I Tried looking but didn't find anything, But what are armor effects. I know if you preorder the legendary edition you get one that says it turns on fire. But is that the only one that has an effect? Does anyone know what all the effects are?
You must not have searched very hard because I googled 'armor effects' and came up with millions of results. Google Request Lock
Lets use our noggins' here. Lets follow my last post and what do we do next? Go to Google and type in "armor effects", that's it.
Wow, no need to be an ass. To answer your question, there are 2 other effects, the Grunt Birthday Party which just like the original, except your head explodes in colorful confetti when you get headshotted. The other one is called disturbance or something and clouds appear around you with lightning. Both are 1 million + credits. --- And looking it up, there are actually more here on Halopedia. Totally forgot about those. Hope this helps!
There is also a blue flame, which doesn't appear in the final armory leak, so we assume its the new bungie employee use thing.
I know of five armor effects. 1. Birthday Party - From what I understand, it's like the birthday skull in ODST. When you're killed, expect a "horray" type sound with confetti exploding. 2. Heart Attack - I'm expecting this one to be similar to Birthday party, but instead of confetti, it's hearts and stuff like that. 3. Pestilence - Looks like you're dirty and infested with flies/bugs/mosquitos, stuff like that. 4. Inclement Weather - Appears that you're covered in blue electricity. 5. Flaming helmet - This is the one that requires a Legendary Edition to have. And it's an ummm, flaming helmet. I also watched an interview with a bungie rep say that armor effects were going to cost insane ammounts of credits. Like 2 million Cr. Not sure if thats just the permanent ones like the electricity, or the ones where they're only active when you're killed. But either way, if you're wanting that asap, better be prepared to forego buying other armors and stuff and saving up your Cr for awhile.
dont you have a bungie.net account? if not Blame Stosh [and by the way all i know they have is grunt birthday party, lightning cloud and gas cloud]
Nothing, they're all purely visual like every other aspect of the armoury. Though I've heard some people whining that the lightning one makes it kinda hard to tell when someone is one shot or something similar, haven't seen a vid or anything which backs that up though.