In Remembrance of 9/11

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RedNeck, Sep 11, 2010.

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  1. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    9 years ago today, a handful of radical anti-American terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center Towers and over 3,000 lives. Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda, in hate of America, attacked the United States and led us into a 9-year-long war we can no longer afford. Today America's economy stands in what the economists call a "Recession." In Actuality, we are on the bridge of the 1920s depression, again. In 9 years Osama brought America to its knees; exactly what he wanted.

    And today. On this day that should be for remembering the 3,000 Americans that lost their lives on the high-jacked planes and in the Towers, we point fingers at the peaceful Muslim race that has for so long been nothing but our brethren. It is not their fault for the destruction of America, but the radical Muslim extremists known as Al Qaeda, which stand completely apart from the peaceful Muslim race. America has fallen a long ways due to the efforts of Terrorists, and it has become ever prominent that our decline is not over. We must unite to destroy terrorism, not reject our muslim brothers and sisters.

    Today we remember the men and women who lost their lives in the Towers nine years ago. But we should also take a look back on the men and women of United Flight 93, and the firefighters that were in the Towers attempting to evacuate the thousands of helpless people when the Trade Centers fell. Today, those people who brought down the high-jackers in control of United Flight 93 (presumably headed for the White House), and the firefighters who gave their lives to save others should be remembered as our heroes. Their efforts are the true acts of heroism that the American people should long admire.

    Remember the heroes of 9/11, remember America as it once was.

    Never Forget.
    #1 RedNeck, Sep 11, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    #2 Jex Yoyo, Sep 11, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  3. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    i definatly will never forget that day.

    lest we forget
  4. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    It's unforgotten.
    Seriously though, you know where I'm going with this.
  5. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    You didn't even mention the Pentagon...
  6. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    Although 9/11 rarely crosses my mind, except in the fall months, it was a very serious moment. It did shock America and the war pretty much screwed over America's economy. Also that one one Muslim holiday ended today. It was an accident and all my Muslim friends were laughing about it but all those crazy racist Americans probably freaked out and about that Mosque too. Can't we all just not give a **** about what people look like or their religion? We all just gotta hold hands and sing songs.

    Now THAT was some serious ****.
    #6 Klaydude11, Sep 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2010
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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  8. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    YouTube - DJ Sammy - Heaven - 911 Remix

    I remember when I first heard this song. I was sitting with my cousin in her room just hanging around, when she told me I should listen to it. It wasn't long before I was in tears. Should I make a dubstep remix?
  9. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    I went to Ground Zero today because of the fact that I lost an uncle to the 9/11 attack. It was really touching to see thousands of people coming together to remember. Although I was relatively young at the time it happened, I have obviously felt the impact over the years...
  10. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I will be reminded of 9/11 any time of the year, not just around September or down in New York. My birthday was on 9/11/1992. I am always hesitant to say my birth date to other people, get a bad vibe going on sort of. 9/11 is a scar I'm going to have to live with, my day of birth which is a person's favorite day or among them will always be associated with the horrid deaths and the sheer terror commited 9 years ago today.
  11. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    ****in terrorists. we cant pull troops out now. we need to kick more ass. make it really hurt for what they have done:mad:

    any way my heart goes out to any one who lost family that day. i wish i were older so i could join the army... and yeah bombing the pentago was bull crap who do they think they are.
  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    It's sad how few people realize this.
  13. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    it is dude. you realize, we are at war with a gang? thats whack
  14. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    What I find even more sad:

  15. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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  16. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    What I find a bit ironic with instances like these is that it's something you would much rather forget, but the sheer terror of its memory is just something that will never die off.

    We remember things like slavery for the same reason.

    Very respectful and stupid at the same time.
  17. deathtoearth596

    deathtoearth596 Forerunner

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    My dad was supposed to be in the North Tower that day. Thank god he missed his plane.
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Oddly, this is one of two events in my life in which I distinctly recall where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing for most of that day... the other being the day Princess Diana had died.
  19. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Well said Red, horrendous day which is sadly still having a negative impact on people's lives.

    Fully support the mosque and completely reject the ignorant trash coming from protesters.
  20. deathtoearth596

    deathtoearth596 Forerunner

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    Are you kidding?

    World War II was a confrontation between militaries. For Americans, basically all that died were soldiers who were fully aware that they may very well end up giving their lives for the war and their country and for a cause they believed in. While it was tragic how many died, they gave their lives to save those of others and to end a cruel man's leadership.

    September 11th was an unwarranted attack on innocent civilians thousands of miles away from any battleground, in a place that should be safe to them.

    It is extremely cold and cruel of you to say something like that. This was the largest attack on innocents ever on American soil.

    2,819 people died in the attacks.

    3,051 children lost a parent.

    1,069 people lost a spouse.

    422,000 New Yorkers estimated to be suffering from post-traumatic-stress disorder.

    And, lastly, 20% of Americans know someone who was either killed or hurt in the attack.

    And every single one of those people was completely innocent.

    For you to say something like that is honestly one of the most inconsiderate things I think I have ever heard. And I know that some events have pulled worst numbers than those, but this was an unwarranted attack on innocents on their home soil, and the first ever of such a scale in America.

    That is why we won't forget.

    EDIT: By the way, here's my source for the numbers. September 11th by the Numbers

    EDIT 2: His post has been removed. But I'm keeping this post up (as long as I'm allowed) so that people can see the numbers.
    #20 deathtoearth596, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
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