Hi guys, this is more towards a question i have about reacch. I got reach a fews days early so i was wondering if i am able to post any of my maps i forged on here. CAuse let me tell you me and my friend have been making maps like it our job. Also if anyone has reach and would like to forge with me just leave you gt below.
If you wait until after 11:59:59 on monday night, you can post whatever you want because it will no longer be leaked content. Coming up before then will be a special location for you to post just reach maps and games. And don't spoil anything because then you will get banned.
How exactly did you get the game early? I'm sort of puzzled. As for posting maps it is definitely leaked content... sorry.
Dont listen to anyone else. Bungie knows that a few copies are already out there and they even gave away a few. So YES YOU CAN. It IS NOT leaked content.