What will you unlock first in Black Ops? Spoiler ---Getting Info... --CLASS SETUP --HAVOC BRINGER: ...... ...... ...... PRIMARY WEAPON : -Weapon Type : Sub-Machine Gun (SMG) --Weapon : AKs-74u ATTACHMENTS (PRIMARY WEAPON) : -Upper --Reflex Sight ---Diamond Outline ----RED SECONDARY WEAPON : -Weapon Type : Pistol --Weapon : M1911 ATTACHMENT(S) (SECONDARY WEAPON) (IF ANY) : -Barrel --Silencer PERKS : -Tier 1 --Scavenger -Tier 2 --Sleight of Hand -Tier 3 --Marathon KILLSTREAKS : - Spy Plane (3) -- Napalm Strike (5) --- Valkyrie Rockets (7) PERSONAL (NOTES) : Above is EVERYTHING I will unlock first. Depending on what level the AKs-74u is unlocked at, I'll be using whatever guns they give you at start until I have enough cP (CoD Points) to buy my Havoc Bringer Class. ---END. Please, no CoD hate. I know this is a Halo forum, but this is GAMING Discussion, and last time I checked, Call of Duty IS INFACT a game. This thread should not be used for CoD/Halo flame-wars. Thank you.
If i get black Ops which i want now , I want that camera equipment it's soooo useful for the way i play! Also probably the crossbow at first just for fun and all the new things then after playing for awhile ill choose the best combo for practicality.
--CLASS SETUP --TRY_HARD_MODE_1: ...... ...... ...... PRIMARY WEAPON : -Weapon Type : Assault Rifle --Weapon : AK-47 ATTACHMENTS (PRIMARY WEAPON) : -Under Mounted --Flamethrower SECONDARY WEAPON : -Weapon Type : Special --Weapon : Ballistic Knife TACTICAL GRENADES : -Decoy (A non-lethal grenade that creates false radar blips) LETHAL : -Tomahawk EQUIPMENT : -Claymore PERKS : -Tier 1 --Hardline -Tier 2 --Sleight of Hand -Tier 3 --Ninja KILLSTREAKS : - Napalm Strike (5) -- Chopper Gunner (9) --- Attack Dogs (11) ...this will be the game I abandon Reach for.
cod is teh suxorz!!!!111 Seriously though, I'm probably going to end up just using one of the default classes for a month and then remember I can customize them like I always do. And then quit this game a month after.
You totally stole my layout. Not. Cool. Anyways, KFJ, I honestly think that Black Ops will be the successor of CoD4 and CoD2. Black Ops at the moment looks amazing, and I honestly can't wait to see what else Treyarch has in store for us.
I'm just trying not to expect much so that I'm blown away anyway if it really does turn out to be **** after all. By far the best comment in the thread.
Chances are I'll just play Reach for a long while and then like a couple of months after Black Ops comes out I'll get it (probably Christmas) and then I'll mix and match that with playing Halo. But anyways, I have no idea what I'll use. Probably whatever is over-powered (to a point, no gay one-shot crap like a noob tube). But I probably won't play much Black Ops. I'm going to be focused hardcore on Reach for a while.
I hope that the PC Devkit will turn out good, I know that I'll eventually end up getting the PC Version, as I have with every CoD game since CoD4 up to now. I see where you're coming from, KFJ, but I did say, "At the moment." On a general note, I see no problems with the game other than Chopper Gunner being an 9 killstreak - but it's with Guns only, and it doesn't add up to anything. There's also no Danger Close Pro, but we don't know what any Pro perks do yet, so I'm not going to be holding my breath.
Spoiler --CLASS SETUP --Custom Class 1: ...... ...... ...... PRIMARY WEAPON : -Weapon Type : Assault Rifle --Weapon : Enfield ATTACHMENTS (PRIMARY WEAPON) : -Holographic Sight SECONDARY WEAPON : -Weapon Type : Pistol --Weapon : Makarov TACTICAL GRENADES : -Willy Pete (Willy Pete will lay down a thick smoke which can be used defensive when capturing a flag, or as a distraction for the enemy.) LETHAL : -Semtex EQUIPMENT : -Motion Sensor (Place mobile radar to see enemies within its radius.) PERKS : -Tier 1 --Lightweight -Tier 2 --Sleight of Hand -Tier 3 --Ninja KILLSTREAKS : - Spy Plane (3) -- Mortar Team (6) --- Gunship (11) Layout STOLEN!
the chopper gunner is like the one in the "big brother" spec ops mission in mw2. where its just like a side mounted turret in an open low flying chopper.
I'm already planning my 10 classes out on post-its. Have a Gears of War class in mind with the cross bow.