What Map Ideas Do You Have For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 23, 2010.


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  1. Jazake

    Jazake Forerunner

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    Ok new Infection idea. So there is a massive base on the top of 'The Rock', for the humans. There are a lot of indoor close-quarters areas, outdoor open 'dance-floor' areas, and an armory for mainly mid-ranged weapons. The Humans start in a small spawn room at the back of the base.
    Meanwhile, there is a little platform about halfway down 'the rock' on which 2 Alpha zombies spawn (looking up at the base using that camera-looking-thing). They are a little bit weaker than the average fatkid-Alpha. (Same weapon layout as fatkid.)
    The humans get 45 seconds to leave the spawnpoint and explore the base/prepare for the zombies. After 45 seconds, The purple FX ball spawns and turns the map to a night themed map, and jetpacks spawn on the Apha's platform so that they can start going up to the base. If a zombie kills a human, they become a zombie and spawn with a jetpack at on of the platforms surrounding the rock (random spawn to prevent spawnkilling)

    The game requires team work for the humans, as the Alpha are going to be really strong, and teamwork is heavily suggested for the Alpha's if they want to win.
    Opinions? Questions? Comments?
    #461 Jazake, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  2. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    That actually sounds pretty neat. It's too bad we don't have like, a transition FX, so that when it shifts to "night" it won't be so jarring.

    Would it be possible to put some lights on the outside portions of the base? You know, so that the humans have at least some protection from the creepy-crawlies of the night? It would also help the zombies locate the entrances to the base, instead of "feeling" their way through.
  3. Jazake

    Jazake Forerunner

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    Yeah, lights are a good idea. but i dont really know for sure until i see exactly HOW dark the Purple FX makes it. I assume it wont be pitch black, but lights could deffinitely be good ascetic regardless. thanks for the input. Any other suggestions? Im still working on loadouts for humans and more details like that.
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i bet that it will be in a swat playlist. headhunter swat would be saweeet.
  5. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    They should have the voiceover guy (what are we supposed to call him, again?) do an announcement for that: "SWATHunter".

    In fact, though I don't think it's possible at this time, maybe for the next HALO game have a text-to-speech program read the custom gametype names and make it sound like the guy is saying it. It wouldn't be the same, but it would still be cool :)
  6. BlueShore

    BlueShore Forerunner

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    WELL, The first map im doing will probably either be on the

    1: Hillside Pocket
    2: The foundry building inside a rock
    3: the blood gulch grass area

    It will be a Soccer/Football pitch, with zoomers, gravity hammers and all the jazz.
    I just don't know what game mode to make it, CTF?
  7. Marko Dash

    Marko Dash Ancient
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    I've had i long time to think about this, so this will be a long post. didn't even remember i had an account here, 2.5 years and one post... has to be a record

    these are four separate ideas, but depending on how much of the budget they use i will try to use multiple on a single map.


    these forts will be spread around the map, most will be small with only enough room for one or two people to cover behind the walls or use a mounted weapon, will have a light vehicle like a mongoose/warthog etc. one or two will be larger having more room, better defenses and a vehicle garage. i'm thinking of just using sectioned off pieces of the hanger in the cliff wall and telleporters to give the larger bases a motor pool.

    weapons on the map will be mostly light arms, with heavy weapons being rare, the idea is to encourage the use of vehicles or concentrated fire and engage enemy vehicles rather than one guy with rockets or a spartan laser.

    offshore cruiser/battleship

    Ive been trying to make a decent looking ship for ages the the H3 forge and have had no luck but with the advanced tools coming in reach it looks a lot more possible.

    how big the interior will be i dont know yet, but i plan on enclosing a scorpion so just just the turret shows above the hull for the main gun. a rocket warthog or two for SAM and SSM turrets. a few machine gun turrets and a helipad to land falcons on.

    i also plan on putting just outside of jetpack range from shore so the only way to get to it will be from ferrying people with falcons.

    it will take 3 guys to man the main weapons and 4/5 to man everything but once manned becomes it becomes very hard to kill the people on it.

    the only way to get at the team inside will be to board it, and to even get close you have to take out the missile turrets.

    i'm going to try and find a way to protect the scorpions gun turret from fire so that the only way to take it out will be boarding also.

    this one is more of just a personal exercise as i can't seem to think of any gametype to effectively use it alone in besides something like a team king of the hill with the ships CiC being the hill.

    large firebase

    this one if more of a "if i have points left" addition to the 1st one than a standalone, it will be a large base positioned as near to the middle of the map as i can.

    as some of you may know calling it a 'Firebase' means its main job is providing long range indirect artillery fire, and whats the only thing in halo that can fire indirectly at long range?
    the wraith! and depending on how it's projectile preforms, the revnant.

    now i'm not as sure of the layout as i am on the ship but i plan on having a wraith in an area protected from enemy fire with a few ramps to get more elevation out of the plasma mortar. i also don't want people driving off with reason of the bases existence so the wraith will have a wall around it. this means that the driver can't really see what he is shooting at.

