Vantage Point Created by Purpl3Kill Plase take notice: I appreciate the comments guys, thanks. But for future posters, please do not comment on the walls, I get that point. Im not reprimanding those that have said it, I am in fact thankful, but it has been my experience that some helpful C&C is frequently repeated. Thanks. Introduction: Vantage Point is a map I threw together while I was bored. I had an idea running through my head; I wanted a map where the combat was up close and personal. One where you would have to switch to a pistol once your enemie's shields were down to finish 'em off, where you would have to find cover to survive on a map where little cover can be found, and even if you're in last place, you still have a great time. I believe I have achieved that goal. Overview: Vantage Point is a small level. It supports as little as two players, and as many as ten. If you try and have more than ten players, then the extra players will find themselves wandering in an un-known abyss. Not really, but that was fun to say (thats called humor, haha). But yeah, extra players equals bad. So the layout; The map can be devided into three segments (by hieght): Number 1; Lower Segment: Has a few objects strewn about to disrupt battles, an easy trap to get trapped in if you havn't the correct tactics (yes, thats propper grammar). Number 2; Upper Segment: If you are here, then you are in the area were screenshot numero uno was taken. Here there is 1 battle rifle, and a pistol somewhere and a deployable cover. The biggest and one of the best places to be in the map (IMO). Number 3; Middle Segment: If you are here, then you are not in any of the other pictures (thats a lie). Here you see the Shotgun Spawn, along with a pair of Frag's, a Plasma Pistol, and a Radar Jammer. This is probably the runner up for the best place to be on the map. You do have a good firing position on the Lower Segment, but are open to fire from the other segment (however there is cover to be found). Other Details: Supported Gametypes: -Slayer (Both) -Territories -Infection -Oddball -KoTH (KoTH may have problems) Also, try doing a gametype with SMG's as the starting weapon, and maybe throw in some 1.50 damage resistance to make it a bit harder. Just a thought. Map Equipment: -Pair of Frag's x2 -Regenerator x1 -Deployable Cover x1 -Battle Rifle x1 -Shotgun x1 -Magnum x3 -Plasma Pistol x3 I WANT DOWNLOAD!!1!1! If you want some more Screenshots:
5v5 in this map that's insane you would lag up the WORLD but other than that good abuse of interlocking and the walls look a bit crooked but that is it 1v1 is amazing!!!
Who is flymingo? And how is HE in the GoO? [/jealousy] Looks extremely small, even smaller than my map. But perhaps it's a good thing, who knows?
I appreciate the comments guys, thanks. But for future posters, please dont comment on the walls, I get that point. Im not reprimanding those that have said it, but it has been my experience that some C&C is frequently repeated. I can see where you're coming from. I agree with you, 5v5 on this map, would be terrible. But that is mainly for when you want to play infection. TY for the comment Yes, but that was what I intended; That pretty much is my respons. TY for the CC Yeah, I agree. I made this map in about 2 hours (give or take). And I actually was planning on reworking some stuff. Again, TY for the CC
The walls are a bit... lol just kidding, the map looks very good, I like small maps like this for when my brother and I feel like a little 1v1. Queued.
Lol the last map thread I made someone did the exact same thing lol. Thanks for the input, im glad you like it.