Lol just made my first flamethrower ('flint & steel', as the minecraft wiki called it) I had a giant chunk of leaves floating around my tower to my sky base.......... NOT NO MORE!
If the guy was smart, he'd be talking to Steam and Bungie about methods of mainstreaming his game. Steam would give him a viable option to mainstream his game across the PC platform. He could be talking to Bungie just to get an idea on how to port his game over as an xbox live arcade game.
To avoid confusion, I did the mudkip, and I'd be willing to make other pokémon, just keep in mind the different blocks and what can be done, water pokémon are the most plausible given the amount if blue blocks we have.
I'm in no way saying it will port over to xbox live arcade. I was just saying if he was smart, he would try to get info on how to go about making that happen from his Bungie contacts.
MUDKIP NOOOO~! Twin waterfalls and tears NOOO~! PEDRO HATES IT! NOOO~! MUDKIP NOOO~! That pokemon follows me everywhere and dislike pokemon. I cannot wait until we get a place for art away from the other things. yes. Art belongs with art, and buildings hide them too much, not to mention I am always scared of taking out bits of them when I build. Someone grifed the pokemon but it was not I... They beat me to it. (Not that i'd take someone's art down, that's just not cool to do. I mean, that musta taken forever to do. In a way if it haddn't been a mudkip I woulda thought it was cool.)
I keep getting asked about this so I'm going to say this one more time. The new server will not be in effect until the WEEKEND. Now stop bugging me about it.
Guys, please keep your sprites on the walls...the koopa troopa, link, and daisy really get in the way of structures...
Yeah, it's shitty, probably a forum member that did it considering that the other art was left alone. It wasn't even in the way lol, it was on a wall. I guess those are the same people that call us immature for liking pokemon lol.
Whoever made Link and Zelda Princess, please take them down. They get majorly in the way...I'd really appreciate if all Sprites were kept to the outer walls of the world. Thank you!
That is true. No more expansion of uptown, unless it is vertical. Although it is a big project, and a good bit of people are helping, you are also interfering with a lot of people's work.
Okay, well, Uptown is done as is....I may do one level under, but that may come later...I don't want to have uptown lose its...uptownness
The fact that you're making an area above the map that doesn't detract from ground space is great, but it's not so important that other things should be deleted. The 8 bit murals are only 1 block deep, and they don't go very high. Your projects are no more important than anybody else's. /troll