Physics Remastered Presents: The Island Heres a link to the video/tutorial! YouTube - Physics Remastered - The Island (Tutorial Included) This is a video and a tutorial, so it is pretty long, but then again this glitch has a lot of steps. "The Island" is the island at the other end of "Recon Valley" aka the first area with enemies. Basically, we found a way to get rid of the death barrier outside of Recon Valley, which allowed us a way to launch to the island without dying. Yes, we also got to the lonely rock, but we're going to make another video for that, this one is already pretty long. Enjoy! Credits: Performers: L337 PWN4GE SlowhandHendrix (and his guest) Contributers: Bellachichi berkgina Carnage A51 Cosmic IVIodz DARKEST WARRIOR nickgs 21 The Phenomenom The SuperWaffle Physics Remastered Members: Bellachichi berkgina Carnage A51 L337 PWN4GE nickgs 21 SlowhandHendrix The Phenomenom The SuperWaffle
just crazy ideas, with 1000 failures along with them, so its not like we go oh do this and it will work we try alot of different stuff and eventually we find sumthing.