I thought I'd make a topic for for the PAX 2010 Halo Reach panel, for those of you who weren't able to go. If a mod doesn't like this, please delete or just merge with halo reach discussion. YouTube - PAX 2010: Bungie Halo: Reach Panel (Part 1) YouTube - PAX 2010: Bungie Halo: Reach Panel (Part 2) (6:30-7:43 is epic ) YouTube - PAX 2010: Bungie Halo: Reach Panel (Part 3) YouTube - PAX 2010: Bungie Halo: Reach Panel (Part 4) Lots of great stuff to discuss in here.
I haven't finished all of the videos yet, I'm half way through the first one, and there aren't any so far.
Okay, tell me when your done if their are any. And then I'll watch EDIT: Actually, if it has anything to do with Campaign then I'm not watching
Oh, well then you won't want to watch it. It talks a lot about the work that they've put into campaign. It doesn't spoil the story, though.
Yeah, at least for the 1st and 4th videos. I'm not sure about the 2nd and 3rd, I skipped around those a little.
if your on xbox live you can go to halo waypoint and watch the whole 53 min vid if you please... in the video archives under the Bungie section if you lost
Well that is the full panel on YouTube in the OP. As for spoilers, nothing drastic. They show the original plan for the first mission, which is just a few circles with very basic notes on (start here, meet enemy here, end here sort of stuff). Theres a video which shows some tests they did very early on but that looks like someone modded Halo 3! I think the "biggest" (not really that big) spoiler warning should go over "Marty's Video", but there's nothing huge discussed and I cant actually remember what exactly the spoiler is because the other thing they're showing you at the same time is amazing. Someone in the Q&A at the end says Bungie is like the Pixar of the gaming industry, but with that bit in Marty's video you wouldn't think these people were making a game! I saw them using the same technique for the new Warhammer 40k film. Unless of course you're expecting boats. In that case, you may not want to watch the bit where they explain that there won't be a water-hog.