Top 10 Halo forge WTF's

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by mooman219, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
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    Let me start by saying that this counts as "Halo 3 Forge Discussion" because i am discussing forge with the rest of you?

    To help with the discussion part of this, comment on my top ten, or tell me yours. I am not ranting, i am just sorting some brain tumer causing issues i have with halo 3 forge.

    And let me make this clear, i do not want to be putting down halo, i love halo and its forge, but compromising with a disk after a WTF doesn't seem to healthy.

    Lets begin! (10 - Meh )( 1 - Back to modern warfare it is)
    [10.] No Effects on Unlimited budget maps. //Budget Related// Budget/Object limit.
    [9.] Loading every one of your maps after shutting down your Xbox.
    [8.] Finding out that on my hard drive, halo maps that i deleted still exist in my hard drive. But cant be played anymore or read by halo.
    [7.] Sandbox Guardian sound.
    [6.] Having the item you are holding teleport through the grid while trying to get it in the right spot on sandbox
    [5.] Object not ghost merging after attempt #135+
    [4.] Congrats! You map is breakable by other players and you're out of cash for it. //Its minor, but i'll add it// having the clock tell you it is 4am when you could of sworn it was 11pm last time you checked.
    [3.] Having someone join your game while ghost merging. //They both involve other people// Getting killed while forging.
    [2.] Deleting a object while holding the object you meant to delete.
    [1.] Ending the game on accident due to the habit of starting a new round As fast as possible. *After Not Saving*
    [0.] Waiting for halo reach
    I had some more but it's a top ten, not a rant
    (I am expecting a "O'rly?" from saying that)
  2. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    [10.] Never happens to me because I never use the Unlimited Budget Glitch.
    [9.] Somewhat annoying, I got used to it.
    [8.] Not really annoying for me since I have 250 GB of Space.
    [7.] Annoying when playing a blocked Sandbox Map, really need a way to block this.
    [6.] Really annoying, but luckily I don't forge in the Skybubble a lot.
    [5.] This one is the second most annoying thing for me gets me so fustrated, I try to Ghost merge, but on my tenth try, it still never appears after making it instantly respawn.
    [4.] Not really major since you can't do anything about it with no money.
    [3.] Thats why I put it to Invite Only. . .
    [2.] Probably one of the most annoying for me because I try to put this wall down and accidentally delete an object that took me like 10 mins to get perfect.
    [1.] My very most annoying and frustrating WTF's because I have created an amazing map and all of a sudden I go to "Start a New Round" then all of a sudden "GAME OVER!" WTF?
    [0.] Agreed* "Shoots himself in the head." JK
    #2 InFamousx, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  3. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    [10.] I don't really use 'em so it's all good.
    [9.] I really hate this. I think it should be bumped up.
    [8.] I never knew this lol. But now it really bothers me.
    [7.] Wouldn't be Sandbox without it.
    [6.] I have only forged one map in the skybubble so I didn't take much notice of it.
    [5.] I end my game after a few times to avoid this so this has never happened to me.
    [4.] Never had the escapable map problem. But I have run out if money/items before.
    [3.] That hasn't happened since I stopped letting people in.
    [2.] This is without a doubt number 2.
    [1.] I have actually cried a little when this happened (exaggerating).
    [0.] Yes.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    ha ha I actually like this.

    I'ma put 5 though.

    5.) Forger's block.

    4.) Maximum object number reached.

    3.) Perfectly aligned objects getting out of wack after reloading the map.

    2.) Somone joining and ****ing up my budget glitch before I have saved my work.

    1.) Accidentally quitting before I save...... *rage face*
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I'd have to say...

    10.) Have people join your game and start killing you.
    09.) Forgetting to have your game set up as invite only and have people randomly join and screw up what you did.
    08.) After starting a new round x # of times, having it end game.
    07.) Dropping objects through the grid on Sandbox or over the side to end up out of bounds on a map that doesn't have the guardians blocked off.
    06.) Reaching the OLN limit and having your map start acting like a strobe light
    05.) Having one of the original pieces on an OLN map ghost in the position it originally was on the map after bracing it.
    04.) Accidentally deleting pieces while holding them
    03.) Running out of pieces
    02.) Having pieces out of alignment after reloading the map.
    01.) Deleting an object on an OLN map and having them inaccessible anymore
  6. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
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    Lol, i would like to say that i am original for making this top ten, but this was a cocktail of losing a saved map and watching video games top 10 wtf moments in history (Long title ftw!). But never less i love, the support i am getting from everyone here. +rep to you all (If forge hub had rep)

