We all know that forge world will be uber. But does anyone know any details about forging on the other maps? Will we still get phased mechanics? Will there be significant building pieces or will we be limited to spawn points, weapons, and minor bits and bats such as fusion coils, radios etc?
Phased mechanics are part of Forge 2.0, so yes... you should be able to phase objects as well as all the other item properties/options on every map.
I would assume it is on the same level as halo 3... so maps like boneyard are probably comparable to the forgability of avalanche.
At first look I would agree with ^^^ but at the same time like, this time around Bungie has really outdone itself with forge and listening to the community so you never know, maybe they did put in stuff that would make us be able to have fun on other maps rather then forge world *not that I'll actually be going on anything else then forge world of course hehehe*
I believe it's really good to forge on the other maps. Of course it not great as the forge world, but you can change outlook and game play of the map completely. Like making a conquest map in Reflection or infection map in Zealot's space.
Non Forge World map contest anyone? I expect we'll see similar items to those we saw in Halo 3, lots of UNSC boxes and crates. I'm expecting non-movable objects and with phased mechanics maps like Sword Base and Reflection won't be a pain to Forge on like Halo 3's smaller maps (on inside area of Rat's Nest). I think some of the other maps may be easier to adapt for mini games and party games, too. Just a few ideas; isolate the water on Power House for a Conquest map (adjust the cliff side slightly to make it symmetrical). Add a Death Zone to the floor of Sword Base (unless we don't get them in other maps). How about repairing the ship on Boneyard and have a map inside it? I'm not expecting any of the maps to be any less Forge-able than any of the H3 DLC maps. It'll speed things up a lot seeing as we won't need to ghost merge every piece to get them inside small areas!
Most people forget that forge exists for other maps now that we have forgeworld. It is possible that death barriers and large objects may be available for other maps since they are already included in the game.
The only phasable object on Zealot is sandbags. I've seen little reason to believe most other maps are any better. I think Bungie invested so much care and processing resources into the default maps this time that there's no power left to run forged geometry on top of that. Plus things like lightmaps which Forge World saved a ton of processing power by cutting down on (thus we can have the immensity of it) are done quite a lot on other maps.
Uhh, no dude. Phasing doesn't work on every object. The game's been leaked for weeks, people have tested this.
but the game hasnt came out yet bungie could have easily stopped them from phasing to save some for us. Easily cut it off. maybe not too easily but ive gone too far /\/\/\/\ |[0][0]| |<--->| ------ / woot \ | | | |
I think it will depend on the map. If its small and not very open, much like citadel on halo 3, you'll probably find not much to do and vice versa. At least I hope theres more then just forge world.
I heard... [POSSIBLE SPOILER] Spoiler ... You get to use gold columns/walls/blocks etc. to literally make reflection play any way you want it to Remember (if you read it) I heard it, no I have no proof of any kind but you can trust me or not it doesn't matter to me, I don't know if it's true but it would be great if it was for obvious reasons.
Bungie or someone has said somewhere that its like halo 3, Other maps won't have as many items as forge world but with have more unique items. (all maps will have basic items like walls kill zones and spawn points etc.) Also all the features as Phasing and rotation snap and stuff will be in every map.
Halo Reach went Gold on August 5(over a month ago). If you don't know what that means, it means that they finished the game. So no Bungie couldn't have "easily cut if off".
it will probably be the same as the difference between a map like guardian and sandbox. the latter is made to have unlimited possibilities, so it will be more forgeable.