Was I the only one that didn't know about this? Source: Will the shine be off the Halo? - latimes.com I think that Reach will stay alive, while microsoft's continuation of the series will die.
This is OLD news. Like terribly Old news. 343 was created what? 2 Years ago almost? Waypoint is a 343 project.
Yup, been established news for a while now. When Bungie signed a deal with Activision a while ago, their departure from Halo was really set in stone, to the extent that many people called them as picking up the CoD name. Glad that was unfounded, and I can see their point about wanting to go with their own IP after working on something MS owned in the Halo name. I'm actually really excited to see what said new IP turns out to be, they clearly have a lot of faith in it and the Bungie name alone is enough to have me hanging on any word that comes out about it. Obviously it's going to be a while before we hear anything more, detracting from Reach by talking about a new IP already would be stupid, but I hope we're not kept in the dark for too long. I'd heard that 343 will be taking over maintaince of Reach at some point, does anyone know what the deal is with that? I'm talking time scale, and possibly them even taking over the reigns of DLC? I'm not sure how I'd feel about the latter.
Well I sorta remember something being said about 343 taking the reigns after a year, but have absolutely nothing to back that up apart from very vague memory. If that is the case, however, then it'd seem odd to stop DLC after only a year, map packs are a big part of ensuring longevity, incredibly important for Halo titles. Servers and playlists make sense of course, and tbh I trust them to take care of that properly since it requires less of the specific design mentality that went in to the actual game than possible DLC continuation would. Also, I know Frankie went to 343, does anyone know if there were other Bungie names that made the switch? Obviously Shishka's name was thrown about in that context when he left Bungie, but I'm pretty damn sure that turned out to be just unfounded assumption.
I remember in a recent article Bungie saying they would support Reach until well after their new IP starts and comes out. Not sure if I read correctly though.
i don't really expect 343 to make a game of the same quality as bungie but who knows (probably not) all i have to add is this: reach will most likely, in fact almost definitely, top any and all of the 343 games once they own the franchise. Spoiler
How could you think that when you have no idea how 343 works ? You do realize they have a hefty amount of former bungie employee's right ? Why would they fail?
i'm not saying that they will fail really, i'm just saying that it will probably not compare to reach.
They're not that highly ex-Bungie employed. Very few are actual ex-Bungineers. Most worked for Microsoft or were hired afterwards.
I dunno about them taking over Reach but makes sense for them to, But they did say they where going to continue on MC's story.
As i said there are alot more ex bungie than ppl think =P But just wait for the game if you need that concrete of proof XD Id rather not sit up and argue.
Microsoft and 343 are going to BUTCHER Halo. And why would they continue with the story of Master Chief? The story ended perfectly in Halo 3 with MC going to sleep in a cryo-chamber.
Personally I think Bungie made forge so awesome so they don't have to create DLC. They will probably drop two map packs in a few months and be like "That's it that's all there is have fun! CANT WAIT to see the new stuff Bungie has in store, and as for Microsoft making Halo, It will be the same quality in graphics and such but the game-play and stories are not gonna be pretty Plz don't make me hate Halo Microsoft!
actually if you saw the legendary ending bungie obviously set up a cliff hanger since cheif is floating toward some mysterious forerunner planet.. so no the story didnt really END XD And you cannot just ignorantly say 343 will butcher the game when you have no idea what they can do as a developer..