QFT than save up for pilot, get the haunted helmet, and than get some other cool junk. i dont care about voices at all, even though being a chick with sargeant johnsons voice would be fun. if i buy a voice, it will definitely be sarge.
the prerequisites for the haunted helmet are "purchase every other helmet and variant in the game." it only costs one credit though
IMma spend it all on sexy PRonz!!! whats the haunted helmet?!? can sumone link me? but seriously tho im going to make my guy as buly and beast as possible
once again, leaked content is not allowed. look it up yourself. youtube. halo reach armor customizations.
I don't know. . . since I Pre-Ordered the Limited Edition, and am getting the Recon Helmet, I'll probably spend them on the MARK V shoulders and get the Master Chief's Firefight Voice, with some cool looking chestpiece and some knee-guards. Also probably just going to get the Haunted Helmet for fun. 9.14.10 Expect to see you guys on Reach!
Well I'm preordering so I'll have recon from the start and I'm preordering from gamestop so I can mix my recon helmet with the multi-threat armor. I won't look quite as spiffy as those wearing their flaming legendary helmets but at least I'll look pretty sweet until I get some credits built up
ill just wear default until i unlock ODST, then Mark V, then some shoulders and chest, then go from there. i dont really like the look of recon, and everyone will have it anyway so its not like its anything special... its basically like CQB to me. unlocked from the start and uglier than default. although in halo 3 i thought mark VI was the best looking helmet anyway...
Am I the only one that likes EOD? It looks less Ape now, but I like the look of it. It reminds me of a Stormtrooper.
ODST costs 2,000 credits, and is unlocked from the start. They give you 5,000cr upon starting your profile, so you can literally use the ODST helmet within seconds of starting. just sayin.
saving n buying pestilence due to the fact i will pre-order and have recon and multi-threat from gamestop. after i get pestience i will buy either EOD or military police then some voice... not sure what ones there will be but if a gravemind voice is available i will use it, or maybe bucks voice if thats in there.
I'm going to save my hard earned credits until either A, I can't stand my current armor, or B, I feel I have enough credits saved that I can just blow it all off on some cool looking armor. Whichever comes first; more then likely it will be the later since there is some pretty awesome armor already at the start.
most likely get all of the helmets so that i can get the haunted helmet. i.e. the one with the skull that looks all badass. :ninja:
agree I'm buying as many helmets as possible only getting other stuff when i have to wait to rank up (to unlock more helmets)
I'm actually pretty clueless on what armor there actually is to buy. I'll have to look it up a bit. Until then I'll either stick with default or save for EOD.
the new EOD does look awesome, I like that they took out that big white part and made the two eyes one small visor, more like the rogue
I will save up my credits for as long as I possibly can before I buy something. On day 1, I'll just use the bonus items from gamestop. And, in case anyone is wondering about all the armor thats available: Spoiler YouTube - Halo Reach : The Armory : All Spartan Armor : All Elite Armor