    7. Sandbox is the third layer of hell, uncontrollable banging noise of a metal tower

    What? you thought it was going to be some cow ranting about a bad forge experience? pfft, way to stereo type. but really, i am glad you like it :D
    5.) Forger's block. -=- Agreed, I Head bang on wall, that normal gets something flowing
    4.) Maximum object number reached. -=- It makes me feel warm in fuzzy in side when i get the bleep bleep bleep, "no moar objects! your screwed!" Message
    3.) Perfectly aligned objects getting out of wack after reloading the map. -=- I can't say this hasn't happened to me before, it caught me off guard, then i played gears of war for a few hours.
    2.) Somone joining and ****ing up my budget glitch before I have saved my work. -=- ... "N00bsauce has joined the game ... N00bsauce has killed ausomforger ... N00bsauce has deleted everything while you were in menu looking for the boot button ... Game over..."
    1.) Accidentally quitting before I save...... *rage face* -=- this forge rant was a product of that
  7. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    quality thread indeed

    not so much all WTFs but definitely my top 10 hates

    10.) realizing the map i made actually was a horrible idea and a waste of time
    09.) lagging out while forging with multiple people
    08.) not spawning on spawn points
    07.) no friends to play or do anything with online
    06.) the banging sound object make when they touch each other
    05.) not having enough room to place anything
    04.) lag switchers :mad:
    03.) people inviting me to games and then booting me instantly
    02.) people entering your games and deleting your work
    01.) little kids and their high pitch voices talking trash like they run the world
    i should just put little kids for all 10 of my WTFs
  8. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    Also this. . .
  9. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    10. Having someone go out of their way to delete things on your map so they can build on to their map that is hidden in the crypt.
    9. Having people see the map is uneven on their X-box (when it's not) and "adjusting" your map while seeing it was a mistake when I start a new round.
    8. Mixing objects together then having someone join and delete one then acting like nothing happened.
    7. Not being host when your the one ghost merging.
    6. People spawning weapons secretly and using up your budget just to pick one to kill you randomly while forging.
    5. Placing a spawn on the main level of SB on a "crypt blocked" map just to spawn in the crypt.
    4. Inviting one guy to a forge game then have 6 others follow him in and do anything they want.
    3. Have someone join in your game, save your map leave, and say they made it forgetting they stole it from you.
    2. People on your recent players list joining and pointing out every little mistake, while adding to parts of your map that are perfect.
    1. Someone asking me to help them build a map then having them start a new round just for them to boot you because they thought you deleted a piece when you actually put its spawn to "no".
    0. Having forge end the game when you clearly chose "start new round" clearly without saving.

    [Yes, I have to admit, I was ranting pretty hard there]
  10. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    10. People asking for invites while I'm forging and then if I do invite them they just HAVE to build a base in the corner and blow me up.

    9. Having a gay fusion coil glitch and then when I go into the teleporter to get to the skybox I think 'wtf where'd it go?!' and then it floats up from the main level and is stuck behind the grid forever. (Crap I hate that!)

    8. Building a map in the dunes and then someone deletes the items blocking the towers, thus rendering my map impossible to build.

    7. People spawning splazers and then keep saying 'Look look look I'm guilty spark!' and blowing me up.

    6. People deleting vehicles I spawned when I'm using the budget glitch so I can't get them back.

    5. People saying Caboose quotes (this is annoying whether I'm forging or not, and this is a certain someone.....)

    4. People asking me to make them have 50% gravity and 300% speed when I'm in the lobby.

    3. Kill ball-spawning noobs.

    2. People having wars with other people in the game and making bases and murdering each other with rockets and then 'missing' and hitting me.

    1. People standing on you while you're forging.

  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Only have a few to add here..

    1) An immature individual joining your game and writing the name of a sexual body part on the tallest dune on Sandbox in weapons, and you don't find out until someone points it out on a post on Forgehub. And that person thinks you wrote it.

    2) Having someone kill you during/after the second part of a ghost merge. By the time you get back to the object, it has de-spawned.

    3) Having an object force spawn itself when ghost merging before you have it lined up properly.
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Ughh... was forging a map and had a friend I invited to my forge session, invite someone else that I purposely ignored from my friend's list. I booted the person I was ignoring and he saved my map to his hard drive...

    I despise map theft.
  13. Kilenum

    Kilenum Ancient
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    I spent hours on this one map trying to make everything perfect, Someone joined the game because of course i forgot to (invite only). Lost the last 50% of the map likely I made a backup and rebuilt it to the tee a little better even. really sucked though stupid forge fairy's.):
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Just 2

    2) Hellish placing objects perfectly, but they never place just right.
    1) Losing motivation after umpteenth time placing a block and having it incline wrongly just enough that I hate it and delete.

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