What's the funniest gamertag you've ever seen while playing on Xbox Live? For me, it would have to be Odd Smell. I almost lol'd when I read it.
I'm extremely fond of mine, I [often] seem to be the center of attention (whether it's positive or negative) when I get into a lobby. And it's provided me with lulz every now-and-then. edit; btw Digested, your sig is epic but it's extremely large as well :X
G0ds P1ckle H0rDe of Ewaks Ninja Catz My Hairy Pickle MLGxHobox xXWalmartXx (B)(A)(B)(Y) Jesus (Modded) Tasty Fartz
Every gamertag at my school. I thought they wouldn't be dumb enough to use the most unoriginal gamertags out there, but they proved me wrong. First it was ixXDrOpShOtSXx, now it's xXChOsEn DrOpShOtS. I lol at how they still think they're cool by using those gamertags.
Morbid Bongwater Sam Bl00df4rt a lv. 37 Ditto DIRTY SANCHEZ (and he acted like a stereotypical Mexican thug)