No, there isn't one. In just a few days, will be hosting a picture of each and every armor piece in the game right on their servers. We can change around the numbers in the URL to customize a render of our spartans and preview any combination we want. I don't know who's going to decipher it all, but im going to try. Here's a preview of the upcoming page.
Halo 3 had 187,947,000 different armour combinations (elites and Spartans included) and thats only with 4 variable pieces, a 1/4 less colours and a lot less items to choose from. Halo 3's armour generator - 1.75 TB of data just for those images? FFFFUUUU....
Yeah, but we just need to find each Number to change the helmets and ****. We dont need to list each combination.
Really liking the credits till level up bar, looks shiny. What I don't understand though, is why under MP kills it shows 55, then aside half of that (27.5).
Even if there are loads of combinations you just know that somewhere somebody will find a really cool combo that looks epic and badass and then all the retard 11 year old squeeker fanboys will copy it and then state that they made it up.
The only thing i could think of would be that the brackets meant how many of those kills were in social/ranked or something. but that wouldn't make sense as you can't have .5 of a kill, unless the .5 refers to an assist. But that would be kinda complicated.
Well player profiles are now up for anyone who has played Reach. So... erm... decoding the image names? Good luck with that. Male spartan example: L52m68UxE4Nmii19PFtsO0eN9T9vlOFMeO9Spp3CExE%3d Female spartan example: /ymhZMLIOw6C7xFFBo8iF%2byq2oJyQqbzYfWoqdkjJuo%3d We needs a haxxor in here, nao!
=T%2fGSwyPSbosOsvjLbym9Fg%3d%3d This one looks a little smaller I doubt if they went to the effort to put them like this there will be a simple pattern though. lol yeah I was expecting something like that, If your REALLY wanna make one you could alternately find someone with all the armor and wear every combo and save each one , 1 by 1
Screw the generator, I'm gonna get a render of my character which I worked to get in the actual game, and if that doesn't work then forget I said this >:3
There are literally trillions (fillions according to SX) of different combinations once you put everything together. Colors, emblems, spartan vs. elite, helmets, shoulders, chest, legs, accessories, armour effects, AND attachments. My info is somewhat relevant so I thought I'd share...
Yeah, but every piece has a code online. Just need to know each piece's code and it'd be instantly easy to just piece together a custom look generator.
I've worked out that the high-res versions have completely different codes to the low res, which means you can either try and work out high res or low res codes.
I have a feeling that each image code is then coded or encrypted or something. If you change any letter to the next letter then you would eventually expect to find a valid code for an armour image rather than the error message you always get, Perhaps Bungie has a program which will generate a player image as and when its needed. I mean, Halo 3 has around 10x more armour combinations than there have been unique players ever to play the game, obviously some combinations will have to go unused and therefore a lot of space it going to be wasted. Maybe thats why we can't see any logical pattern in the urls? They're just randomly generated?