    to actually hit stuff the driver of the wraith will have to cooperate with other members of his team, especially the guy in the watchtower, now what's the watchtower? the the watchtower be be a small protected platform above the firebase for an observer, may or may not have a target designator, I've heard it not going to be in forge, if it's not a sniper rifle will take its place. his main job will be spotting for the wraith's mortar and taking out anybody trying to destroy the wraith.

    the trenches aka WWI

    this one will probably be the most budget heavy but also has the the most stand alone value and will be able to use a lot of different gametypes.

    why will it be the most budget heavy? especially against something like the ship? the reason is fairly simple once you think about it, since we can't actually dig the trenches they will have to be above ground, this means i will have to make a 'floor' or ground at the top of the trenches for vehicles and people who wan't to risk being exposed.

    the layout will be very conventional, two bases with the trenches in the middle. in the two bases there will be the two most deadly killers of WW1 machine guns and artillery. the machine guns will be provided by stationary turrets, the artillery by a wraith-pen described in the firebase section.

    the trenches themselves won't be very high, i want them short enough that you can stand up and fire out of them. by crouching down however they should cover your head. the trenches on ether side will not connect to each other there will be a small gap in the middle.

    i'm not sure yet whether to have it so your exposed when crossing the middle or to have teleporters lead to ether side of a sectioned off tunnel to simulate an underground passage.

    weapons on the map will vary depending on where your at, the bases will have long range weapons for sniping at the idiots trying to run across the killing field. the trenches themselves will mostly have thing like assault rifles. weapons like the sword and shotgun will be very desirable in the trenches but will be at various locations on the 'field' meaning you will have to come out from the relative safety of the trenches and become one of the idiots mentioned above to get them.

    well that's it, it's been 2hr and 2 rewrites since i started all that...blah.
    #467 Marko Dash, Sep 6, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  8. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    Sounds like some good ideas you got going there. Trenches might not be too budget heavy, however: have you seen the size of those rocks???

    Good luck with your maps, I'll likely be joining the tester's guild at sometime once Reach comes out, so add me and I'll be glad to help you out with that!
  9. Alucard

    Alucard Forerunner

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    I don't think the trenches will be too much for the budget as I made a trench level in Halo 3s Sandbox. Doubt it's as good as the forge world trench idea is going to be though
  10. zohrah

    zohrah Forerunner

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    welll i have a football kind of idea where theres evade as a loadout and have a bomb [maybe if not something else] as the football and when you evade its like a fumble [because you die] also to die im going to use sheild vampire as a tackle when you evade to someone you kill them { IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP ME BUILD THIS MAP MESSAGE ME ON XBOX LIVE NOT HERE BECAUSE IM NOT ALWAYS ON }

  11. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Ancient

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    Maybe a game like on the edges of the blood gulch zone, like on the very chasm, not floating, just in the mountain and a man cannon and bridge to each side, like an edge to edge jump across game map. i like to decorate a lot, and make forerunner structures. if anyone interested add me on xbox live and send me a message
  12. FloppyPhoenixFTW

    FloppyPhoenixFTW Forerunner

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    i have a couple ideas for Reach. List:

    -jail map (alcatraz) on island of forgeworld
    -cops and robbers map
    -remake of backwash
    -remake of chasm 10 from halo 3 odst firefight
    -ctf on entire forgeworld
    -special projects (as in special i mean i dont know yet :p)

    and of course all this will be made on forge world. i might make a couple maps on the other levels, idk.
  13. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
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    I friend came up with a GoW gametype because the elites armor ability to roll is similar to how cog and locust jump.
  14. Greenfire32

    Greenfire32 Forerunner

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    I'm going to be making Goldeneye/Perfect Dark maps and I'll have a "classic" game variant to match them.
  15. Alexgamer03

    Alexgamer03 Forerunner

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    if possible and i have actual puzzle forging talent. I'd try to recreate limbo. i doubt i will though so puzzle makers feel free too use that idea. ( i would love to see what paradox forgers would do with that.)

    another would probably be a necrubis like map.

    other than that nothing else... im shallow on ideas.
  16. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    Sounds ike a good idea, but I don't really understand you very good because you have a super long run on sentence that dosent make sence in many places, but a football game would be awesome!
  17. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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    Hey, I've not got any real idea's I want to share at the moment, but since I won't get my Pre-ordered Reach until tomorrow... Anyone know if you can forge underwater? Or if the water is fairly deep and or has a depth kill limit?
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    you can be fully submerged, but shortly after that you'll die. You gotta place a floor on the deeper regions to do this.
  19. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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    Cool, thanks man. That'll help a lot.
  20. Darkseide

    Darkseide Forerunner
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    Map Idea/Request

    Hey, I'd like to see someone remake this map Facing Worlds for Halo: Reach.

    One suggestion is that the middle area be given a small platform on both towers, with sniper rifle and teleporter, to make it more like the actual map.

    Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask, I'm rather unsure
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