

    Great to see the first of many great custom content coming to our new game. But for my Download, I'd like to see some details on what the gameplay is like.
  5. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i said it in the preview and i will say it here, this is not an original idea. if you made this into a racetrack, and a long one at that, that wold work out pretty well. i mean i don't have anything against these type of infection maps but even on reach it has already been done about 10 times. now here is a suggestion to make it a little more interesting: if you maybe edited the map and added a racing gametype, you would have the most out of this. maybe even make it teams of two and the players on the back of the mongoose have to knock the other team's mongeese off the track. i mean the map itself is a little boring but thats pretty much all that can be done with this.
    #5 Sgt Surchin, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  6. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    as other people have already said
    "you could have done alot more"

    keep in mind that i do not have the game yet so i cant personally see what your budget is so forgive me if im wrong.

    1. Im sure you have lots of items/budget left over, so efing use them/it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2. looks pretty straight but, given the tools in forge world there is no reason for it to be anything less then perfect.
    3. Give game description. what the hell is "I pull in pull"? this is a "halo on halo" variant.
    4. You should make it so zombies respawn that way its never boring just because you died, this makes it funner for zombies (racers) and also harder and still funner for the human (shooter) (cant tell if you havent done this or not because of your lack of info)
    5. Did i mention "info"!!!!!!!! pictures are great but game settings are just as important if not more so.

    ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There is no benefit to putting a map on forge hub unless its Perfect and amazing.
    Dont get reaches maps off to a bad start by just constantly posting crap!!!!!
    It crowds the map database with garbage and makes it tedious to find a decent map.
    It shows that you dont even care about your maps enough to actually make them as good as possible
    Take your time.
    #6 Vantier Raleigh, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  7. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I am no amused! The first map couldn't have been an original idea?

    And frankly it looks sloppy, this map looks like a quick-forge without much, scratch that, ANY thought put into it what so ever.

    The base is just a platform with nothing special about it. The actual driving course doesn't even look like it's a curved. In fact, I can see the spot where it bends in the 2nd picture. And nothing even done to the course, beyond a few small jumps of course.

    I'm disgusted. ô_ô
  8. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Meh, I have always hated "Halo on Halo" but it seems like you could possibly recreate the feeling.
    I don't think this will be as much fun because it seems like it will be hard to fall off. I could possibly attempt this backwards when I get the game. But like BlueDevil said, your going to do a lot more to get me/other people to download.
    By the way:
    Now please^^^

    EDIT: His reason for making this piece o' crap
    #8 HLG FlashPoint, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  9. ArcticFox

    ArcticFox Forerunner

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    I disagree, it's technically a race map because it's the first person that gets to the end that wins (the twist is that there's someone shooting at you).

    It definitely looks clean, but did you place death barriers so that when you fall off, you die? If not, gameplay would suffer a lot from that.
  10. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    It's not a race map. It does not matter if you are first to the end. And 'looks clean'... Are you serious? This map would take 30 minutes, 1 hour tops. Seems strange that for your first post you would disagree with another member.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    And to the other people who flamed, why does it matter if this guy posted the first Halo Reach map? Just because it's a HALO on HALO map it clearly took no work and was posted only to claim first thread in the Reach map section? Look closely and you'll notice he did actually put effort into this with the aesthetic columns holding the track up and such.

    You wouldn't treat someone who posted any other map you think is bad in this manner, so why behave like that towards this guy?

    On topic, would it be possible to post more pictures? The map looks huge right now and I'd like to see how far the track goes.
    #11 Rifte, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  12. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    May not be the most original work, but its not terrible. It's not amazing or terrific, it didn't take weeks. But it is the first one and the aesthetics really are not that bad. Like the column and platform for the zombie is pleasing enough. Oh, and the decoy idea in the tunnel is pretty funny. And finally I also like the rock tunnels they looks pretty cool. And to the people who hated, why take all the bad things from a map instead of looking at the good things? Even if there are few. Were not here to make fun of people, we're here to improve peoples forgery. Plus the game hasn't come out yet, so cut him some slack.

    Also congratz on the first Reach post, you lucky bastard.
    #12 Dulden, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  13. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Actually it was a retail fail. I know it was in Norway but I don't know what store. One of my Norweigan friends has a few friends with Reach.

    Nice to see the first map is up to standards and not just a spam post, below standards post, or thrown together map. Hope you make more!
  14. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    People who think he stole it are wrong. People are getting it earlier LEGALLY, I am also getting my game tomorrow while my friend are getting it Tuesday, And I'm getting it legally.

    Btw change the Picture please, It retarded.
  15. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Tester's guild aren't testing for a while.

    And about the map, this is what I don't like about Forgehub, people come out with crap maps for the sake of posting them.
  16. FpSbLacKshaRK

    FpSbLacKshaRK Forerunner

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    I have used the own aesthetics of the previous version. It did not want to introduce the aspec

    The creator of the map is good, but it does not do magic. This map is done in 2 hours approximately.

    Thank you. The people who criticized me, were for the fact of having the game before, at all more.

    I understand that you do not like the map, but I do not deal for that you show anger. Really does not he anger you that I have the game and your not? Jajaja

    It is true there are 10 maps. BUT IN I PULL 3. In halo reach there are 0

    It is not my first post, since in forge discussión raised a map on Friday. Do they give a prize for going forward in a post? Then because you cannot stand it so much?

    The human beings run for the circuit until the end. The zombie in the platform must throw cochetes to avoid it.
    #16 FpSbLacKshaRK, Sep 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  17. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    Trust me, it's because it's forge hub and we wanted the first map to be awesome and original, not boring and done many times... This is just a oh put crap together and make the easiest map ever to get first post. You seem like u are those guys on YouTube who jizz themselves when they get first post...

    And don't say I'm hating because I don't have reach, because matter of fact... I DO.
  18. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    I cannot agree more. I am taking a few days off work to make my first 3 or 4 maps on forgehub the way I intended them to be, with the help of suggestions from the community. I do not intend to post **** maps and if they are, I HOPE I get told off for it.

    Also, FpSbLacKshaRK, reply to all of the comments in the one reply. Don't grind out 11 posts. If need be, open up all reply quotes in other tabs and add them to a single tab. It makes it look more neat and less like spam.
  19. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    By definition, the first reach map posted wasnt going to be that good, as good maps take longer to make than crap ones.

    Personally, I always found the Halo gametype a bit tedious, even more so when the tracks started to get more and more convoluted. However, I think it' is going to take a while before the community discovers what forgeworlds killer app will be, and there is no harm in a few remakes.
  20. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    While I'm not going to judge your post and your map based in weather or not you have reach or weather or not this is the fisrt post i will judge your post base on your post.

    First off the forging does look sloppy as you can see in the first pic the ground is very uneven. I technically can't judge you on gameplay however I didn't much like halo on halo in 3 anyway. For your post it could have used more pics seeing as the map is giant. So my score as of now is 1/5. When reach comes out this may change.

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