Forge Territories Problem: Requesting assistance from creative forgers.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by redearth, Sep 3, 2010.

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  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Me and a community of people are working on a Battlefield Conquest gametype. Only problem is, we can't figure something out. We want people to be able to spawn on any controlled territories. But that's the problem. How do we make it so that you can only go in territories YOU control? I'm sure this could be used in other maps too, so feel free to use any solution we find.

    Personal solution: Put a mongoose along a track. Make the mongoose a territory. Make it so that you can teleport to the territory, with one problem. If you teleport into the area, you teleport so high up in a tower you will be guaranteed to die if one condition isn't met. That condition is that the territory is moved to be on your teleporter, where gravity is lowered enough to allow you to survive. Obviously if you control the territory, you control the mongoose. Control of the mongoose is the only way to prevent your enemy from mass teleporting into the territory and taking over.

    Sounds sound eh? Big problem. If you crouch right before you hit the ground in the beta fall damage is negated. If that's not fixed, then this entire theory is dead. So I'm going to ask you guys for help. Got any ideas?
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Crouching just before hitting the ground to reduce fall damage was implemented in the game on purpose as a way for players still have that chance at surviving, so I don't think they're gonna be taking it out.
  3. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    I'm pretty sure you couldn't spawn in enemy controlled territories in Halo 3 at least, if that's what you're suggesting (unless it was the only option).
    If you want them to only spawn in territories they control, and not outside all territories then I would just have the territories control all the spawn points. Beyond that I think they're favored but I'm not sure.
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i dont fully understand what you said, but could a hard kill zone on the ground work?
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    No. That would kill everyone. I want people who own the territory to live.
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    What i got from that is can you spawn you team on your territories?

    I dunno yet haven't got the game, but I'm pretty sure it would prefer spawn points closer to your territories.

    Because of other comments I'm gonna say this there was in halo:3 the option to change the persons traits depending on if they where attacking or defending the territory which I think would be included in reach.
  7. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    Halo Reach hasn't come out yet, so who knows, maybe you can spawn on territory.
  8. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I want you to be able to choose, like in Battlefield.
  9. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Oh I get what you mean now.
    Yea that's a tricky one. As far as I know you don't get the option to pick your spawn in territories like you do in invasion.
    Can teleporters get set to teams? (For some reason I think I've heard that before but it seems unlikely all the same. Maybe that was 1 way shield doors?) Because in Halo 3 a respawn area was switched based on territory control, it could work similary with other objects that are team controlled.
  10. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    ok i know how you can make it so you can only spawn in a territory you control and you get to pick which one, however there would only be 1 spawn point, unless with the receiver node radius you can come out anywhere with in that area?
    what you would do is make people spawn in a teleporter room. They would get to chose were they spawn.
    the trick is at each territory there would be a movable EX.Crate that each team would have to move over the other teams reciever node, blocking it, which would at the same time make your teams receiver node open

    PS: if you dont understand this ill try to explain it better tommorow once i get on......but trust me it makes sense lol ill even make an example of it in halo 3's forge if you really need it.
    #10 Vantier Raleigh, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Lowering gravity decreases fall damage, 50% gravity negates it.
  12. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    I have plans for a BattleFront/BattleField gametype of my own, but since there's no immediate or simple way around the spawning on territories problem, I decided that the staple gametype for my BattleFront wil be slayer. I'll still have CTF, which will be just as fun as a conquest gametype.

    Another possibility is a one-way linear version of conquest using Invasion- Have the attacking team need to capture 3 control points in a particular order-

    O O
    .| |
    O O

    Phase 1 and Phase 2 will offer the attackers two choices of areas to attack, and Phase 3 will only have one choice.
    In Phase 3, a better loadout will unlock, depending on the team- for example, if the attackers were droids, and the defenders were clones, the defenders would get a loadout with Jetpack, magnum and DMR (jet trooper), and the attackers would get a loadout with armor lock and Plasma Repeater (Droideka).
    It's a decent idea, and I don't mind other people using it.
    #12 caniblcake, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  13. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    This is basic switch forging. Problem? The crate will eventually respawn. So will the mongoose I suppose, but it's way easier to move.

    And everyone else. I'm just looking for a way to teleport to a specific territory from a base, but you need to control it or you will die.

    My mongoose idea is to use the territories, and when you fall out of the teleporter, the 50% gravity trait of the territory would kill the fall damage. The 50% gravity trait of the territory requires the mongoose to be closer to your side of the territory.
  14. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Initial edit: this is adding on to your mongoose spawning idea....

    Instead of trying to kill people by falling, you could try killing them by not falling fast enough. Place a soft kill barrier in the tower you fall down. If you control the territory you would have slightly higher gravity than people who dont. [EX] Team controlling has 300% gravity when in the territory and everyone else has 100%. If you control the territory, you drop through the air faster and therefore get out of the soft kill barrier just in time to survive, however the lighter people hit the ten second barrier and die. There are a few problems with this though. First, a ten second fall would need to be from a very high distance so 1) you would have to negate fall damage every time you spawned which could lead to all sorts of frustration and 2) you might not even be able to reach a hight that would be capable of giving a 10 second fall. However, I heard somewhere that if you stay in a soft kill area for more than 5 seconds, that time carries over if you renter that kill zone within a certain amount of time. So maby you could force players to take some of the time somewhere else, then when they hit the teleporter they wont have to fall for nearly as long in order to be separated. I think that would be your best bet.
    #14 A Fluffy Pillow, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I think that's even more complicated than my original plan.
  16. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    OMG just a few minutes ago i thought of recreating platforms from the first battlefront. I now really hope that there is a "spawn on territories" option, or that other people will come up with ways to get around that.
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    ^This man is correct. But if one team controls a majority of the territories, it can cause an enemy player to spawn in a friendly zone. So there is no real perfect way to implement it, but the above describes your best possible option, assuming everything functions similar to Halo 3.

    One more thing to note: In Halo 3 maps there were "hidden" default spawn points in maps not seen in forge. (you can test this by deleting all spawns in a map and committing suicide, wherever you spawn next is a "hidden" default spawn) They would be used when the spawn system deemed all others not safe. The only way to counter them was to block them with an object. This then forces the engine to only use the spawn points you've placed.

    Now I'm not sure if Reach will be the same way, but if it is, then you'll also have to make sure to block these "hidden" spawn points so they don't affect your system you're going for.
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I'm looking for a better solution so people can choose where to go. Hence my original plan with the two towers.
  19. BRI Manning

    BRI Manning Forerunner

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    Hey i was thinking of making a similar game type because i wanted to make it for battlefront 2 maps where the most common gametype was conquest, you spawn in your territories only and get to choose if you have more than one. i was thinking you'd have to make it an invasion SLAYER game type, remember how you could choose certain places to spawn? but this was limited so if your going to make maps with territories make sure to have a few only. max 5? also they confirmed being able to forge invasion maps so its likely we'll be able to pick where we spawn at the least...
    #19 BRI Manning, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
  20. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    i got an idea but not sure how to fully work it out.

    teleporters do provide the fastest transport but need specific points.
    if you bock the teleporters at bases a team would need to unblock to gain access to.
    while doing this you would also make it possible for the other team to reblock the teleporter so that they may use it.

    place to recievers of opposing teams right next to each other with a movible crate on top of both. As a team gets to the base, the move the crate off of their teleporter while it still remains on the opponents teleporter
    the crate will move back and forth as the teams battle for control of the base
    the sender node will be at the main base of the team so that they may go to which ever base the want to go to

    something like that should work... find me online if you need help
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