This is a very hard track to race on, as it is easy to roll and come off the track and will end up passing the mark you need to go through. OH watch out for the cross jump because you don't want to start again. Made My KingSharpShoota Starting place THE BIG JUMP! Watch out before you JUMP!!! Thats steep! Just after the start Air crash DOWNLOAD HERE
A: I can't see the pics and B: The worst thing you can do when posting your map is use leet speak/abbreviation. Some of the words that you spelt aren't even abbreviated and you just changed a letter for the sake of looking bad (eg: az instead of as, which is shorter because the s is right next to the a)
You have been told multiple times and yet you have not listened. Revisit some previous posts and PAY ATTENTION to what you have been told.
Yeah GoodWhaleSushi is right you should never use Leet speak in your posts. But by looking at the picture it looks like a good race map. Just do it right next time.
now that you fixed the pictures i think this map looks pretty good for no interlocking all though you could try to add some to neaten it out i will dl and check this out
The track is made for vip so if you go off the track you will not get a point. So its not easy to cheat.
look it up in forging 101 for all of your forging needs lol. seriously forging 101 section. your map looks pretty decent without interlocking. good job
Yeah, I like your map, a lot, it's just those few problems that have now been fixed that annoyed me. Oh, and interlocking is like the foundation of most good maps, I'm surprised there's somebody who hasn't heard of it.
Oh i'm kingsharpshooter's brother, i was the one that was asking wat interlocking was, i already knew what it was we just call it Fusing thats y we were woundring wat it was....
Thanks. Can do interlocking but this was made before i new how to do it. I do have a CTF maps with lots of interlocking on it. Called HOUSE OF DOOM. You can get it off my file share and its best played with oneway CTF with 2 rounds and 7 mins each round. heres a link to it